The thing I say too much. Oh and "si"
LOL just randomy a neighbour in the block of flats which I live in rang the door bell. I was like AHhhh what do I do, thinking it was Andrea-land lord- or Sylivia or that Jessepie dude. But nope a random neighbour, who could speak English because other then Ciao, all that I said to him was in English. He managed to respond and understand me. LOL all he wanted was some bread. LOL I couldn't stop laughing cause it was funny. LOL so random but funny!!
23rd-Wednesday, I went to the Cesena City Council equivilant, and waited for ages for the stupid Premesso Di Soggiorno thing, and I got there LOL and they were at number 9...I got a ticket it said 229...I was like WHAT! I presummed it was just 29...cause the number doobey could only show 2 numbers. So I sat there and waited for ages. I had a conversation...well it could be classified as CHIT CHAT, with the lady next to me. She asked what number I was? and then where I came from. It took me a while to understand what she was saying. She spoke very softly.
While I was waiting I was ammused by some strange things. For one where in the world would you see a man dressed as fashionably and as similar to a girl?? Italy. There was a guy who had MASSIVE bug eye sunnies...Dior...which were PINK, strange Jeans, I think orange kinda scary know the metro ones that look kinda like rock climbing shoes...and a white long sleeved top. LOL the two men I was sitting next to made fun of the guy but obviously knew him cause they proded his "PECKS" kinda saying they are really more like boobs LOL!!! Then a mother with a pram wearing UBER stelleto's...Kringe. But the one thing that made me go...WHAT?? Was a lady who had kinda long toenails, manicured, and all painted and fancy. I was like what? Who? Why? HOW? Then to top it off I was nice to a lady who had the number 27...and only 29 and 30 or something were waiting. She asked if she could go infront of me, cause she missed her turn. I was like totally didn't have much of a clue about what was going on. All I wanted to do was get in there and finish it and then go to the cool market. So in the end I managed to get my appointment thing to go to the police station. The really dumb thing is that...It's for NEXT YEAR!! I was like WHAT?! Next year January or March I don't know how the Italians do their date things. I was like ok...that doesn't make any sense. I knew Italians did stuff slowly but ...I have like 6-8 months to wait...I was like what the... not much point me getting one considering I wouldn't be in Italy for much longer.
So after this great and marvellous revelation thing. I walked aorund through the cool MERCATO-Market and was like hey wow lots of cool things. Everything from undies to shampoo, to lollies, to cutlery. It's great like a massive department store for random stuff. LOL I bought a fake Louis Vutton Wallet and a wicked Bag-not Louis Vutton...but there will be another day for THAT! LOL nah it was cool. I spent 10 Euros' roughly $17. So I was kinda like hey wow. The bag I bought would have been in Austalia lke $20-$30. So I was like eh not bad. LOL it's got heaps more stuff then Salamanca and goes down like 1 and a half Streets. I was like oooo AHHhhhh LOL and you go to tone of the random cafe things for food...unless you want lollies.

Been cooking Pasta for myself and it's good. LOL I haven't bought much in the way of other foods cause well I haven't needed to so all good. I may never be as good as cooking pasta like the Italians but maybe one day.
I watched this little girl learn how to ride a bike LOL It was kinda funny and scary at times. She had so much attitude and her dad would kinda hold onto the back of the bike and tell her what to do. I never realised how hard it can be to ride a bike. She was presistant though even having run into the side of a concrete kinda grass box thing and hit the corner of it with her leg. I was like AHhhh OWW!!! I wonder if I was like that when I was learning how to ride a bike??
Ah I was watching the Italian Sports News and was in ore of the goals scored by various people. Some of them you just have to go...DAMN...there is no way of descirbing them but these guys have luck and talent on their sides thats for sure. Also the Italians LOL won't stop sharing the fact that they are the CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD in Football lol they keep telling me.

24th-Well I was invited by Andrea the land come with him to this MASSIVE I can't stress the MASSIVENESS OF THIS Meeting thing. It is called the Rimini Meeting. Rimini being where it is held- Small town like 30km away from Cesena. It is held in what look to be massive AEROPLANE hangers LOL very close to them in size and they are filled with people and various groups etc that are from various parts of Italy. They have like a Sports section, Childrens Section, Random stuff all the way though it. I went to this exhibition of the Galaxy and the Universe. It was pretty cool. Andrea met his friends...wouldn't have a clue what their names where...both of which guys LOL and made me laugh. The 3 of them would be like your typical 30yr old not married live with my mother kinda guys. Sweet as but so weird. LOL so they found an English Interpreatator for me which was nice. and He showed me around this Galaxy exhibition. LOL it was funny cause one of the friends was LISTENING intently to what the interpretator was saying lol even though I doubt he could understand. LOL it was funny. I was trying not to laugh. I did how ever learn ALOT about the universe and was kinda interesting...most of the stuff I learnt has well dissappeared when my brain had to try and listen and understand some lady who was telling us about various stars in the Make Shift planatorium thing. I was just happy to sit down. So I was like marvellous.
Around the entire place there were MONKS and PRIESTS. Like the real deal. It kinda made sense when I went to this random Religious lecture/confrence thing. They got me another interpretor lady who was really nice and knew really good English. I didn't really understnd much of what she was saying, they were really big words, and I couldnt' hear her. The main gist of the thing was that if one is Religious, they should Pray and Work equally or else there is no meaning to just work without prayer and to just pray with out work. They were saying that this Era of Humanity is the hardest time for the true conversion of a faith. Cause of all the advancements and fast pace life. There was probley more...but I was facinated by the monks...LOL

I then went to another lecture thing which was about the immigration of Islamic people. The way Italy is having to change it's standards to meet those of the faith. How Immigration should be determinded of what they can bring to Italy, such as a trade or something, as aposed to the quantity of people coming in. I kinda didn't really understand or like some of what the Man was saying. Ha this time I had cool head phones that recived some random-which kept changing-translating in English. But none the less it made sense some of the stuff He was saying...but other times I was like ah a room full of scary people. Why am I in here?? I came out and met with Andrea and friend, and they seemed MOVED by the thing, many Italians would have been.
We then proceeded to find food. This is where things got...really BIG!! Think of the Taste of Tassie. OK then put that in like 2 Aeroplane Hanger type structures and then triple the amount of people you would see at the TASTE, and you have the TASTE OF ITALY!! LOL It was HUGE. and the smell was gooodddd!!! There were like about 30 pizza ovens working their BUTTS off to cook all these pizza's, that was weird. So we went to the place where you pay and order your food. I thought oh yeah you get some strange pasta meal and then go. HA what ever! You get seated at a table, then a man will SET THE TABLE, knife, fork, glass and even paper placemats. Now you don't get that at the TASTE!!! LOL and remember there are like triple the amount of people then what you would see at the taste, and everyone gets their own stuff!!! Ok so we sat down at a table with Andrea's mates, and a waitress came and took some random order for drinks etc. I was like wow so resatraunt. Then we got drinks, bread, main meal,salad,grill thing and then dessert. OK now I thought I was just getting some strange pasta dish. Not the fancy extras you get at a restaraunt. But it was like eating at a restaraunt with thousands of people. SO WEIRD!!! OK a brief description of the food I recieved:
BREAD-nice tasting mountain bread stuff, fried puffy bread that was nice ( the people we were sitting with were friends of Andrea's and they laughed at me when I was eating the puffy bread), bread stick and a roll.
PASTA-Tortalinie with creamy, wee meaty bits, and strange cabbage bits. It was good.
GRILL-Grilled Zucchini, eggplant and tomato
SALAD- Well a bowl of random salad ingrediants with an olive oil, pepper and salt kinda dip thing. You take a carrot or what ever and dip it into the olive oil. NICE!
DESSERT-You are ment to dip the Biscotti and other random sweet things into wine. I don't drink so they were a bilt like ah you weirdo...but THEY are weirder drinking their wine with floating bits of biscotti. HA who is weird NOW??
LOL weird. The people we sat with at the table were nice. Old and spending their childrens inheritence LOL. Two couples so sweet. The ladies ordered like an antipasto thing. It came with cold meats of Italy, you name it, it was probley on there, served on like a round wooden chopping board LOL I was like wow...If dad was there he would have gone NUTS!! LOL the men had pasta, one had something similar to Spag-Bol...but not as meaty or saucy... and the other had the same random pasta dish as I had. Totally tripping out the whole time must have looked like a stunned mullet...wide eyed...and just STARING.LOL one of the ladies used me as an excuse to get some more bread saying I was form Australia LOL.They kept talking about me. LOL I could kinda understand what they were saying...I don't think they realiased that I could Understand.

(FROM THE RIGHT:Andrea, Random friend,Random, Random, Random, Random)
LOL so that was food. Then we said good bye LOL so sweet and then Andrea and myself went to this strange choir. It was awsome. They didn't have any music and had a harmonica which they would use to get the not they started of with. I was like WOOOOO. It was a whole bunch of folk songs kinda choirised. There were two kinda perfomances. One was a bunch of men that looked like Wood choppers and labourers and the other group was like 57 or something men ranging in ages and prefessions singing together. There was about 20 men maybe in the first group-all of which were kinda old form 30-70.So goood!! Both of them didn't have any music accompanying them...I think it's called Archipeligo when you sing with no music. It was awsome...despite the fact I stood for like 2 hours...By the end I wanted them to end. And cause I couldn't understand the MC dude, I was just waiting for the massive Standing Ovation at the was like waiting for John Farnom to end his singing Career LOL IT NEVER ENDED!!! Song after SONG...they were good but my legs were hurting and cause there would have been like 300 people easy in this kinda arenea thing...another Aeroplane hanger thing... I wanted to sit down...ha I sat for the last 10mins I was like OH YEAH. But I was indeed impressed with the fact they sang that all with no music and they were DAMN good!!! I could Imagine my Dad singing along to them even though he wouldn't know the words LOL. At the end they were like signaling for the wholE crownd to sing...LOL me not knowing what to sing I just kinda made noises and moved my mouth. I didn't want to get I am in ITALY here people...MAFIA!! Oh and when in Rome do what the Romans do...even though I wasn't In Rome...I was still close...not really...I would be closer to Milan or Switerland...LOL

But it finished and I enjoyed it. The whole day was awsome I was there for like 10 hours. From like 2pm till 12am so it was a massive day and also taking in the amount of PEOPLE and trying to Understand everything was like eh...too much...poor brain...LOL but I did how ever manage to continue to get freaked out by the Italian way of driving like a maniac and on the other side of the road. It kinda felt as if the car was driviing itself. It was really weird when I first got into the car...I was like eh I am going to die...LOL so weird! But it was fun. Thouraghly enjoyed myself.
25th-Recover after a massive day and watch tv, movie. Eat more pasta, and get freaked out by the random Gabrielle who wanted bread! LOL HE was like Hey your an Australian! I was like eh! LOL my day.