Monday, April 02, 2007

Il primo giorno di Aprile

Well it all started out when I looked at the message my dad sent me saying "I WON THE LOTTERY! LOL(lots of love) DAD" at that point I was like sweet he can potentially pay for a buisness class trip Home! OH YEAH!!! Then I looked at my other message and it read "Happy April Fools day LOL DAD". From that moment onwards it was planning and thinking!

I finally came up with a potential-heart-attack-plan and waited until the time was right...or until it was a kinda decent Australia time to exicute my plan.

The time came and so i put the motions into place. I sent my dad a message saying " I have been taken to the police station because they wouldn't accept my drivers license as ID. I need you to call me so that you can verify who I am and what I am doing here ASAP". With in seconds my phone rang. I answered.
"Hey Dad"
"Whats happened?"
"We were out and we got stopped by the police and all I had on me was my drivers license and they wouldn't let me come home to get my passport."
"Who do I need to speak to then?"
"MR. April Fools"
The both of us started laughing and the plan worked. I had offically fooled my dad into believing I was in prison!

So if you are ever away from home during April Fools, theres a good one for you!

Have a great Easter!1!! Rememebr it's EASTER DINOSAURE!!!!!!! No more Bunnies this year!



Blogger Erica said...

Yes! You got him! Well done :) Reminds me of a trick we pulled on my boss, shall have to tell you bout it some time.

Happy Easter :)

10:15 PM  
Blogger Imo said...


3:35 AM  

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