Una Settimana
Yip it's been a WHOLE week LOL pretty cool really LOL. Survived a week...lol reminds me of the party thing for the Virgin Mary Festival thing, they were playing the "I will Survive" song which I do not know the name of and apologise if that does in deed offend someone.
17th- I went to the supermarket and bought MAYO IN A TUBE LOL...I didn't just buy mayo, I bought tomatoes...lol here u have to wear a glove which is kinda like yeah understandable with all the GERMS in this world, but then once u have put the vegetables or fruit in the wee little plastic bags-same as in Woolies or Coles, you have to weigh them and put a sticker on it. But the problem is...I don't know which button to push for what. I got really scared and kinda walked away from it before I could really LOOK at it. I think this trip will indeed help me to be more assertive and well less shy. LOL some people might find that hard to believe but yes I am SHY!! So maybe this trip will do me some good!!...anyway, I bought this weird bread stuff kinda like umm mountain bread but it tastes GROSS all weird and stuff...why don't they have CAUTION TASTES WEIRD labels on stuff?! Salami-now that tastes like it does in Australia,lettuce-this time in a packet again...cause I am scared of the weighing thing, and some yoghurt. Oh and some strange donut things...which are ok...but need to be eaten the day you buy them I think...anyway...that was my day.
18th-Ummm went back to the Police thing and they said I had to get an appointment and this time they spoke English. I had to go the International Relations Office in the Piazza Del Popolo...hehehe I know that place now as HEAVEN lol the Information Office is there and the people speak ENGLISH lol it's great! So the Information people told me the place where I needed to go for my appointment was closed so I have to come back on Monday. No worries MATE! lol So I went and got myslef an Italian sim card which I am led to believe...don't work..maybe I need credit...hmm how do I get that??HMm anyway lol on my adventure I saw the coolest/strangest/most pratical thing...for some...lol a condom vending machine LOL I was like hey wow! There was a man infront of me and he stopped and looked at it and was puzzled buy it. Only after I had walked past it did I find that hilarious!! LOL hehehe I also saw a NUN on BICYCLE LOL that made me laugh as well LOL. That night I woke up to seriously LOUD explosions kinda like gun shots and bombs...lol I couldn't see where they were coming from or what they were. SO I went out to the living room and asked my housemates what was going on. LoL they told me it was bombs going off and I was like WHAT?? LOL then they laughed and told me it was Fireworks going off. LOL I told them I thought it was the Mafia or something shooting stuff and I was getting all freaked out LOL. Near the house there is a race course where they race horses and apparently thats why there was fireworks going off. LOL I was told the Mafia only live in the South not here in the North lol. So I have to go South to find my Mafia Mob Boss. LOL
19th-I watched alot of strange Italian tv. All of which has horrific acting and stupid plots...I didn't understand alot of it but you could get the general message through the tragic acting. LOL but this movie I was watching was about this father raising his daughter. He wasn't doing to well cause his childhood was crusty. So he was trying to make up for it. He then found condoms in his daughters bag and decided to blow them up?! I was like What are you doing you strange man!!! LOL it was funny none the less!! Umm I also had my very first taste of Tirimisu which was UBER sweet and kinda nice though so I was like hmmm yummy...hmm so yes. I do indeed like Tirimisu! Umm nothing else. Oh I had a big chat with my housemates, we were trying to find my home but everyhting looks different from the sky so we gave up. It was pretty cool!

20th-Well nothing much chilling out relaxing thats about all! It's kinda getting easier to be here, and the whole I am away from home thing isn't so bad. At times I just want to be at home...Dad I hope you are feeding the fishies!!! LOL but yeah It's weird but easier now. I think it will get harder when I have to go to Uni but until then I guess I just have to make the most of it.
17th- I went to the supermarket and bought MAYO IN A TUBE LOL...I didn't just buy mayo, I bought tomatoes...lol here u have to wear a glove which is kinda like yeah understandable with all the GERMS in this world, but then once u have put the vegetables or fruit in the wee little plastic bags-same as in Woolies or Coles, you have to weigh them and put a sticker on it. But the problem is...I don't know which button to push for what. I got really scared and kinda walked away from it before I could really LOOK at it. I think this trip will indeed help me to be more assertive and well less shy. LOL some people might find that hard to believe but yes I am SHY!! So maybe this trip will do me some good!!...anyway, I bought this weird bread stuff kinda like umm mountain bread but it tastes GROSS all weird and stuff...why don't they have CAUTION TASTES WEIRD labels on stuff?! Salami-now that tastes like it does in Australia,lettuce-this time in a packet again...cause I am scared of the weighing thing, and some yoghurt. Oh and some strange donut things...which are ok...but need to be eaten the day you buy them I think...anyway...that was my day.

18th-Ummm went back to the Police thing and they said I had to get an appointment and this time they spoke English. I had to go the International Relations Office in the Piazza Del Popolo...hehehe I know that place now as HEAVEN lol the Information Office is there and the people speak ENGLISH lol it's great! So the Information people told me the place where I needed to go for my appointment was closed so I have to come back on Monday. No worries MATE! lol So I went and got myslef an Italian sim card which I am led to believe...don't work..maybe I need credit...hmm how do I get that??HMm anyway lol on my adventure I saw the coolest/strangest/most pratical thing...for some...lol a condom vending machine LOL I was like hey wow! There was a man infront of me and he stopped and looked at it and was puzzled buy it. Only after I had walked past it did I find that hilarious!! LOL hehehe I also saw a NUN on BICYCLE LOL that made me laugh as well LOL. That night I woke up to seriously LOUD explosions kinda like gun shots and bombs...lol I couldn't see where they were coming from or what they were. SO I went out to the living room and asked my housemates what was going on. LoL they told me it was bombs going off and I was like WHAT?? LOL then they laughed and told me it was Fireworks going off. LOL I told them I thought it was the Mafia or something shooting stuff and I was getting all freaked out LOL. Near the house there is a race course where they race horses and apparently thats why there was fireworks going off. LOL I was told the Mafia only live in the South not here in the North lol. So I have to go South to find my Mafia Mob Boss. LOL

19th-I watched alot of strange Italian tv. All of which has horrific acting and stupid plots...I didn't understand alot of it but you could get the general message through the tragic acting. LOL but this movie I was watching was about this father raising his daughter. He wasn't doing to well cause his childhood was crusty. So he was trying to make up for it. He then found condoms in his daughters bag and decided to blow them up?! I was like What are you doing you strange man!!! LOL it was funny none the less!! Umm I also had my very first taste of Tirimisu which was UBER sweet and kinda nice though so I was like hmmm yummy...hmm so yes. I do indeed like Tirimisu! Umm nothing else. Oh I had a big chat with my housemates, we were trying to find my home but everyhting looks different from the sky so we gave up. It was pretty cool!

20th-Well nothing much chilling out relaxing thats about all! It's kinda getting easier to be here, and the whole I am away from home thing isn't so bad. At times I just want to be at home...Dad I hope you are feeding the fishies!!! LOL but yeah It's weird but easier now. I think it will get harder when I have to go to Uni but until then I guess I just have to make the most of it.
you have to wear gloves? wheres the love? whats wrong with being generous and sharing germs from one another.
Wow, you seem to do lots during the day, besides talking to me of course, your always online, then again so am i! Can anyone suggest a means for Kat, Amy, Maz and I to raise $2.2 million, we want to buy a castle in Canada!
LOL well you do the *kiss kiss* thing so I guess there is some sharing for you LOL but it's weird!!!
LOL Buzz I do have a life...LOL it takes about half my day to do theose Adventures LOL and the rest is well spent on the net. It sucks having to walk everywhere and cause it's hot makes it worse!! LOL we could busk! hey hey...
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