So I am up to the 30th-Wednesday. A lazy day in Cesena. I recieved an email frpm the Erasmus Student people and was like OOooo meet new people YAY!! LOL so the begingins of my adventure!
31st-Thursday the big day! Bolonga is a city about an hour train ride from Cesena, surrounded my modernity and then centered in amazing antiquties. LOL, it's awsome It's HUGE, Busy and full of random things!
I caught the train and was amazed to hear English at the Cesena train station.I still haevn't go t the hang of trains...The last time I was there...I was hauling a 30kg bag off a train and then up what seemed to be a mountain! I got my ticket and then the train arrived. I sat down on a fairly empty train and began the ride to Bologna.
The way to Bologna from Cesena and well vise versa is through alot of Corn fields and just plain old farmland. It's like a farming part of Italy, and they pretty much farm CORN. There are alot of Corn fields...hmm I wonder if they get Crop Circles...though strangely enough Italy has indeed been known for a fair few UFO sightings...ha there you go!
Anyway so I got to the station and I was like AHHHhhhhh what do I do. I just kinda followed all the other people..and eventually got outside where I was amazed by what I had Landed in. I was suprised at the amount of people one and then the strange thing of an old fountain in the middle of a modern city setting. There aren't any posh looking buldings everything is still very antique and Italian but whats inside is the modern bits.
I just wondered though the streets and over bridges through colonades-Colonades are undercover walkways which are like veranda's for buildings, though they more fancy and well more durable-with marbled paths and saw strange shops and people.
There was a random MERCATO-Market-seeling books, vynils,old stuff and these random plastc Aqua Coloured sunnies that when I touched I thought I was going to break I left em RIGHT ALONE...
Imagine those Getaway shows where the show the vegtable stalls and the markets in these wee little alley ways in a major city somewhere. Well I found one. LOL I was like hey wow. It was awsome looked like I was in a movie. There was a butcher on one side, Vegtable stansd and of course cheese! It was kinda weird I was just like..dumbfounded! Oh but I found a shop dedicated to Nutella...NUTELLA...How cool is that! Kinder, the brand name of Nutella Spports alot of Italian sport...Basketball for one.
Bologna is kinda famous for it's beauty, luscious lifestyle ad antiquities. I found all of that. Armani, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuttion, Gucci and so many other Boutiques. LOL style wasn't just in the clothes. How do you drive an Audi station wagon in a street fit for a mini?????? Thats where the Ertatic driving of the Italians come in! I couldn't get over the boutiques and posh lifestyle of Bologna. Suited waiters, old ladies and poodles, Men and poodles. It was weird. Walking aorund in thongs, t-shirt and shorts...yip so Australian!!
I had ages till the Eramus office thing opened so I just kinda explored. I got lost and met a random person who I think said I was beautiful...I said hello, and was polite then said I had to go...and left...and got an ice-cream. LOL it was weird! I found the Torri Degli Asinelli Garisenda-two big Towers lol not the translation but they are huge and old. The first one is the bigger of the two. The second one leans-similar to the Leaning tower of Pisa- and is kinda smaller then the first...and well fatter.

I wondered some more and found the MASSIVE Piazza Maggoire which is home to the Fontana Di Nettuno -Fountain of Neptune-and the San Petronio, which is a massive Church.

You are surrounded by old buildings, cafe's, Tourist stand-selling great postcards and tacky things-people, tourists-they can stand out alot-and little puppies chsing the pigeons LOL. It was kinda random having this MASSIVE open area in such a city. The old part of Bologna is here along the Via Dell'Independenza-Street of Independence- and you are just kinda shocked at how old this city is and how much the modern influence is so seperate from it. Really weird...
I just kinda took in the scenes and walked around. I was kinda like ahh I have ages to do what I need to do so might as well just keep on walking around. Just imagine alot of colonades and old streets flowing with people and old buildings. Amazing.
I found where I needed to be and there I met some new people. 3 German girls who thankfully spoke English. Anna, Julia and Stephanie. All of who are studying various things at the University of Bologna and will live in Bolongna. The Eramus thing was closed but i didn't want leave knowing it might open and then I would have wasted my I just waited a bit longer.
I got a crossiant and Fanta-Chinnotto flavour...which was interesting...
I managed to meet another person Christoph from Austria who again was looking for the Eramus thing. He asked someone and they said it was closed so I was like yip Mission over! Chirstoph was really nice and we went to the station. I was on my way home and he wanted to check out his train times to Austria. I was kinda at that point like ahh ENGLISH!! LOL so I just kinda talked alot. I think I freaked him out...but hey...I tend to do that...
I found this weird looking car. it's Citron how ever you spell it. It looked futureistic and cool so I took a photot of it!

That was pretty much my adventure of Bologna. It was pretty cool and I will let you iinto a secret...I went back...LOL!!! I met new people, saw some pretty cool things...why wouldnt' you! LOL
Anyway I have to catch a so have a good one poeple!
31st-Thursday the big day! Bolonga is a city about an hour train ride from Cesena, surrounded my modernity and then centered in amazing antiquties. LOL, it's awsome It's HUGE, Busy and full of random things!
I caught the train and was amazed to hear English at the Cesena train station.I still haevn't go t the hang of trains...The last time I was there...I was hauling a 30kg bag off a train and then up what seemed to be a mountain! I got my ticket and then the train arrived. I sat down on a fairly empty train and began the ride to Bologna.

Anyway so I got to the station and I was like AHHHhhhhh what do I do. I just kinda followed all the other people..and eventually got outside where I was amazed by what I had Landed in. I was suprised at the amount of people one and then the strange thing of an old fountain in the middle of a modern city setting. There aren't any posh looking buldings everything is still very antique and Italian but whats inside is the modern bits.
I just wondered though the streets and over bridges through colonades-Colonades are undercover walkways which are like veranda's for buildings, though they more fancy and well more durable-with marbled paths and saw strange shops and people.
There was a random MERCATO-Market-seeling books, vynils,old stuff and these random plastc Aqua Coloured sunnies that when I touched I thought I was going to break I left em RIGHT ALONE...
Imagine those Getaway shows where the show the vegtable stalls and the markets in these wee little alley ways in a major city somewhere. Well I found one. LOL I was like hey wow. It was awsome looked like I was in a movie. There was a butcher on one side, Vegtable stansd and of course cheese! It was kinda weird I was just like..dumbfounded! Oh but I found a shop dedicated to Nutella...NUTELLA...How cool is that! Kinder, the brand name of Nutella Spports alot of Italian sport...Basketball for one.
Bologna is kinda famous for it's beauty, luscious lifestyle ad antiquities. I found all of that. Armani, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuttion, Gucci and so many other Boutiques. LOL style wasn't just in the clothes. How do you drive an Audi station wagon in a street fit for a mini?????? Thats where the Ertatic driving of the Italians come in! I couldn't get over the boutiques and posh lifestyle of Bologna. Suited waiters, old ladies and poodles, Men and poodles. It was weird. Walking aorund in thongs, t-shirt and shorts...yip so Australian!!
I had ages till the Eramus office thing opened so I just kinda explored. I got lost and met a random person who I think said I was beautiful...I said hello, and was polite then said I had to go...and left...and got an ice-cream. LOL it was weird! I found the Torri Degli Asinelli Garisenda-two big Towers lol not the translation but they are huge and old. The first one is the bigger of the two. The second one leans-similar to the Leaning tower of Pisa- and is kinda smaller then the first...and well fatter.

I wondered some more and found the MASSIVE Piazza Maggoire which is home to the Fontana Di Nettuno -Fountain of Neptune-and the San Petronio, which is a massive Church.

You are surrounded by old buildings, cafe's, Tourist stand-selling great postcards and tacky things-people, tourists-they can stand out alot-and little puppies chsing the pigeons LOL. It was kinda random having this MASSIVE open area in such a city. The old part of Bologna is here along the Via Dell'Independenza-Street of Independence- and you are just kinda shocked at how old this city is and how much the modern influence is so seperate from it. Really weird...
I just kinda took in the scenes and walked around. I was kinda like ahh I have ages to do what I need to do so might as well just keep on walking around. Just imagine alot of colonades and old streets flowing with people and old buildings. Amazing.
I found where I needed to be and there I met some new people. 3 German girls who thankfully spoke English. Anna, Julia and Stephanie. All of who are studying various things at the University of Bologna and will live in Bolongna. The Eramus thing was closed but i didn't want leave knowing it might open and then I would have wasted my I just waited a bit longer.
I got a crossiant and Fanta-Chinnotto flavour...which was interesting...

I managed to meet another person Christoph from Austria who again was looking for the Eramus thing. He asked someone and they said it was closed so I was like yip Mission over! Chirstoph was really nice and we went to the station. I was on my way home and he wanted to check out his train times to Austria. I was kinda at that point like ahh ENGLISH!! LOL so I just kinda talked alot. I think I freaked him out...but hey...I tend to do that...
I found this weird looking car. it's Citron how ever you spell it. It looked futureistic and cool so I took a photot of it!

That was pretty much my adventure of Bologna. It was pretty cool and I will let you iinto a secret...I went back...LOL!!! I met new people, saw some pretty cool things...why wouldnt' you! LOL
Anyway I have to catch a so have a good one poeple!
Minnie Mouse here... Kittie Kat
Poodles hey...mmm I suppose they smell all perfumed too.
Would love to see pictures of the Mercato...Love the sound of the Nutella shop..
I wander if Bologna is where they play chess using live people and horses etc..???
Have a Cat and Mouse Day, or maybe just a Cat day after hectic Bologna.
Hi,LOL, "Trapper" here,hope all is well, Citroen is spelt like this and that was about a 1970 "air suspension" model. If air leeked car wouldn't go!!!Love the pics, and be careful talking to strangers!!How was the Fanta Chinota? Jared and Sean and Lisa are cool too.LOL I transferred Uncle Victor's money to your internet bank a/c today too LOL Trapper Dad
I dunno i the poodles smell..and I sure wasn't going to find out.
I would take more photo's but one doesn't want to LOOK LIKE A TOURIST...
I dunno...if they do that it's probley in Rome.
LOL hey,
awsome thanks for the transfer!!
Nice learnt something about a car. It was pretty weird LOL.
Chinoto was bitter...I don't remember it being that bitter. But everthing here tastes weird.
hmm...phallic towers
lol i dunno?!
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