Saturday 7th -Today was the Cesenotte-Cesena Night in a shortened form- It was AWSOME!!! FANTASTIC WICKED OH MY AWSOME!!! LOL It's a LONG night in Cesena. The entire city is alive with food and music and CULTURE!! IT was awsome!!!!
Henrique, Patricia and Myslef went early to the Festival and it was raining and stuff whcih wasnt' cool but yeah was still awosme!! There was an antique market whcih was awsome!! It had massive collections of Kinder Surprise TOYS it was AWOMSE and things I had never seen before!! I was like ahh want I want LOL!! It is held in the First weekend of each month whcih is awosme I never knew about it before!!! But yeah we met Magda on our way into the city and lent her an Umbrella! LOL and then we looked aorund and then came home!
On or way home we met up with Edwardo LOL and Michelle. Edwardo is another Portugese guy who studies Psychology! LOL EVERYONE HERE studies either Psychology or Architecture! It's cool! We went to Ipercop and they got some food and we will meet up later in the arvo to all go to the Cesenotte.
OK so About 7 or so we Nathalie, Patricia, Henrique, Edwardo, Michelle and Myself went into Cesena for the BIGGEST NIGHT EVER!! LOL
First we started off with the FOOD!! There was food from around Italy and the world. We had France, Greeece, China, Morrocco, Iraq and Italy of course!!! LOL

This is a photo of the Cesena Duomo. It's awsome by nihgt. Unfortuanalty this isn't a great photo but you can get the idea of it!!

This shows the amount of people just on 1/4 of the food shops!!! Oh it was awosme kinda very like the Taste of Tassie but a bit smaller.

The first hting Nathalie and I ate was this sort of deepfried seafood concoction...form Cesenatico!! Yeah the place where I went to the beach!! Yip!! LOL Was awsome really salty but it was nice!!

This is a PIZZA FRITTA..or in other words deep fried pizza. It's OH SOOO GOOOD!!! LOL it had Tomatoes and Mozzarella inside and it was really awsome!! Fantastic and just heaven!!! LOL
I also ate this deepfried rice ball with cheese and Proscuito inside from the Sicilian Region..was weird but nice!! LOL after this I ate some Gelato, con due Gusto-Pistachio e Cacao (Ice-cream with 2 flavours, Pistachio and Coco). Oh it was good!!! I never knew a nut Ice-cream could taste that good!!!
I then bought a waffle with chocolate inside...like UBER mouth watering CHOCOLATE inside a beatuifully cooked waffle!! Oh my goodness it was HEAVEN!!!

After my adventurous efforts of Eating this wonderful waffle and chocolate we followed the Medieval Parade of Flag throwers and People dreassed in Fansy clothes...that i couldn't see...but later on I saw them in the Castle...yip how cool is that!!

We just walked aorund and found things that were interesting...LIKE MUSIC LOL We followed the music and it led us to a Band in a little Courtyard thing where we had gone previously for a party that week I have no Idea when...probley Wednesday or soemthing!!!

Both Photo's are BY Nathalie.
We then Went to Piazza di Popolo which is like the Center of Cesena and we were following the Medieval peple with their fansy clothes and their fancy stuff!! LOL It was cool we all got a bit tourist with the fountian!! LOL

Yes as you can see I like the Piazza...i just needed a tripod!! LOL i shake the camera LOL But it was beautiful!!!
Below are the great photo's by Nathalie!! LOL

Michelle, Edwardo and I in Piazza di Popolo.

Henrique, Michelle and Edwardo in Piazza di Popolo.
After our Fasination with the Piazza di Popolo we decided to go to the Castel and look at the great Medievel display of random things! It was pretty cool what they were doing theough it looked really ahrd! The guy stuffed up a couple of times but none the less it was awsome!!!

From the Castle we walked back to the Center and well the Portugese found free WINE!! LOL They are lovers of WINE!! And having free wine...well what more could you ask for?! LOL It was cool casue they gave you free cake LOL i think was so well you didn't exactly get everyone really drunk...though you'd expect someone to be a bit...TIPSY...considering there would be FREE ALCOHOL!!

They didn't drink that much...but i reacon between Henrique, Patricia, Michelle, Edwardo and Nathalie...well I reacon they did a pretty good job!
Here a photo was taken which has arisen some spectulations regarding Edwardo and Nathalie...you be the judge of the LOVE!!

After the copuious consumption of Alcohol we danced our way to the music where when there's music there is ALWAYS someone to dance!! LOL they jsut had some awsome music Beach Boys, Madonna, oh great 80's 90's and everything music LOL it was awsome!!!

We had some information form the bliss of SMS that there were some people hanging out at LARUO's-who is Argentinian and kinda kreepy but nice-place whcih was indeed not far from where we were!! So on we went there and we found people and they were jsut sitting....WHEN THERE IS A MASIVE PARTY OUTSIDE>>>EH<<< LOL so we got most of them OUT whcih was GOOOD!!! LOL
We followed the music which was only meer dances away...we did dance there...well I did...i dunno about everyone else...but yeah. We found the AWSOME bar place music thing with a fountain and it was wicked...as you can tell from the great photo's!! LOL

Myself and Edwardo.

Fountain at the Bar.

Magda and Michelle.


Henrique. This was taken by me i reacon it's awsome LOL.


This was the cool little car that was jsut Parked there it's awsome!!!

Patricia and Nathalie.

Henrique, Edwardo and Piere(I think???)

Fountain again. They projected like maps and stuff it was cool!! They even had a smoke machine!

Band again.

Nathalie, Myself and Edwardo.

Maria and Piere??

From the great Bar-MUSIC-FOUntain-Car-Excellence we went back tot eh center and well found MUSIC!! LOl we danced to some great dancing music and oh it was cool. LOL on the way we saw some guy playing Digeridoo's I was like hey guys LOOK lol they didn't but I took a photo LOL.

I saw some guy making balloon things so i was like hey wow...I want one!! So i got a flower!! LOL it was then form here we went to the Piazza di Popolo by the direction of the Flower...ie ME...though I am a crap person to lead cause i just go everywhere. Oh some people wanted to Pop it and I was like ahhh NO SATY AWAY!!! LOL I was very protective!! LOL
We were back at the Piazza di Popolo where we had a nother photo session!! LOL it was cool...we were just witing for people to use the bathroom!!

Maria and Piere.

Me and my Flower!!

Magda and Ewin-He is form New Zealand.

Henrique and I.

Henrique, Magda, Euwin and I.

Henrique, Magda, Nathalie, Ewin and I.

Magda, Euwin in the background and Me and My flower!
After the photo shoot we heard like explosions and well low and behold there were fire works whcih were awsome LOL it was jsut what Cesena needed to finish a MASSIVE awsome NIGHT!! It was awsome!! LOL
Sunday 8th-Well everyone jsut kinda recovered fomr it all and slept pretty much!! LOL
Monday 9th-Nothing special. Just hung out at home.
Tuesday 10th- OOooooo I had an Excursion to the BRICK MAKING FACTORY!! LOL It was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!! I can't Imagine HOW I ever LIVED WITHOUT the INFORMATION I now have about BRICKS...OH YEAH! SO i want to share with everyone the things I saw at the...

Yeah I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread!! LOL
Wednesday 11th-Friday 13th-well it was just UNI and Italian class which was all pretty cool! LOL scary but cool!
Henrique, Patricia and Myslef went early to the Festival and it was raining and stuff whcih wasnt' cool but yeah was still awosme!! There was an antique market whcih was awsome!! It had massive collections of Kinder Surprise TOYS it was AWOMSE and things I had never seen before!! I was like ahh want I want LOL!! It is held in the First weekend of each month whcih is awosme I never knew about it before!!! But yeah we met Magda on our way into the city and lent her an Umbrella! LOL and then we looked aorund and then came home!
On or way home we met up with Edwardo LOL and Michelle. Edwardo is another Portugese guy who studies Psychology! LOL EVERYONE HERE studies either Psychology or Architecture! It's cool! We went to Ipercop and they got some food and we will meet up later in the arvo to all go to the Cesenotte.
OK so About 7 or so we Nathalie, Patricia, Henrique, Edwardo, Michelle and Myself went into Cesena for the BIGGEST NIGHT EVER!! LOL
First we started off with the FOOD!! There was food from around Italy and the world. We had France, Greeece, China, Morrocco, Iraq and Italy of course!!! LOL

This is a photo of the Cesena Duomo. It's awsome by nihgt. Unfortuanalty this isn't a great photo but you can get the idea of it!!

This shows the amount of people just on 1/4 of the food shops!!! Oh it was awosme kinda very like the Taste of Tassie but a bit smaller.

The first hting Nathalie and I ate was this sort of deepfried seafood concoction...form Cesenatico!! Yeah the place where I went to the beach!! Yip!! LOL Was awsome really salty but it was nice!!

This is a PIZZA FRITTA..or in other words deep fried pizza. It's OH SOOO GOOOD!!! LOL it had Tomatoes and Mozzarella inside and it was really awsome!! Fantastic and just heaven!!! LOL
I also ate this deepfried rice ball with cheese and Proscuito inside from the Sicilian Region..was weird but nice!! LOL after this I ate some Gelato, con due Gusto-Pistachio e Cacao (Ice-cream with 2 flavours, Pistachio and Coco). Oh it was good!!! I never knew a nut Ice-cream could taste that good!!!
I then bought a waffle with chocolate inside...like UBER mouth watering CHOCOLATE inside a beatuifully cooked waffle!! Oh my goodness it was HEAVEN!!!

After my adventurous efforts of Eating this wonderful waffle and chocolate we followed the Medieval Parade of Flag throwers and People dreassed in Fansy clothes...that i couldn't see...but later on I saw them in the Castle...yip how cool is that!!

We just walked aorund and found things that were interesting...LIKE MUSIC LOL We followed the music and it led us to a Band in a little Courtyard thing where we had gone previously for a party that week I have no Idea when...probley Wednesday or soemthing!!!

Both Photo's are BY Nathalie.
We then Went to Piazza di Popolo which is like the Center of Cesena and we were following the Medieval peple with their fansy clothes and their fancy stuff!! LOL It was cool we all got a bit tourist with the fountian!! LOL

Yes as you can see I like the Piazza...i just needed a tripod!! LOL i shake the camera LOL But it was beautiful!!!
Below are the great photo's by Nathalie!! LOL

Michelle, Edwardo and I in Piazza di Popolo.

Henrique, Michelle and Edwardo in Piazza di Popolo.
After our Fasination with the Piazza di Popolo we decided to go to the Castel and look at the great Medievel display of random things! It was pretty cool what they were doing theough it looked really ahrd! The guy stuffed up a couple of times but none the less it was awsome!!!

From the Castle we walked back to the Center and well the Portugese found free WINE!! LOL They are lovers of WINE!! And having free wine...well what more could you ask for?! LOL It was cool casue they gave you free cake LOL i think was so well you didn't exactly get everyone really drunk...though you'd expect someone to be a bit...TIPSY...considering there would be FREE ALCOHOL!!

They didn't drink that much...but i reacon between Henrique, Patricia, Michelle, Edwardo and Nathalie...well I reacon they did a pretty good job!
Here a photo was taken which has arisen some spectulations regarding Edwardo and Nathalie...you be the judge of the LOVE!!

After the copuious consumption of Alcohol we danced our way to the music where when there's music there is ALWAYS someone to dance!! LOL they jsut had some awsome music Beach Boys, Madonna, oh great 80's 90's and everything music LOL it was awsome!!!

We had some information form the bliss of SMS that there were some people hanging out at LARUO's-who is Argentinian and kinda kreepy but nice-place whcih was indeed not far from where we were!! So on we went there and we found people and they were jsut sitting....WHEN THERE IS A MASIVE PARTY OUTSIDE>>>EH<<< LOL so we got most of them OUT whcih was GOOOD!!! LOL
We followed the music which was only meer dances away...we did dance there...well I did...i dunno about everyone else...but yeah. We found the AWSOME bar place music thing with a fountain and it was wicked...as you can tell from the great photo's!! LOL

Myself and Edwardo.

Fountain at the Bar.

Magda and Michelle.


Henrique. This was taken by me i reacon it's awsome LOL.


This was the cool little car that was jsut Parked there it's awsome!!!

Patricia and Nathalie.

Henrique, Edwardo and Piere(I think???)

Fountain again. They projected like maps and stuff it was cool!! They even had a smoke machine!

Band again.

Nathalie, Myself and Edwardo.

Maria and Piere??

From the great Bar-MUSIC-FOUntain-Car-Excellence we went back tot eh center and well found MUSIC!! LOl we danced to some great dancing music and oh it was cool. LOL on the way we saw some guy playing Digeridoo's I was like hey guys LOOK lol they didn't but I took a photo LOL.

I saw some guy making balloon things so i was like hey wow...I want one!! So i got a flower!! LOL it was then form here we went to the Piazza di Popolo by the direction of the Flower...ie ME...though I am a crap person to lead cause i just go everywhere. Oh some people wanted to Pop it and I was like ahhh NO SATY AWAY!!! LOL I was very protective!! LOL
We were back at the Piazza di Popolo where we had a nother photo session!! LOL it was cool...we were just witing for people to use the bathroom!!

Maria and Piere.

Me and my Flower!!

Magda and Ewin-He is form New Zealand.

Henrique and I.

Henrique, Magda, Euwin and I.

Henrique, Magda, Nathalie, Ewin and I.

Magda, Euwin in the background and Me and My flower!
After the photo shoot we heard like explosions and well low and behold there were fire works whcih were awsome LOL it was jsut what Cesena needed to finish a MASSIVE awsome NIGHT!! It was awsome!! LOL
Sunday 8th-Well everyone jsut kinda recovered fomr it all and slept pretty much!! LOL
Monday 9th-Nothing special. Just hung out at home.
Tuesday 10th- OOooooo I had an Excursion to the BRICK MAKING FACTORY!! LOL It was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!! I can't Imagine HOW I ever LIVED WITHOUT the INFORMATION I now have about BRICKS...OH YEAH! SO i want to share with everyone the things I saw at the...

Yeah I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread!! LOL
Wednesday 11th-Friday 13th-well it was just UNI and Italian class which was all pretty cool! LOL scary but cool!
YAY!!!!! Go Kat!!!!!!
Thanks Imo!! LOL
Have to start studying now!!
Hi Kat,
Loved the flower balloon. You look skinnier in the pictures. Must be all the walking!!!
So happy you are having fun. Good to keep the parties to the weekend.
Enjoy your studies too!!
hehe, you're insane.....flag throwing....the new olympic sport! woo....hehe
have fun!
Thanks. It is an Awsome balloon.
BUzz...when have I ever not been insane?!
LOL yeah it was pretty cool!!
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