The place where I live! It's pronounced "che sena" like Che in Chair. Weird I know! But what is weirder is the fact that the bread is really soft like...umm really soft bread...and has a weird after taste. But hey NUTELLA fixes that problem!
So I have been here for umm since the 14th and today is the 17th...I missed a day somewhere...I think today is thursday...and my phone tells me it is! Brilliant! So I have been in Cesena for 3 1/2 days! A bit has happened...
Lets start from well...when I left which was Friday 11th. I left Tassie and flew to melbourne...that was about all! I ate food in the airport and I am ashamed to say I did not get my bag Glad wraped.
12th-I left Melbourne and flew to Singapore...BUSINESS CLASS! They Upgraded me so I was like oH YEAH...I was so out of place LOL I so looked like I wasn't ment to be there...lol but anyway. I managed it ok. I had a menu to choose food from which was cool. I got the complimentary OJ at the begining, the seat reclined HEAPS...I was almost horizontal oh yeah and I dropped my nuts,(Can you help me find my Nuts?-Over The Hedge (great Movie if you haven't seen it)) and the lady picked them up for me...I felt bad...really bad.
I got off in Singapore and was like...umm ok...now what?! I was tempted to just live in the airport for the next 12ish hours or so but then I was like nah better not...so I caught a train. LOL my first experince of being a tourist. LOL It was kinda cool cause it was in English so that was handy! So I bought a ticket to City Hall...what ever that is. I had to transfer at some place and catch another train to city hall..I NEARLY Died from the humidity BOMB!! lol really it was BOMB so icky!!Bleh. Then get on another train to that City hall place. By now it was about 7.30am so I was tired and so shouldn't be awake right now! So I walked through a very closed looking shopping mall thing...and then walked around Singapore for a bit. I had no idea where I was or what I was doing but hey I got to see stuff. Cafe's open with pple drinking coffee stuff...umm and strange shrine things in the middle of the paths. They were like offerings or something...I dunno. But kinda mystical at the sametime. The combo of old and new, and a puppy that looked VERY hot.
I wanted to go to the ZOO yes the ZOO so I cought a train to some station cause a piece of paper that the travel agent lady gave me told me to, then I caught a bus. That was a bit freaky. I was 30cents short and they don't give you change...so I gave the man S$1.20 for a S$1.50 fare and he was like yeah stupid tourist LOL. Then I got off the bus at the zoo after about a 20min ride...was fun! lol saw the other side of Singapore so that was cool!Then walked around the zoo for like...hours. Was cool saw strange wee little mini deer things and strange other animals in things. I saw a Lemur, those things on Madagascar LOL up really close and also a monkey thing that was posing!!

LOL some Japanese tourists were like "owww kawaiiii" Meaning " oowwwww cute" lol I was like hehehehehe. It was cute but at the same time kinda scary cause it was so close. I was nearly impailed by a red bird thing...but the Zoo keeper was like "they like to scare us" lol ha what ever. I saw the Oragatang things and African animals and saw monkies, bugs-invertibrea-horses, crocodiles, birdies, Australian animals...lol there was a kangaroo there and it was just doing it's thing LOL and the tourists were like "oooo" and you know kangaroo's aren't exactly the friendliest of animals sometimes so I was a bit freaked out and waiting for it to punch someone LOL maybe I was just paranoid LOL. I saw Komodo Dragon things as well so I was like hey thats cool. But the main reason why I wanted to go to the Zoo other then it's a Zoo is cause of the POLAR BEARS in SINGAPORE LOL I was like hey it's a POLAR BEAR lol it was cute! lol felt sorry for it though...having no snow to make snow stuff with but it seemed kinda content.
So that was my Zoo adventure and then I decided to leave. I caught a random bus again this time kinda in the opposite direction that I wanted to go in but hey if I got to a train station then I could find my way back to the airport. Though I still had like 6 hours or so before my plane left. So at the train station there was a department store thing full of random stuff. So I decided to explore. I found PIRIKURA...PIRIKURA lol hadn't done one of those since I was in Japan like what 5 years a go or something. James, Imo K, Nikki and Chloe, would rememebr and all the other pple that went on the Japan trip in like 2001 or something...LOL. They are like those little picture things you do in a booth, and at the end you decorate them and stuff it's really cool!!! The Japanese have an obsession with them. So I did one and then I couldn't figure out why it wasn't printing lol then I saw you had to go around. I found ME lol and then decorated me and then it printed. But I managed to delete a couple of awsome ones so I was like ahh I will do it again LOL so I did!! lol so that was the extent of my adventure in the department store.
I caught the train to the city hall place. This time it was open so I was like score! So many tourisits LOL loved it! Also alot of clothes shops. One thing I didn't understand was why there were so many Singaporians wearing like LONG SLEAVES AND JEANS!!! I was like you strange people...here's me sweating and feelling really disguisiting cause of the humidity and they are all calm and collected. So I walked aorund the City Hall thing and then decided to go back to the airport. So I went to the airport. Walked around..got some strange donut thing and then got a cheeseburger from Burger King. Checked in and got my boarding pass to go to Bologna and then went through THE DOORS!! lol it was weird cause I didnt' have to be like metal detected when I went through passport control so I was like what is going on here...but I was later on so I was like ahhh I see. I walked around the depature lounge thing, got changed from the icky clothes and then I explored. In my exploration I found it. The COOLEST THING I HAVE SEEN!!!! A SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MONOPOLY GAME!!!

I was like...IN OWE...of this marvellous thing! I had to have it. So I bought it and then I posted it home!!! So I hope it is on it's way home!!! I will know in about a weeks time so I am excited LOL. Then I got a voice recorder thing so I was like hey cool. I was happy!!! So I waited to get on the plane. There was a domestic between two of the trolley people. It made me laugh cause one was like a HUNDRED and the other about 70 or so LOL so I was like heehe they are having a domestic! LOL Then a man Decked out in Orange was prancing...well he was more froloking around the airport! LOL he made me laugh as well!
I got on the plane...and then I forgot my seat number and had a confretation with a lady...and that was my only time of being nervous! But I had a lemonade and pretzels to calm me down and then I fell asleep pretty much straight away! LOL didn't wake up till about 2 hours till we were about to land so I slept for about 10 hours...this time they didn't upgrade me so I was sad...but hey I was asleep. I watched a random Movie as well...so that was cool! Then I had breakfast..but had some weird Massed peas concoction thing with my not to bad eggs, sausage, and potato things. Then we landed in Frakfurt.
13th-I was in Frakfurt and well not much was going on...being a Sunday. How ever there were men on bikes! That was funny! Made my day LOL. Then I got on the plane to Bologna. When I was waiting I was getting freaked out cause well they were speaking in Italian and I had no Idea of what was happeing and then I was like ahhhh CRAP!!! lol So I got on the plane. Had an UBER (I saw Uber in Germany in German...made my day) sweet thing...nearly died of sweetness..and a really weird tasting OJ.
Then I LANDED...about now and in about 5 minutes I was at the most Panicing stage of my life! I got off the plane, and on a bus. Took us to the luggage collection thing. Where I was freaking out cause I couldn't see my bag. But it came!! Hallejuigha (how ever you spell it) and then I was like ok. I had a shuttle bus to the Hotel I was staying at and I couldn't see anyone...looking for a sign with like "Miss Yost" on it lol no luck. So I went outside...where everyone in Italy smokes..and no bus. Inside again, nothing. Then Outside and taadaa a Bus!! I was like oH YEAH! so I got on the bus 10mins later I was in a hotel room, on a bed...with in about 2 hours I was clean (after 3 showers and a bath) and then asleep.
14th- I didn't wake up till about 1am. Set my alarm then slept till about 5am. Got up had another shower. Had breakfast. LOL the eggs were orange, but still tasted good so I was like hey not bad. Then I paid, left and got on a train to Cesena. After buying 2 tickets, hauling a 30kg bag around up and down stairs, on and off a train. I was at the fornt of the Cesena Station and on the phone to the person who was going to pick me up and take me to my Home. I thought that Andrea, was a girl...but nope it's a MAN!! I was like hey wow...lol. After 2hours of stuff I got my room key and a Home. No one was home so I went for a walk and i bought some snacks at the UBER COOL Woolworths and BIG W cross supermarket called IPERCOOP. It's cool! I share with two girls one of which I think her name is Domenica and the other Silvia. Domenica speaks English so thats a KILLER BONUS!!! and Silviia doesn't. I met them and then slept. But later that night the were going to a party for a festival celebraing the Virgin Mary...bit weird but hey. I went and then I was like so should have slept. but it was interesting. Kinda like Falls but more people, on a beach, and a market thing in the street.
15th-Danced...tryed to talk to them but I know crap all Italian and they don't know much English so I was silent. LOL but didn't stop the guys trying to ask me stuff...I was like NO ITALIANO!! LOL dunno if that means anything but hey I tried. Silly saying No Italian in Italian...I Had my first *Kiss Kiss* on the cheek thing with a dude named Marco. That was about 3am...we left at about 4 ish or something...I was pretty hungry at the time and I was like hmmm could go a something to eat. SO at about 5.30am we found a quante little cafe thing and ate more frikkin sweet stuff. I had a donut thing with custard in it. Was really nice but I managed to cover myself with icing sugar. LOl I felt like an idiot LOL but hey! Went home and then crashed...about 6am...sun rising and I was POOPED!! Woke up at around 12/1pm and Silvia's Sister Francesca was awake, she came home with us as she came to the party and she knew more english so it was my lucky day! LOL But anyway, said morning, had a shower and then watched t.v. Silvia was at work, Francesca went home and then Domenica went to her b.f's place Marco, cause he was angry with her cause she was apperaently drunk...after one drink but she wasn't so I watched crappy Italian t.v for a while and then fell asleep and that was My day.
16th-I had to buy a sheet, a pillow, find the International Relations place, find the Quesutra and then go home. I found the International Realtions thing...closed and then I bought a pillow and a sheet and the Quesutra thing was so another day. I walked for about 7 hours or something...so i was like OH NO I am sooo not walking anymore! got home colapsed on my bed fell asleep and thats my day.
17th- I found the Quesutra thing but I think I had to come Back on Saturday. I need to get Permission to Stay in Italy thing so I have to go to the Police Headquaters thing-Questura. But I didn't get what the dude said all I got was "Sabato- Saturday" and then I was like ok...so I left..and will go back tomorrow and then hopefully I will understand what I need to do. I walked around Cesena as well and it's pretty cool. Lots of strange little things. Men in suits riding bikes, cobbled stone paths, small streets, old churches, MINI BUS's like maybe 2.5m-3m long if that, seriously new meaning of MINI BUS! they are really tiny!!lol Bought some more food...I had a fear of buying food (other then at the Intercoop)...cause of the language barrier, but Dad was like you shouldn't be scared so I baught a focaccia thing, which was nice and a custard donut thing. So I was like oh yeah. Tomorrow I will face my fears..with pizza. LOL
So a brief thing of whats been happeing so far! I hope all is well your way so take care!
So I have been here for umm since the 14th and today is the 17th...I missed a day somewhere...I think today is thursday...and my phone tells me it is! Brilliant! So I have been in Cesena for 3 1/2 days! A bit has happened...
Lets start from well...when I left which was Friday 11th. I left Tassie and flew to melbourne...that was about all! I ate food in the airport and I am ashamed to say I did not get my bag Glad wraped.
12th-I left Melbourne and flew to Singapore...BUSINESS CLASS! They Upgraded me so I was like oH YEAH...I was so out of place LOL I so looked like I wasn't ment to be there...lol but anyway. I managed it ok. I had a menu to choose food from which was cool. I got the complimentary OJ at the begining, the seat reclined HEAPS...I was almost horizontal oh yeah and I dropped my nuts,(Can you help me find my Nuts?-Over The Hedge (great Movie if you haven't seen it)) and the lady picked them up for me...I felt bad...really bad.

I got off in Singapore and was like...umm ok...now what?! I was tempted to just live in the airport for the next 12ish hours or so but then I was like nah better not...so I caught a train. LOL my first experince of being a tourist. LOL It was kinda cool cause it was in English so that was handy! So I bought a ticket to City Hall...what ever that is. I had to transfer at some place and catch another train to city hall..I NEARLY Died from the humidity BOMB!! lol really it was BOMB so icky!!Bleh. Then get on another train to that City hall place. By now it was about 7.30am so I was tired and so shouldn't be awake right now! So I walked through a very closed looking shopping mall thing...and then walked around Singapore for a bit. I had no idea where I was or what I was doing but hey I got to see stuff. Cafe's open with pple drinking coffee stuff...umm and strange shrine things in the middle of the paths. They were like offerings or something...I dunno. But kinda mystical at the sametime. The combo of old and new, and a puppy that looked VERY hot.
I wanted to go to the ZOO yes the ZOO so I cought a train to some station cause a piece of paper that the travel agent lady gave me told me to, then I caught a bus. That was a bit freaky. I was 30cents short and they don't give you change...so I gave the man S$1.20 for a S$1.50 fare and he was like yeah stupid tourist LOL. Then I got off the bus at the zoo after about a 20min ride...was fun! lol saw the other side of Singapore so that was cool!Then walked around the zoo for like...hours. Was cool saw strange wee little mini deer things and strange other animals in things. I saw a Lemur, those things on Madagascar LOL up really close and also a monkey thing that was posing!!

LOL some Japanese tourists were like "owww kawaiiii" Meaning " oowwwww cute" lol I was like hehehehehe. It was cute but at the same time kinda scary cause it was so close. I was nearly impailed by a red bird thing...but the Zoo keeper was like "they like to scare us" lol ha what ever. I saw the Oragatang things and African animals and saw monkies, bugs-invertibrea-horses, crocodiles, birdies, Australian animals...lol there was a kangaroo there and it was just doing it's thing LOL and the tourists were like "oooo" and you know kangaroo's aren't exactly the friendliest of animals sometimes so I was a bit freaked out and waiting for it to punch someone LOL maybe I was just paranoid LOL. I saw Komodo Dragon things as well so I was like hey thats cool. But the main reason why I wanted to go to the Zoo other then it's a Zoo is cause of the POLAR BEARS in SINGAPORE LOL I was like hey it's a POLAR BEAR lol it was cute! lol felt sorry for it though...having no snow to make snow stuff with but it seemed kinda content.
So that was my Zoo adventure and then I decided to leave. I caught a random bus again this time kinda in the opposite direction that I wanted to go in but hey if I got to a train station then I could find my way back to the airport. Though I still had like 6 hours or so before my plane left. So at the train station there was a department store thing full of random stuff. So I decided to explore. I found PIRIKURA...PIRIKURA lol hadn't done one of those since I was in Japan like what 5 years a go or something. James, Imo K, Nikki and Chloe, would rememebr and all the other pple that went on the Japan trip in like 2001 or something...LOL. They are like those little picture things you do in a booth, and at the end you decorate them and stuff it's really cool!!! The Japanese have an obsession with them. So I did one and then I couldn't figure out why it wasn't printing lol then I saw you had to go around. I found ME lol and then decorated me and then it printed. But I managed to delete a couple of awsome ones so I was like ahh I will do it again LOL so I did!! lol so that was the extent of my adventure in the department store.
I caught the train to the city hall place. This time it was open so I was like score! So many tourisits LOL loved it! Also alot of clothes shops. One thing I didn't understand was why there were so many Singaporians wearing like LONG SLEAVES AND JEANS!!! I was like you strange people...here's me sweating and feelling really disguisiting cause of the humidity and they are all calm and collected. So I walked aorund the City Hall thing and then decided to go back to the airport. So I went to the airport. Walked around..got some strange donut thing and then got a cheeseburger from Burger King. Checked in and got my boarding pass to go to Bologna and then went through THE DOORS!! lol it was weird cause I didnt' have to be like metal detected when I went through passport control so I was like what is going on here...but I was later on so I was like ahhh I see. I walked around the depature lounge thing, got changed from the icky clothes and then I explored. In my exploration I found it. The COOLEST THING I HAVE SEEN!!!! A SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MONOPOLY GAME!!!

I was like...IN OWE...of this marvellous thing! I had to have it. So I bought it and then I posted it home!!! So I hope it is on it's way home!!! I will know in about a weeks time so I am excited LOL. Then I got a voice recorder thing so I was like hey cool. I was happy!!! So I waited to get on the plane. There was a domestic between two of the trolley people. It made me laugh cause one was like a HUNDRED and the other about 70 or so LOL so I was like heehe they are having a domestic! LOL Then a man Decked out in Orange was prancing...well he was more froloking around the airport! LOL he made me laugh as well!
I got on the plane...and then I forgot my seat number and had a confretation with a lady...and that was my only time of being nervous! But I had a lemonade and pretzels to calm me down and then I fell asleep pretty much straight away! LOL didn't wake up till about 2 hours till we were about to land so I slept for about 10 hours...this time they didn't upgrade me so I was sad...but hey I was asleep. I watched a random Movie as well...so that was cool! Then I had breakfast..but had some weird Massed peas concoction thing with my not to bad eggs, sausage, and potato things. Then we landed in Frakfurt.
13th-I was in Frakfurt and well not much was going on...being a Sunday. How ever there were men on bikes! That was funny! Made my day LOL. Then I got on the plane to Bologna. When I was waiting I was getting freaked out cause well they were speaking in Italian and I had no Idea of what was happeing and then I was like ahhhh CRAP!!! lol So I got on the plane. Had an UBER (I saw Uber in Germany in German...made my day) sweet thing...nearly died of sweetness..and a really weird tasting OJ.
Then I LANDED...about now and in about 5 minutes I was at the most Panicing stage of my life! I got off the plane, and on a bus. Took us to the luggage collection thing. Where I was freaking out cause I couldn't see my bag. But it came!! Hallejuigha (how ever you spell it) and then I was like ok. I had a shuttle bus to the Hotel I was staying at and I couldn't see anyone...looking for a sign with like "Miss Yost" on it lol no luck. So I went outside...where everyone in Italy smokes..and no bus. Inside again, nothing. Then Outside and taadaa a Bus!! I was like oH YEAH! so I got on the bus 10mins later I was in a hotel room, on a bed...with in about 2 hours I was clean (after 3 showers and a bath) and then asleep.
14th- I didn't wake up till about 1am. Set my alarm then slept till about 5am. Got up had another shower. Had breakfast. LOL the eggs were orange, but still tasted good so I was like hey not bad. Then I paid, left and got on a train to Cesena. After buying 2 tickets, hauling a 30kg bag around up and down stairs, on and off a train. I was at the fornt of the Cesena Station and on the phone to the person who was going to pick me up and take me to my Home. I thought that Andrea, was a girl...but nope it's a MAN!! I was like hey wow...lol. After 2hours of stuff I got my room key and a Home. No one was home so I went for a walk and i bought some snacks at the UBER COOL Woolworths and BIG W cross supermarket called IPERCOOP. It's cool! I share with two girls one of which I think her name is Domenica and the other Silvia. Domenica speaks English so thats a KILLER BONUS!!! and Silviia doesn't. I met them and then slept. But later that night the were going to a party for a festival celebraing the Virgin Mary...bit weird but hey. I went and then I was like so should have slept. but it was interesting. Kinda like Falls but more people, on a beach, and a market thing in the street.
15th-Danced...tryed to talk to them but I know crap all Italian and they don't know much English so I was silent. LOL but didn't stop the guys trying to ask me stuff...I was like NO ITALIANO!! LOL dunno if that means anything but hey I tried. Silly saying No Italian in Italian...I Had my first *Kiss Kiss* on the cheek thing with a dude named Marco. That was about 3am...we left at about 4 ish or something...I was pretty hungry at the time and I was like hmmm could go a something to eat. SO at about 5.30am we found a quante little cafe thing and ate more frikkin sweet stuff. I had a donut thing with custard in it. Was really nice but I managed to cover myself with icing sugar. LOl I felt like an idiot LOL but hey! Went home and then crashed...about 6am...sun rising and I was POOPED!! Woke up at around 12/1pm and Silvia's Sister Francesca was awake, she came home with us as she came to the party and she knew more english so it was my lucky day! LOL But anyway, said morning, had a shower and then watched t.v. Silvia was at work, Francesca went home and then Domenica went to her b.f's place Marco, cause he was angry with her cause she was apperaently drunk...after one drink but she wasn't so I watched crappy Italian t.v for a while and then fell asleep and that was My day.
16th-I had to buy a sheet, a pillow, find the International Relations place, find the Quesutra and then go home. I found the International Realtions thing...closed and then I bought a pillow and a sheet and the Quesutra thing was so another day. I walked for about 7 hours or something...so i was like OH NO I am sooo not walking anymore! got home colapsed on my bed fell asleep and thats my day.
17th- I found the Quesutra thing but I think I had to come Back on Saturday. I need to get Permission to Stay in Italy thing so I have to go to the Police Headquaters thing-Questura. But I didn't get what the dude said all I got was "Sabato- Saturday" and then I was like ok...so I left..and will go back tomorrow and then hopefully I will understand what I need to do. I walked around Cesena as well and it's pretty cool. Lots of strange little things. Men in suits riding bikes, cobbled stone paths, small streets, old churches, MINI BUS's like maybe 2.5m-3m long if that, seriously new meaning of MINI BUS! they are really tiny!!lol Bought some more food...I had a fear of buying food (other then at the Intercoop)...cause of the language barrier, but Dad was like you shouldn't be scared so I baught a focaccia thing, which was nice and a custard donut thing. So I was like oh yeah. Tomorrow I will face my fears..with pizza. LOL
So a brief thing of whats been happeing so far! I hope all is well your way so take care!
Coooooooooooool! Your Dad's advice is right - just go for it, don't worry about whether you stuff up when buying stuff - you'll probably never see the people again anyway, and you have the perfect excuse - international student (not tourist)....!
Sounds like you're having a great time! Yayay!! Go Kat!
We still love ya here, no matter what you do there... :-P
LOL Have to be out there hey...LOL there is a lady singing Opera here atm love it...
But yeah your right, lol just have do what a have to do!! LOL most of them can speak a bit of english so it's all good anyways!!
Cheers Imo
Love KAt
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