The one word that is annoying me. It means "then" Itlaians say it ALOT and who thought a word could annoy you..It can.
25th- Friday, well I just kinda cruised around didn't do much except chill out and vedge. Recovery of the MASSIVE ITALIAN OVERLOAD OF ThE RIMNI MEETING!!!
26th- Saturday I wondered around the streets of Cesena and didn't really find anything new I just saw alot of old stuff from the other side of the street. I did how ever find a tunnel...though I didn't want to cross the road being a massive scary round-about...and I still haven't managed to get the hang of crossing roads here. Everything is back to front. LOL So I just kinda wondered around just walking...places, wasn't really sure of where I was going or what I was doing but I went for a walk.

These are some random pictures that I took from around the place of where I explored. I don't actually know where it is but still it loks cool so that is always a bonus! There is a random church thing on the hill I am not sure if you can see it but it looks cool.
I went to Ipercoop which was cool was pretty close to trying the fruit weighing thing but then chickened out at the last minuti and decided to buy the packaged grapes, and pre labeled watermelon. LOL but hey I bought fruit...and later on I went back and bought a learning English book LOL it's got Tweety teaching Italian kids English...but I am Leanring Itlaian. It was a suggestion by Francesca Sylivia's Sister who can speak English. Her, Sylivia and Marlo were awake from their Dancing extravaganza the night before. LOL Francesca was hung over and apperantly sick, and Syilvia was just Loud and so HAPPY and manly. He could resemble htose Itlian guys you see on the tv. The tanned dark hair...etc he just oozes Italian-ness. I chatted to Sylivia, Francesa and Marlo being social and lacking alot of Italian but Francesa was there to help me so that was cool. That was my day.
27th-Sunday slept and well watched some tragic tv. I don't get why Italian tv has so many Pubblica...infomercial's annoying. Alot of them are those weight loss things and the exercise machines. You see the cool brrom things or the static powered dust collecters..they are cool. Other then that tv is pretty much the same. But obviously with the language difference and the strange forgien shows fomr places such as Germany and Australia.
28th-Monday I woke up and unlocked the door using Sylivia's keys, which were in the door. I left them in the door...this is significant later. OK I then went to the International relations office. I just kinda walked in and asked "Parle Inglesi" and a lady answered I was like OH YEAH. She was the lady I had e-mailed before apparently I dunno, but anyway she was helpful and gave me a bag of her word! LOL She told me to go to the Achitecture faculty and talk to the Professor there who welcomes the International students. So I went to the architecture faculty. I so need to learn Italian...and soon to! LOL i found out that I start Uni on the 25th of September...Yeah and my Italian Language course thing starts on the 18th of september..I was like oh yeah... the lady said that I could probley do any course I wanted thats like ehhhh Here I come!! LOL But the Professor dude that I needed to tlak to wasn't there so I have to go back next week and find out what the deal is...with me and the courses avalible to me.
So I had kinda finished my mission, and went home. this is the SO CRAP BIT!!! I put my key in the door wouldn't go in! I was like NO WAY...then I realised...I had left Syilvia's KEYS in the HOLE...thus not letting me get in...HOW STUPID WAS THAT...LEAVING SYLVIAS KEYS IN THE HOLE...I KNOW!!! LOL so I rang the doorbell...but nothing.
So I went and got some food...a's a donut thing with custard in the middle they are really nice so thats always good. Then I went to the park thing. I thought I will just wait untill she goes to work and then my keys would work. I sat at this park thing it's really nice and has like a pond...water feature in the Middle which is well cooling. I walked aorund Cesena and went over the bridge...there is a brigdge...not so flash or anything just a bridge. And went to the other side of Cesena...I ended up at the bottom of the city and was like hey I know where I am. I had a moment of Forgieners Syndrome...when I didn't understan what the lady was saying. The man pointed to something but nothing didn't understand a word...I just took my drinks and walked out. I walked fast...and went home.
So I was walking around for about an hour or two or something then was like eh she must be at work or out by now...BUT NOOooooo so I thought ok, it can't be too hard to get her keys out of the hole...pfft...what ever. I used two bobbey pins, slightly bent a key, tried using a Swiss army knife...nothing. I really Don't know how they do it...but I do know I will never be a McGyver!!! LOL I rang the door bell and then Marlo Sylivia's boyfriend answered the door. LOL I was like they key...he didn't understand it's all good. That was my day.
29th- Tuesday woke children and vespers...still yet to ride one! LOL and went to get breakky. Sylivia was on the couch and was awake so I was like hey. She then went to bed to sleep. I ate my cereal...So good. Then have just been chilling out here. LOL wathcing bad television!!
AHAHAHAHAHA There is Mc Louds daughters on the tv atm LOL thats great. I am sitting in the living room/kitchen and I am typing this up. It's weird now I feel kinda in the middle of two worlds LOL...Sylivia's boyfriend Marlo said that I can type fast. I can't type fast pfft...what this is the first ime I have ever seen Mcloeods a first for everything...I just kinda can't understand thats like eh. I don't actually know what is going's weird. They are having a bbq...It must be a late episode cause the girl from Always Greener is on. Just a guess...Now that was a great show! I think my housemates are watching this cause I am from Australia...I think that is the Gardening guy??? No way this show has some radnom people in it... I think there might be a storm brewing...or it's just planes...I wonder if they think that all Australians are like this...That would be funny...I for one can't ride a horse, well actually I can get on it and make it go...I guess thats all you need hey LOL. Someone is trying to kill someone, now the show is over...The name of this show Is "When Husbands cheat"...well it was a movie and It is bad...
LOL there was the Saddel Club on tv as well...damn them who let the Saddel Club Invade already tragic Italian Television..NOOOOOO Even worse is Justin some strange reason my cool English->Italian Translating thing isn't working...I am so not happy at the moment...but that is ok. I just have to use the great knowledge of my italian to convey what I don't the man on the couch...Marlo...Sylivia's boyfriend.
LOL I want to go to San Marino...which is about 40mins away from where I live so I have to figure out how I can get there. It will be cool to go there...I dunno.
LOL ther was an add for dye's LOL and kinda a political satire in response to well the Black African's. The lady put her...well "MAN" into the washing machine with the dye and out came a tonned Black African..She was diggin that...LOL made me laugh!
Anyway I am goign to Dance off to Micheal JAckson and make some food...PASTA yet again...kinda glad I decided to lay off pasta this year at uni..LOL
25th- Friday, well I just kinda cruised around didn't do much except chill out and vedge. Recovery of the MASSIVE ITALIAN OVERLOAD OF ThE RIMNI MEETING!!!
26th- Saturday I wondered around the streets of Cesena and didn't really find anything new I just saw alot of old stuff from the other side of the street. I did how ever find a tunnel...though I didn't want to cross the road being a massive scary round-about...and I still haven't managed to get the hang of crossing roads here. Everything is back to front. LOL So I just kinda wondered around just walking...places, wasn't really sure of where I was going or what I was doing but I went for a walk.

These are some random pictures that I took from around the place of where I explored. I don't actually know where it is but still it loks cool so that is always a bonus! There is a random church thing on the hill I am not sure if you can see it but it looks cool.
I went to Ipercoop which was cool was pretty close to trying the fruit weighing thing but then chickened out at the last minuti and decided to buy the packaged grapes, and pre labeled watermelon. LOL but hey I bought fruit...and later on I went back and bought a learning English book LOL it's got Tweety teaching Italian kids English...but I am Leanring Itlaian. It was a suggestion by Francesca Sylivia's Sister who can speak English. Her, Sylivia and Marlo were awake from their Dancing extravaganza the night before. LOL Francesca was hung over and apperantly sick, and Syilvia was just Loud and so HAPPY and manly. He could resemble htose Itlian guys you see on the tv. The tanned dark hair...etc he just oozes Italian-ness. I chatted to Sylivia, Francesa and Marlo being social and lacking alot of Italian but Francesa was there to help me so that was cool. That was my day.
27th-Sunday slept and well watched some tragic tv. I don't get why Italian tv has so many Pubblica...infomercial's annoying. Alot of them are those weight loss things and the exercise machines. You see the cool brrom things or the static powered dust collecters..they are cool. Other then that tv is pretty much the same. But obviously with the language difference and the strange forgien shows fomr places such as Germany and Australia.
28th-Monday I woke up and unlocked the door using Sylivia's keys, which were in the door. I left them in the door...this is significant later. OK I then went to the International relations office. I just kinda walked in and asked "Parle Inglesi" and a lady answered I was like OH YEAH. She was the lady I had e-mailed before apparently I dunno, but anyway she was helpful and gave me a bag of her word! LOL She told me to go to the Achitecture faculty and talk to the Professor there who welcomes the International students. So I went to the architecture faculty. I so need to learn Italian...and soon to! LOL i found out that I start Uni on the 25th of September...Yeah and my Italian Language course thing starts on the 18th of september..I was like oh yeah... the lady said that I could probley do any course I wanted thats like ehhhh Here I come!! LOL But the Professor dude that I needed to tlak to wasn't there so I have to go back next week and find out what the deal is...with me and the courses avalible to me.
So I had kinda finished my mission, and went home. this is the SO CRAP BIT!!! I put my key in the door wouldn't go in! I was like NO WAY...then I realised...I had left Syilvia's KEYS in the HOLE...thus not letting me get in...HOW STUPID WAS THAT...LEAVING SYLVIAS KEYS IN THE HOLE...I KNOW!!! LOL so I rang the doorbell...but nothing.
So I went and got some food...a's a donut thing with custard in the middle they are really nice so thats always good. Then I went to the park thing. I thought I will just wait untill she goes to work and then my keys would work. I sat at this park thing it's really nice and has like a pond...water feature in the Middle which is well cooling. I walked aorund Cesena and went over the bridge...there is a brigdge...not so flash or anything just a bridge. And went to the other side of Cesena...I ended up at the bottom of the city and was like hey I know where I am. I had a moment of Forgieners Syndrome...when I didn't understan what the lady was saying. The man pointed to something but nothing didn't understand a word...I just took my drinks and walked out. I walked fast...and went home.
So I was walking around for about an hour or two or something then was like eh she must be at work or out by now...BUT NOOooooo so I thought ok, it can't be too hard to get her keys out of the hole...pfft...what ever. I used two bobbey pins, slightly bent a key, tried using a Swiss army knife...nothing. I really Don't know how they do it...but I do know I will never be a McGyver!!! LOL I rang the door bell and then Marlo Sylivia's boyfriend answered the door. LOL I was like they key...he didn't understand it's all good. That was my day.
29th- Tuesday woke children and vespers...still yet to ride one! LOL and went to get breakky. Sylivia was on the couch and was awake so I was like hey. She then went to bed to sleep. I ate my cereal...So good. Then have just been chilling out here. LOL wathcing bad television!!
AHAHAHAHAHA There is Mc Louds daughters on the tv atm LOL thats great. I am sitting in the living room/kitchen and I am typing this up. It's weird now I feel kinda in the middle of two worlds LOL...Sylivia's boyfriend Marlo said that I can type fast. I can't type fast pfft...what this is the first ime I have ever seen Mcloeods a first for everything...I just kinda can't understand thats like eh. I don't actually know what is going's weird. They are having a bbq...It must be a late episode cause the girl from Always Greener is on. Just a guess...Now that was a great show! I think my housemates are watching this cause I am from Australia...I think that is the Gardening guy??? No way this show has some radnom people in it... I think there might be a storm brewing...or it's just planes...I wonder if they think that all Australians are like this...That would be funny...I for one can't ride a horse, well actually I can get on it and make it go...I guess thats all you need hey LOL. Someone is trying to kill someone, now the show is over...The name of this show Is "When Husbands cheat"...well it was a movie and It is bad...
LOL there was the Saddel Club on tv as well...damn them who let the Saddel Club Invade already tragic Italian Television..NOOOOOO Even worse is Justin some strange reason my cool English->Italian Translating thing isn't working...I am so not happy at the moment...but that is ok. I just have to use the great knowledge of my italian to convey what I don't the man on the couch...Marlo...Sylivia's boyfriend.
LOL I want to go to San Marino...which is about 40mins away from where I live so I have to figure out how I can get there. It will be cool to go there...I dunno.
LOL ther was an add for dye's LOL and kinda a political satire in response to well the Black African's. The lady put her...well "MAN" into the washing machine with the dye and out came a tonned Black African..She was diggin that...LOL made me laugh!
Anyway I am goign to Dance off to Micheal JAckson and make some food...PASTA yet again...kinda glad I decided to lay off pasta this year at uni..LOL
hahaha, to ride a horse, you get on and funny, i laughed really loudly and maggie , who was sitting on the computer next to me looked at me weird.....made me laugh harder!
you need to post pictures of ur housemates and probably have but i didn't see them, if you haven't, then do it! :P
Peace out!
LOL well it's true.Thats how it works, LOL go Maggie Maggie is a legend! She oozes Old School. LOL So funny one night last yr we were having a "party"( just one of the random mission nights) and she asked Zac how do u tell someone you Love them. LOL she was TANKED...I MEAN TANKED LOL and it was hilarious!! MAggie and WINE...LOVE IT!!
LOL My housemates are never home...but I will try. LOL!
LOL yeah...I kinda think I could write a book but I can't think about that right now...I just want to
Yeah i just avoid buying the stuff u have to weigh but I will try it next time I go shopping which I dunn owhen that will be...
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