Solo visuale de imagini...Just look at the Pictures!
OK so whats been in the land of PASTA and PIZZA??
Friday-15th I went to Bologna and to a random Museum of Archiology. It was pretty cool seeing all these weird things but I didn't understand most of what the lady was saying but she would like point at things and then I would be like AHHhhhh thats what she's talking about. But most of the time I was like yeah cool...I did how ever see some random skeletons that kinda freaked me out but none the less I was indeed in a museum of lots of old stuff so you know...I guess skeltons weren't like out of the ordinary.
After the Museum Adventure thing-which was free cause the University had organised it! And it lasted only 2hours or something so we were finished by 1pm-I decided to walk around Bologna and go places I had never been. I managed to get myself lost and I couldnt' find the train station. But I did how ever find a Fantasy Shop...LOL it was full of Disney Fantasy stuff and it was COOOOLLLL lol I was so out of place considering I was like THE ONLY PERSON there LOL and most of the stuff seemed to be for little people(translation-Children) and I'm not exactly child height lol I have how ever child like characteristics LOL as many would know...with my slight obsession with cartoons and Spongebob Squarepants. LOL anyway I did how ever buy one of those little green alien things from Toy Story. LOL it was on special lol and I thought I was cute!! LOL and a really expensive Mickey Mouse Pencil...which I regret was only €2 so I was like ahhh probley shouldn't have bought that but hey it was cool!

So I eventually found the Train Station and was like OH YEAH!! LOL but the bummer was that there were SO many people and my train was going to leave in like 10mins and the next one was like an hour later...and I wasn't prepared to wait for I was EVIL EYEING THE people in front of me who were taking for ever with the Train ticket machines...they were taking forever and I NEEDED MY TICKET! I got one with 2 mins to spare so I had to run the the platform and sorta fly onto the train LOL wasn't eactly like that but I nearly missed it...LOL but yeah I as on my way home YAY...
I got home and was like cool no worries! Then about an hour since I was home the doorbell rang and there was FABIO-lol thats his name lol he's a guy who lives on the otherside of the elevator- and a girl. I was like ahh Dellta was asleep on the couch, but woke up. The girl was from Portugal and was here as an ERAMUS student. I was like hey cool...she spoke English so I was like ok cool! Her and her boyfriend were here to study Bio-Medical Engineering...I dunno it's not like they will become Engineers but they can professionaly put on band aids...My interpretation of it anyways. Their names are Patrica and Henrique-but you kinda say it like Henrik-It's Portaguese for Henry I was like hey cool! LOL so that was that.
It all kinda happened really fast and I was like ahhhh what the...and then it was over and I was like ahh What but later that night Dellta and Fabio (I love his name LOL) ordered pizza for us all. LOL Dellata was like " Do you know Pisa" I was like ahh yeah the leaning tower thing..." NO NO the *hand motions* round eat" ahhh PIZZA ahh yeah...(Her and Fabio were like what...she dont' know Pizza LOL and they laughed at me...LOL) so I was like yeah! Then It was the desicions...What pizza...I wanted the the simplist pizza and hey said I couldn't have it so I got like a margharita with FUNGI and fungi is will mushrooms...and perscuito is like the smoked ham really salty but it was nice on the pizza!! VA BENE!!! LOL It was cool like my first ORdered Pizza lol. Not the first time I have eaten PIzza here but it was the first ordered!
That is it...we talked and then I went to bed!
Saturday- 16th Just chilled out at home. It was raining and kinda feeling like I should be infornt of a fire with milo-something i am craving- and chilling out with a book or the tv.
Sunday-17th I was invited by the Portugeses couple to join them for a walk around Cesena. LOL I was like ahh yeah sure why not. LOL even though I had seen alot of Cesena. We went to the the Castle which is in the middle of the city in Piazza di Popolo or something. LOL It was cool. Its one of those medieval Ruins things that Cesena is famous for.
We walked up alot of stairs to get to to the top of the the castle thing. For those who dont' know anything about a fortified castle in Medieval times, usally the CASTLE was built on a hill and then lower down the hill they woudl build Massive walls. The walls would act as the first defense against the enemy and then the hill being steep would act as the second defence, and of the enemy got further then that the castle walls would act as the third defence and then its an all out man to man battle.

The view was Bounissimo! is was beautiful. The rain had stopped and you could see for miles! I never realised that Cesena was so big! It is huge!! LOL we walked around the outside and found a way in. LOL I think you had to pay but we just kinda walked in and was like ooooo Photo session LOL. There were some old people frolikking around the place but i was like yeah cool there was something or rather to do with what ever old people do. They were leaving but I have a habbit of just wondering around places. So i wondered and then the place was closing and Patricia was like "ahh Kathryn we have to go." I was like oh ok...I was waiting for them to follow me...I thiink everyone follows me...but really they just watch...hmmm anyway.
We went out and walked down the other side of the it has some realtions to another song I know...and then walked up a big hill and then walked down the big hill and then walked into the center of the Città and then they got food then yeah.

We walked around Cesena and we decided to go to the monastary which was on the top of a MASSIVE HILL like it was a killer...but it wasn't that bad LOL I htink the views were worth it so that kinda took out the whole MASSIVE HILL part!!! The Monastary was closed so we couldn't go inside but the outside was awsome!!! It's strange cause there was a Priest walking around and I was like wow...thats cool!

We met some "casuale" -RANDOM-Americans who were wondering the streets LOL it was kinda cool. The lady was like "AHHH YOU SPEAK ENGLISH" kinda not like that but you get the idea...she was a happy chappy! We talked for a bit in the street and then I was like ahhh ok I ma going home now. Henrique and Patricia were like yeah no worries! I went home and kinda realxed and that was Sunday.
Monday-18th Ahh the day the Language classes started...I went to the place The center for the CLIRO Language thing a little after 9am to see what the deal was with the Language course that arvo. LOL this girl asked me something when I was at the door and I was like then I was this where the Italian Language Course is...she kinda looked at me and then was like ahhh...and then her friend came and then she was like ahhh "blah blah blah" and then she was like ahhh "do you have 5cents" lol I was like ahhh....*looked in my wallet* ah no sorry. LOL then I asked her if this where the the itlaian Language course is and then she was like it would be here * she montioned with her arms to where it could be* then I was like ahh Grazie!
I walked in to the building and was like ahhh ok...and then went the way she montioned and then there was just computers etc there and I was ahhh ok. But then there was a man, who spoke English and I was like ahhh Excellent! LOL he said that I had to go some where or rather to attend this course thing. I was like ahh ok thanks. LOL it ment I had to wlak further then I really wanted to...
I went to the International Realtions Office to get my...UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA STUDENT CARD!!! oh yeah lol There is this thing at the front of the door which is for you to get a ticket for the different offices in the building. I didn't know what it was at first but then I was like ahhh what are the other people doing...they would just stand there push a button and then a piece of paper cmae out... I was like ahhh so I walked to the machine doobey and was like ahhh what the...It was all initlaian as you would expect..being in Itlay...and then I was like ahhh I need the Internazionale relations office...I found it and was like ok. I pushed the red button...and out came a cool little thing with a number on it. I was like ahh cool Brilliant. Then I waited.Then I went inside then I waited agian then I got my student card and then it was all good! YAY LOL

That avventura lasted an hour so that was exciting! lol I went back home and then chilled out for a bit until about 1600 and then made my way to the exciting...Language course thing.
I got lost...cause my handy dandy; my handwritting led me to a scary Highway...and I don't do highway with Italian I was like ahhh NO...thus I had to wing my way to this place. It was a good thing I left at 1600 cuase well i got lost...I walked down a couple of streets wondering where they will end up, and then well found the Engineering part of the University of Bologna...and was like hey wow, then was like yeah cool the road a bout road. I found a massively long road so I was like hmm ok lets try it out! LOL so i walked down it...kinda stalked these two people...though i was just walking where they were walking...and low and 1-2kms later TAADAAAA well It was a gate...that had the number of the place on it...and a puppy...well it was a wee bit older then a puppy but cute! LOL I was like hey wow...that took like...20 mins...marvellous!! LOL so i was like excellent lets explore...and TAAADAAA i found a....TOY SHOP!! Yip the coolest thing in the UNIVERSE!! TOYS!! LOL so I thouhgt i would relax and treat my self to a toy. and I found a Spongebob Squarepants kinda Suprise Bag I was like HEY HEY!!! thats cool!! LOL but I thought it would be a lot cooler and actually give me a Spongebob Squarepants toy...not a motorbike...???? But hey I aslo thought it was a party pack LOL cause it was next to the sexy party stuff like the cups and plate and hatrs etc...i wouldn't have minded so much!! LOL
I went back to the place where the language course was being held,and waited outside. I met a Polish girl Magda there and she is doing Architecture which is awsome!!!There were a few people there so that was cool! I was freaking out cause i had no idea what to expect!! We went inside and sat down and then...imagine standing infront of a charging bull and then it stops infront of you and offers you a cup of tea!!! It was like that...random...The lqdy spoke in Italian...and I couldn't understqnd a word of what she was saying...I would get like 3 words then try and make sense of 20mins of her talking from understanding 3 words...yeah that was fun. We had a break and I was like so freaking out and just like...digesting the unknown words of Italian I heard!!! Yeah fun fun!! We then had another half and that was a bit better...not alot. But hey it ended and GUESS WHAT!!! Low and belhold ERASMUS-European Exchange Student thing-Students (which...I pretend I am...) Get the use of the city bikes...for FREE!!! So you can ride around on a sexy blue bike with a very sexy basket on the front it's FANTASTIC!! I love it LOL!!!
So my first day of Italian class was a certain adventure!! But hey It can only get better.
Tuesday-19th, I attackted the ITALIAN with all my might and coloured pencils. I got bored studying so I coloured the sheets in!! Yip...excellent!!!
Wednesday-20th Henrique and Patricia and I went to a place called Cesenatico!!! Cesenatico is a place close to Cesena but by the sea. It's about 30mins by bus to the sea and then you have to walk for a bit...It was weird!!! LOL It was the first time I caught a bus so that was fun!! and the was like swimming in a the sea...very weird!!! The sand...was covered with banana lounges and umbrellas and it was one was in the water... But it was hot and when you are at the beach you I swam. There weren't any waves cause of these barriers that stoped the rough sea from hurting the people...I dunno it was weird but nice. I built a sand castle which wasn't the best but it was still cool none the less!! I liked it!

It was the first time I had ever seen a lady push a pram along a beach with a baby inside...i was like right then. LOL there was this little girl who was chucking a hissy fit cause her dad and older sister went on the canoe first and she was like ahhh I want to go LOL it was funny...kinda cruel that we were laughing at her...she would ahve been about 2-3...hmm now I feel bad. We then left cause we had to get back to Cesena for Italian!!
We had another Italian class it was SOOOOooooOOOOoooooOOOOooooo MUCH BETTER... Insted of a bull It was a person offering me a cup of tea... a little bit better!!!She still spoke alot of Italian...but I kinda understood what the deal was with what she was saying cause I studied!!!
Thursday-21st-No idea what I did I think that night Natahlie, Henrique, Patricia and I went to Bologna for an Erasmus Party LOL, it was an adventure thats for sure! LOL we got some pizza for the train ride and everyone was like drulling cuase of our pizza LOL. We had to do something for the hour trian ride to bologna!! LOL it was good pizza...really good!!! LOL yeah pizza here is just good...but greasy..but it's good!!!
So we got off the train in Bologna and we had to look for the train times home...the last Regional-CHEAP-train was leaving about 10:30pm or something and then the next one was 11:30 but it was double the price and then the next one was at sunday...We were like we were plaing to take the 11:30 one...or a bus...the bus' had stopped so we had the train!
We walked around and went to the great fantastic...thing...the thing is a Massive stair case which later you will see some great photo's of it! But i go tmy photo taken out the front of it LOL i look stupid!

Then we continued to walk around Bologna and head towards the Party place...well the street cuase I didn't EXACTLY know WHERE it was...but I knew th e street. We were walking around just cruising the streets at like 8/9pm it was cool...scary adn random though!!!
We found the street and stuff whcih was cool and I met one of my friends-Antony form England-and said CIAO and did the *kiss kiss* hting lol it's strange I feel like a complete idiot when I do it!! BUt yeah talked to him and asked him where the party was and stuff...was helpful and then left! Was random cause he is working in a Bar...but he lives in Bologna which is awsome but yeah be pretty awsome!!
We walked down the Via Zambioni or what ever and was a MASS of people with cups. It's kinda amazing that Italy doens't have a law against having alcohol outside...cause if they did...they would have made a FORTUNE in was a Piazza covered wiht people and bottles. It's cheaper to buy wine and beer at the supermarket and then take it out. I paid 3Euro's for a medium coke...I was like WHAT...and that was even with the discount...I was like...ok...never again! We then found the Party and it was in a fansy kinda bar thing almost like...umm the Metz in Hobart but more fansy..I don't know a fansy Hobart but yeah think of a fansy bar and you have it...LOL the music how ever was FANTASTIC!! I loved it!! but you know how parties aare ment to be like dancing and stuff...not jsut sit and it was fun though. LOL i went to scare Nathalie who went to the bathhroom and I was hiding behind the wall and a guy walked past and entered the Disabled bathroomon the right. About mins later another guy entered the bathroom but was surprised to find another man on the toilet! I said in English"you shouldnt' go in there" but I dont' think he understood me...and got a surprise!! LOL it was funny and i started laughing...the man got really uncomfortable...and I was trying to make it look like I wasn't laughing at him...but I that wasn't the nicest thing to do!!
We stayed there for a while had a dirnk OH i had a Diet Coke and the can looks awsome...hang on I will show you!!

I took the can home on the train LOL we had to run to the train cuase we left to late LOL it was funny. We got to the traffic lights and we ran acroos them and then we lost someone and Nathalie had fallen over somehting. It wasn't that great! I was scary!!! She had a MASSIVE BRUISE afterwards!!!
The train was long and expensive cause we took the intercity...which is about 3Euro's more!! But hey at least we didn't have to wait until 4am which would have sucked ALOT!!! LOL yeah that was about all...we got home about...12ish..1am so yeah great night!! LOL
Friday-22nd Was a lazy day...I don't know what I did that day...recoverd I reacon...slept LOL
Sunday-24th...I know It would have been a lazy day. I never do Much on Sundays...except sleep eat and try and update bolg!!! OH wait there was a concert in the center and there was a cool italian singer that i like who wears a hat and sings a song called Nuovo Mondo-New World- and i like it...oh and also there was the Absolute Zero people as well they sing a song thats cool but the film clip makes no it has no realtion to the song...even though I can't inderstand the song so it's all just bleh!! LOL But it was cool it was huge and there were alot of people crammed into a very small space...but it was still cool!! LOL
I was just dancing and being well me...and I scared some guys off...cause i sniffed in the general direction of a guy as he walked past me...I can't rememeber what I was actually doing but yeah that I think scared him. But to compinsate there was a guy who scared by talking to me in Italian...and then talking to me in English...and then showing me his massive scar on his stomach...and then telling me he had cancer and then wanting money...I was jsut scared and all I wanted was a Piadinna-I think thats how you spell it...but it's nice mountain bread...not like my previous experience with mountain bread-and then he went...but i never got my Piadinna...then the cool hat singer guy and then I was HAPPY...but freaked out...but all good!
The trolley is universal. Use it to shop, move people, move stuff. You need to move alot...find a trolley!!
Monday- 25th OK first day of Uni sucked!! I didn't know waht i was ment to be doing and i had no idea where i was ment to be and to top it off the professors all but one were BUTT heads. OK i woke up at like and was like ahhh so shouldnt' have gone out last night LOL but then i was like ahh but it was fun! LOL made a new friend lol and scared a guy cause i sniffed him...well i sniffed in his generale direction LOL anywya back to UNI...ok so on my way to the Archittectura Facoltà! Oh yeah a whole...well...5 min walk. I was panicing casue I had no idea what it was going to be like and how many people there would be. I was jsut like go find the lady you found the other day and all will be peaches!
I found the lady and was like HEAVEN!!LOL more the fact cause she can speak English and is really nice but insists on standing really close to me for some particular reason...i guess i should eat onions or garlic b4 i see her...PERSONAL SPACE...but I don't minda cause she told me all the information I needed to know! What class it was and where it was!! I wanted to hug her...but mihgt not be i just said thank you and went to find ALULA B-ROOM B.
I walked up two flights of stairs and nothing showed me the way to Aula B...the lady wasn't very clear on the directions...but I was at the right building at least. I walked up another two flights of stairs and saw a bunch of old men...presummed to be I asked if they could speak English...they could...badly...but it was good English. I said "Hello, my name is Kathryn Yost and I am from Australia" the man said "Welcome pleased to meet you", I said "Thank you, do you know where Alula B is?" The man said, "Yes, Through that door and on your right." I said, "Thank you." I then proceeded into the room full of Italian people...where I started to panic...I walked in going "ahhhh" not so quietly and then had to find a seat...found one and didn't move. Now I had to remind myself to breathe...and not stare...LOL (O.O) I was really packing it! Seriously scared out of my brains. I must have looked like such a weirdo! But I was petrified...not knowing anyone...not knowing the language and what they were talking about!! I was just so scared!
The lesson began...and I was packing it still!! I was like ahhh crap crap crap I even wrote it own a couple of times...and also BREATHE!! LOL yeah i really was petrified!!!
There was a PAUSE...and this is where I was so ready to just pack it all in!! I went up to the guy...I presummed the Professor/Lecturer cause he was talking and stuff... and I tried to introduce myself in my horrible Italian...he didn't I jsut spoke to him in English. He was such an unfriednly person who was such a butt!! I was so about to cry because he didn't even help or anything. He just said how can you understand? I said I can understand a little...which was true...and he was like Italian is the first language here...yeah I got that...and then I was like...thanks MR HELPFUL...and then I asked what was happening today and he said that there will be two groups...and I was like yeah...more information please...nothing. Then the pause was over...and all I wanted to do was go home and never go back...I haven't actually been that class...but then I just sat down and paniced. Then a few mins later there was the seperation of the groups...and I had no idea what was going on. But randomly and I will thank her forever!! A girl came to my rescue. She said for me to stay here cause she had friends here or something...I was like...oh I love you!!! she was an angel!! I sat down and I was expecting some people to introduce themselves to me cause she said she had friends here...but nope I was just like my mouth...Sucsi...come ti chiama?(Excuse me, what is your name?)They replied and I felt happy...but then my conversation then they moved away. I did how ever meet a guy who could speak English and he was from florence...I was like hey cool! He was nice and his mate intorduced me to the people I now follow around like a lost puppy...LOL I love them!! They deserve to be awarded with an award!!! They can speak Enlgish enough to explain the basic ideas of the classes and assignements...they are awsome...but sometimes...most of the time...they don't really understand what I am saying...but after about 5mins or so they get it.
So I was now in a group doing a building...for something I had no idea what...and then I had lunch. I was so hungry!!!Annd honestly wanted to get out of there...mainly cause the guy was a butt!! And not very nice!!!
I came back after lunch and really didn't know what was happening...I jsut kidna followed the people and was like mullet eyed the whole time...I really must have looked weird! Some guy did a thing about something...I dunno I zoned out! Then he finished and I left! I siad goodbye first to the nice people and then left!
I just sat at home and was like ahhhhh...what am I doing...really freaked out. The reality that I had to learn Italian hit me like a tonne of bricks and it was then that well I learnt to come out of my shell and just open my mouth! Ask for help!!
Henrique's cousin Marco came with his mate Klemints- He is German- and Marco is Portugese and yeah both of them came fomr the BIG ARCHITECTURAL thing in Venice and I was like AHHHHHHHHHAHHHHH I want to go and yeah it was awsome hearing about it!! So yeah they are really nice. Klemints went home on Tuesday back to Germany. Oh so cool!!
Tuesday-26th Second day was alot better but unfortuanatly it was a kinda boring subject...CONSTRUCTION those who have done BTD would know exaclty what it's like...for those who haven' leanr abou the construction of a building which is kinda cool...but at the smae time it's being taught in the most obscure and bizzar manner. BUt the man-ie the Professor...they aren't called Lectureres here they are Professors!!!- cracked funnies-jokes- LOL but most of them were in Italian and I was like ahhh what the?? LOL and kinda went back to drawing circles on my page...which i really want it to be full so I have well the week to kinda well do it...yeah i totaly understand what the people say oh yeah!
But today was a lot better. The guy was really nice and helpful and kinda like "we are happy to have an Australian here" I was like ahh YOU ROCK lol he spoke in English..bad and well I spoke SHOCKING i guess it was all good! We have like one project for the entire ear and we do it in steps so I guess you kinda get to rock at it in the end so I am like YAY!!!! But the people I have kinda attached myself to are really nice, how ever I feel like a tool-and i think they laughed at me-for following them around like a lost puppy ( lol i was talking to the cousin of Henrique-Portugese guy- and telling him about the fact I follow them around and he was laughing at me...and he was kinda up lifting me which was nice saying that in Architecture you draw and thats what the Language of Architecture is. So I feel better now but I still feel like an idiot for following people around...)but I don't know anyone...and I guess i am scared to talk to people...but I have intorduced myself to people and one guy has intorduced himself to me...and he was tall dark and handsom and named Jacob...but you say it fancy...and he was wearing pink undies...his pants were hanging off his bottom...if YOU WERE WONDERING HOW I KNEW HE HAD PINK UNDIES ON!! loL
Then the class started agian and again I still had no idea what was happenign...then people had their photo's taken...I guess for a databae thing! The professor guy was like Australians dont' speack English...I was like what?? He said that his collegue had been to Australia and he couldn't understnd their English. He said that Britsh say "MISTAKE" and then Australians would say it like "MISTEAK" really emphasising the "A" making it sound like "MISTEAK". Then it was LUNCH so guess what I HAD...PASTA...i reacon...LOL
After lunch there was a class dedicated to something or rather...I had no Idea what...but it wasn't all that exciting!! Then it finished!!
Wednesday 27th- was free cause I was looking at the courses etc and I didn't have to do the History thing cause I have already done that era of History..and I can't repeat thign I have already done...even though technically I am!! But yeah so i jsut was like ahh cool...and slept probley did some Italian.
LOL How could I forgot that Nathalie moved...LOL Deltta and Silvia swapped apartments with Nathalie-who lived across the hall...and yeah now lives here! LOL. We went out the the PUMPKIN SEED BAR lol they give you Pmpkin Seeds to eat cause it's salty and then you need more alcohol but alcohol is a Diaretic...makes you thirsty...LOL so really they are EVIL...or if your like me and drink water and then take the pumkin seeds and stick them to random cars then it works out jsut great LOL
I have been out every single night this week!! AHHHHHHhhhhhHHHHhhhhh kinda like AHHhhh what am I doing?? LOL rock up to Uni...not like i never did this in Tassie...but asleep and just not in the greatest state of mind! LOL partying all nihgt with sugar isn't good!! It's fun at the time LOL but yeah you wake up kinda sore...from jumping off walls and doing stupid last night.
Thursday- 28th I went to History Third year. I had missed the first class which was on Wednesday but it didn't really matter all that much anyway...couldn't understnd what the gy was saying anyways!! LOL BUt yeah My friend Magda was there so thatw as cool. She was giving me the low down on what happened on Wednesday...nothign much. Yeah the guy was talking about the Assignment or something we had to do for the research a building and etc. Get in contact with the Architects if possiblie and stuff. I was liek cool cool. My building is in here I go for a trip to Rimini!!
Today-Thursday- Henrique and Patricia moved into their cool Apartment on the Third floor on the otherside!! It's cool cause you see everything LOL and yeah nice!!! very nice!
Marco left that night so yeah. He was cool! Strange cookie but hey all Architecture Students are a bit WEiRD!!!
Friday-29th It was the UBER long day cause I had a whole day of Design. It was really awsome cause the guy is kinda famous though I have never heard of him LOL but yeha anyway but He was really nice and helpful. Also the tutor Lady who I have met before...yeah and yeah. We have to analyse a Building and then compose a big sort of Presentation about it all whcih is going to be cool!! LOL but yeah it was long!! very long. But they were so helpful!!
We had to go to the Library after Lunch and research abit. The library is very's scary...i dont' like it down there!! But I found the books I was looking for and then well here we go...LOL...ok I stood there looking like a stuned MULLET lol and ok I gave them my card and then they didn't understand my card...cause they had to put all my information in the database...for some strange reason I didn't exist...?? and yeah so I was like ok gave them all my need like an ID card for EVERythING!! I WAS LIEK's a UNIVERSITY LIBRARY...I have the UNI card...?? strange people??? So yes eventually I got that bit sorted out and then they printed out a thing saying when I had to return the books...and they made me sign it too...these guys aren't at all Environmetnally friendly at all!! But then I beeped cause they didn't unsensor the books...and
Rita a new Portugese girl who is kinda scary came here. She talks alot but is nice none the less...anywya hse arrived today and was bunked in with Patricia and Henrique...thme being Portugese...LOL nah it was cool having someone who can speak really good English..I think my English is dying...and I am understnding Portugese and Itlaian more LOL nah it's awsome!!
LOL That night we went to an Eramus Welcome party or something it was pretty cool we went to this place called The Gallery whcih was liek a basement pub...LOL and it has XXXX and like a big thing dedicated to Australia!! LOL it's awosme I like it though cause it's a basement...not alot of fresh air!! So it's good idea to make sure you smell nice!! LOL Nah it was cool we were there for a while!! Till like 4...or something!!
There were some guys that were EXTREMLY DRUNK like massively WASTED!!! and were being really random and stupid...and were really scary. Patricia, Nathalie and myself were like being attacked lol nah they were just trying to talk to us...but they couldn't exactly do it very well with their state of mind LOL!!
I ordered a medium coke LOL it was like a large coke!! and I put down on the table and Nathalie nocked it over LOL it was great made me laugh!! LOL she baught me a new one! Nice Girl!
Patricia took a cool beer glass that was in the shape a large test tube with a buldging base it was pretty cool and came with a stand!! LOL she has it in her kitchen!!
Great night!!! Way too long though 4am just isn't a great hour to be alive!!
Saturday 30th- A friend of Patricia's and Henriques arrived with his Parents form Switzerland. He's half Swiss and half Portugese its cool! So he came along with us to this festival thing. His name is Michelle. He's awsome though LOL
We went to this Festival before which was somehting to do with the Cultures in Cesena. It was pretty cool but small!! We met some other people there and we were like hey cool awsome wicked! and then went to the cool Festival thing. They had mainly African things cause there are alot of Northern African people here I guess cause it's close...
There were a few people there but it wasn't in a Piazza-open public space in a middle of somewhere- but in a courtyard of a building. It was a bit weird LOL but it was cool. Little kiddies had balloons and I wanted one!! This is specific for later on!
So we watched a skit by these circus clowns it was pretty cool. They were good!! Clowns With music is always a good thing. LOL towards the end they chose children form the stage and they would use them as performers LOL It was great. I could see their mothers panicing!! LOL and i could invision the children falling and the clowns being sued LOL. The first little kid was going to wet her self from being so scared!! She was a great performer lol it was great!!! LOL Then they took another two little kids and did similar things with them...ahhh MOTHERS were Panicing EVERYWHERE!! LOL but yeah I could Imagine the little kids falling over and lol it wouldn't be good!!
We also watched Capoeira-The Braislian dancing martial arts thing. That was NUTS! It was really cool cause they are so talented!! They dance and do not touch each other it's weird couse they look like contorsionists the people that bend...they bend lots though...but yeah is't like!
LOL as we were leaving I well took a ballon form the tree and kinda walked fast out of the ourtyard. It was BIG AND YELLOW LOL it was great!
LOL we walked to Magda's, Maria-Polish and studying Architecture- and Aitseber-Basque...North of Spain if you didn't know...-house and there were some people their already dirnking and stuff...Euwin from New Zealand and Magda and Maria! Then us. It was Marta-Spanish, Hosje-Mexican, Miter-Spanish,, Henrique, Patricia, Michelle, Nathalie and myself. LOL when we got there...Henrique lost my Ballon on the Terrace of the neighbours house!! I was soo sad I was like you have to go get!! I was not a happy chappy!! But Michelle was nice and got it for me!! LOL he had to climb over a wire fence to get it...I was liek ahh awsome LOL!! NO ONE COULD TOUCH MY BALLOON AFTER THAT INCIDENT!!!
Pretty much all of them are doing the Italian Language course...i don't know if Hosje...the Mexican is doing it? But everyone else is!
The Mexican is always like you have to look into their eyes when you "SALUTE" or "CHEERS" or "CHING CHING" with some one LOL it was great! It was pretty cool but the music...not dancey and when they want you to dance to a sad song It just isn't Kosher!! LOL we ate chips and stuff...many people got really kinda tipsy...LOL and then more people came! An Argentinian dude...more Spanish people and yeah they were like wooooo PARTY!! LOL so it lasted about a while.
The party was on a roof terrace over lookiing the DOMO-church of Cesena. It's really nice awsome place...but you have to walk up a billion stairs lol. But is't nice none the less.
We went to Ipercop and got some chips and coke etc and we were on our way back and we went up this road that didn't lead to where we wanted to go...I couldn't be bothered walking down the road and then I jumped of the wall. The wall was about and yeah. There were these girls sitting on the bench in front of the wall. When I was a quick landing lol the girls stood up and were absolutly PETRIFIED of ME!! LOL i htink it was the massive THUMP I must have made when landing LOL it was great LOL I was surprised I just jumped off the wall LOL. Yeah...I got a bruise on my arm where it hit my knee but other then that it was a perfect landing...and i didn't squish my Kinder Surprise or the chips LOL Talent!!
We went back and hung out at Magda's for a while and that was about it. Left about 3 or something...oh the night was a long day!! and We were all pooped!!!
LOL we walked home and i was mucking around with my balloon, all of a sudden the balloon poped! LOL I was about to cry. I felt so sorry fo r Michelle who had to go and get it of the terrace of another house and then I go and pop the thing!! LOL i kept the remains...and oh i felt bad!!!
Sunday 1st of October-We wnet to the park which is over the bridge and then behind the stables and infront of the Athletics track, and plyed some UNO. UNO is the game we play the most!! LOL yeah alot of UNO GAMES HAVE BEEN PLAYED!!!
A new guy Stefano...Italaian and form the Heal of Italy arrived and was living with Patricia and Henrique. He is kinda weird he is kinda like those fashionable scary guys that I avoid...LOL but he is nice...scary though! but yeah I think he felt out of place!
That night our new ITALIAN flatemates arrived as well!! Chiara and Elena!! They are awsome! Chiara is doing Psychology like Nathalie and Elena is doing Architecture so it was like wow AWSOME!! LOL they can speak a bit of English which is helpfula nd they help us with out Italian!!!

We all had like a massive dinner!! there was like 8 of us...we had like pasta with two sauces whcih was good they were really nice. The Itlaians were like "You cook weird" lol we were like...yeah..!! LOL
Monday 2nd- I didn't go to class cause I didn't need to do that scary subject I will indeed avoid the really scary guy!!!! So I think I slept...i don't know probley didn't do alot!!!
Tuesday 3rd-Friday 6th I was at UNI. Nothing exciting happend really. There was jsut the explinations of the assignments and more stuff that I didn't really understand but I am slowly getting better.
I think a couple of times we ate at Herique's and Patricia's and they are AWSOME COOKS!! I am so goign to Portugal to eat LOL nah they are awsoem cooks!!! Alot of UNO would have been played as well!!! LOL
This is what has been happening over the past well 2 weeks...3 weeks...I have more!! Dont' you worry!! LOL
For now
Friday-15th I went to Bologna and to a random Museum of Archiology. It was pretty cool seeing all these weird things but I didn't understand most of what the lady was saying but she would like point at things and then I would be like AHHhhhh thats what she's talking about. But most of the time I was like yeah cool...I did how ever see some random skeletons that kinda freaked me out but none the less I was indeed in a museum of lots of old stuff so you know...I guess skeltons weren't like out of the ordinary.
After the Museum Adventure thing-which was free cause the University had organised it! And it lasted only 2hours or something so we were finished by 1pm-I decided to walk around Bologna and go places I had never been. I managed to get myself lost and I couldnt' find the train station. But I did how ever find a Fantasy Shop...LOL it was full of Disney Fantasy stuff and it was COOOOLLLL lol I was so out of place considering I was like THE ONLY PERSON there LOL and most of the stuff seemed to be for little people(translation-Children) and I'm not exactly child height lol I have how ever child like characteristics LOL as many would know...with my slight obsession with cartoons and Spongebob Squarepants. LOL anyway I did how ever buy one of those little green alien things from Toy Story. LOL it was on special lol and I thought I was cute!! LOL and a really expensive Mickey Mouse Pencil...which I regret was only €2 so I was like ahhh probley shouldn't have bought that but hey it was cool!

So I eventually found the Train Station and was like OH YEAH!! LOL but the bummer was that there were SO many people and my train was going to leave in like 10mins and the next one was like an hour later...and I wasn't prepared to wait for I was EVIL EYEING THE people in front of me who were taking for ever with the Train ticket machines...they were taking forever and I NEEDED MY TICKET! I got one with 2 mins to spare so I had to run the the platform and sorta fly onto the train LOL wasn't eactly like that but I nearly missed it...LOL but yeah I as on my way home YAY...
I got home and was like cool no worries! Then about an hour since I was home the doorbell rang and there was FABIO-lol thats his name lol he's a guy who lives on the otherside of the elevator- and a girl. I was like ahh Dellta was asleep on the couch, but woke up. The girl was from Portugal and was here as an ERAMUS student. I was like hey cool...she spoke English so I was like ok cool! Her and her boyfriend were here to study Bio-Medical Engineering...I dunno it's not like they will become Engineers but they can professionaly put on band aids...My interpretation of it anyways. Their names are Patrica and Henrique-but you kinda say it like Henrik-It's Portaguese for Henry I was like hey cool! LOL so that was that.
It all kinda happened really fast and I was like ahhhh what the...and then it was over and I was like ahh What but later that night Dellta and Fabio (I love his name LOL) ordered pizza for us all. LOL Dellata was like " Do you know Pisa" I was like ahh yeah the leaning tower thing..." NO NO the *hand motions* round eat" ahhh PIZZA ahh yeah...(Her and Fabio were like what...she dont' know Pizza LOL and they laughed at me...LOL) so I was like yeah! Then It was the desicions...What pizza...I wanted the the simplist pizza and hey said I couldn't have it so I got like a margharita with FUNGI and fungi is will mushrooms...and perscuito is like the smoked ham really salty but it was nice on the pizza!! VA BENE!!! LOL It was cool like my first ORdered Pizza lol. Not the first time I have eaten PIzza here but it was the first ordered!
That is it...we talked and then I went to bed!
Saturday- 16th Just chilled out at home. It was raining and kinda feeling like I should be infornt of a fire with milo-something i am craving- and chilling out with a book or the tv.
Sunday-17th I was invited by the Portugeses couple to join them for a walk around Cesena. LOL I was like ahh yeah sure why not. LOL even though I had seen alot of Cesena. We went to the the Castle which is in the middle of the city in Piazza di Popolo or something. LOL It was cool. Its one of those medieval Ruins things that Cesena is famous for.
We walked up alot of stairs to get to to the top of the the castle thing. For those who dont' know anything about a fortified castle in Medieval times, usally the CASTLE was built on a hill and then lower down the hill they woudl build Massive walls. The walls would act as the first defense against the enemy and then the hill being steep would act as the second defence, and of the enemy got further then that the castle walls would act as the third defence and then its an all out man to man battle.

The view was Bounissimo! is was beautiful. The rain had stopped and you could see for miles! I never realised that Cesena was so big! It is huge!! LOL we walked around the outside and found a way in. LOL I think you had to pay but we just kinda walked in and was like ooooo Photo session LOL. There were some old people frolikking around the place but i was like yeah cool there was something or rather to do with what ever old people do. They were leaving but I have a habbit of just wondering around places. So i wondered and then the place was closing and Patricia was like "ahh Kathryn we have to go." I was like oh ok...I was waiting for them to follow me...I thiink everyone follows me...but really they just watch...hmmm anyway.
We went out and walked down the other side of the it has some realtions to another song I know...and then walked up a big hill and then walked down the big hill and then walked into the center of the Città and then they got food then yeah.

We walked around Cesena and we decided to go to the monastary which was on the top of a MASSIVE HILL like it was a killer...but it wasn't that bad LOL I htink the views were worth it so that kinda took out the whole MASSIVE HILL part!!! The Monastary was closed so we couldn't go inside but the outside was awsome!!! It's strange cause there was a Priest walking around and I was like wow...thats cool!

We met some "casuale" -RANDOM-Americans who were wondering the streets LOL it was kinda cool. The lady was like "AHHH YOU SPEAK ENGLISH" kinda not like that but you get the idea...she was a happy chappy! We talked for a bit in the street and then I was like ahhh ok I ma going home now. Henrique and Patricia were like yeah no worries! I went home and kinda realxed and that was Sunday.
Monday-18th Ahh the day the Language classes started...I went to the place The center for the CLIRO Language thing a little after 9am to see what the deal was with the Language course that arvo. LOL this girl asked me something when I was at the door and I was like then I was this where the Italian Language Course is...she kinda looked at me and then was like ahhh...and then her friend came and then she was like ahhh "blah blah blah" and then she was like ahhh "do you have 5cents" lol I was like ahhh....*looked in my wallet* ah no sorry. LOL then I asked her if this where the the itlaian Language course is and then she was like it would be here * she montioned with her arms to where it could be* then I was like ahh Grazie!
I walked in to the building and was like ahhh ok...and then went the way she montioned and then there was just computers etc there and I was ahhh ok. But then there was a man, who spoke English and I was like ahhh Excellent! LOL he said that I had to go some where or rather to attend this course thing. I was like ahh ok thanks. LOL it ment I had to wlak further then I really wanted to...
I went to the International Realtions Office to get my...UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA STUDENT CARD!!! oh yeah lol There is this thing at the front of the door which is for you to get a ticket for the different offices in the building. I didn't know what it was at first but then I was like ahhh what are the other people doing...they would just stand there push a button and then a piece of paper cmae out... I was like ahhh so I walked to the machine doobey and was like ahhh what the...It was all initlaian as you would expect..being in Itlay...and then I was like ahhh I need the Internazionale relations office...I found it and was like ok. I pushed the red button...and out came a cool little thing with a number on it. I was like ahh cool Brilliant. Then I waited.Then I went inside then I waited agian then I got my student card and then it was all good! YAY LOL

That avventura lasted an hour so that was exciting! lol I went back home and then chilled out for a bit until about 1600 and then made my way to the exciting...Language course thing.
I got lost...cause my handy dandy; my handwritting led me to a scary Highway...and I don't do highway with Italian I was like ahhh NO...thus I had to wing my way to this place. It was a good thing I left at 1600 cuase well i got lost...I walked down a couple of streets wondering where they will end up, and then well found the Engineering part of the University of Bologna...and was like hey wow, then was like yeah cool the road a bout road. I found a massively long road so I was like hmm ok lets try it out! LOL so i walked down it...kinda stalked these two people...though i was just walking where they were walking...and low and 1-2kms later TAADAAAA well It was a gate...that had the number of the place on it...and a puppy...well it was a wee bit older then a puppy but cute! LOL I was like hey wow...that took like...20 mins...marvellous!! LOL so i was like excellent lets explore...and TAAADAAA i found a....TOY SHOP!! Yip the coolest thing in the UNIVERSE!! TOYS!! LOL so I thouhgt i would relax and treat my self to a toy. and I found a Spongebob Squarepants kinda Suprise Bag I was like HEY HEY!!! thats cool!! LOL but I thought it would be a lot cooler and actually give me a Spongebob Squarepants toy...not a motorbike...???? But hey I aslo thought it was a party pack LOL cause it was next to the sexy party stuff like the cups and plate and hatrs etc...i wouldn't have minded so much!! LOL
I went back to the place where the language course was being held,and waited outside. I met a Polish girl Magda there and she is doing Architecture which is awsome!!!There were a few people there so that was cool! I was freaking out cause i had no idea what to expect!! We went inside and sat down and then...imagine standing infront of a charging bull and then it stops infront of you and offers you a cup of tea!!! It was like that...random...The lqdy spoke in Italian...and I couldn't understqnd a word of what she was saying...I would get like 3 words then try and make sense of 20mins of her talking from understanding 3 words...yeah that was fun. We had a break and I was like so freaking out and just like...digesting the unknown words of Italian I heard!!! Yeah fun fun!! We then had another half and that was a bit better...not alot. But hey it ended and GUESS WHAT!!! Low and belhold ERASMUS-European Exchange Student thing-Students (which...I pretend I am...) Get the use of the city bikes...for FREE!!! So you can ride around on a sexy blue bike with a very sexy basket on the front it's FANTASTIC!! I love it LOL!!!
So my first day of Italian class was a certain adventure!! But hey It can only get better.
Tuesday-19th, I attackted the ITALIAN with all my might and coloured pencils. I got bored studying so I coloured the sheets in!! Yip...excellent!!!
Wednesday-20th Henrique and Patricia and I went to a place called Cesenatico!!! Cesenatico is a place close to Cesena but by the sea. It's about 30mins by bus to the sea and then you have to walk for a bit...It was weird!!! LOL It was the first time I caught a bus so that was fun!! and the was like swimming in a the sea...very weird!!! The sand...was covered with banana lounges and umbrellas and it was one was in the water... But it was hot and when you are at the beach you I swam. There weren't any waves cause of these barriers that stoped the rough sea from hurting the people...I dunno it was weird but nice. I built a sand castle which wasn't the best but it was still cool none the less!! I liked it!

It was the first time I had ever seen a lady push a pram along a beach with a baby inside...i was like right then. LOL there was this little girl who was chucking a hissy fit cause her dad and older sister went on the canoe first and she was like ahhh I want to go LOL it was funny...kinda cruel that we were laughing at her...she would ahve been about 2-3...hmm now I feel bad. We then left cause we had to get back to Cesena for Italian!!
We had another Italian class it was SOOOOooooOOOOoooooOOOOooooo MUCH BETTER... Insted of a bull It was a person offering me a cup of tea... a little bit better!!!She still spoke alot of Italian...but I kinda understood what the deal was with what she was saying cause I studied!!!
Thursday-21st-No idea what I did I think that night Natahlie, Henrique, Patricia and I went to Bologna for an Erasmus Party LOL, it was an adventure thats for sure! LOL we got some pizza for the train ride and everyone was like drulling cuase of our pizza LOL. We had to do something for the hour trian ride to bologna!! LOL it was good pizza...really good!!! LOL yeah pizza here is just good...but greasy..but it's good!!!
So we got off the train in Bologna and we had to look for the train times home...the last Regional-CHEAP-train was leaving about 10:30pm or something and then the next one was 11:30 but it was double the price and then the next one was at sunday...We were like we were plaing to take the 11:30 one...or a bus...the bus' had stopped so we had the train!
We walked around and went to the great fantastic...thing...the thing is a Massive stair case which later you will see some great photo's of it! But i go tmy photo taken out the front of it LOL i look stupid!

Then we continued to walk around Bologna and head towards the Party place...well the street cuase I didn't EXACTLY know WHERE it was...but I knew th e street. We were walking around just cruising the streets at like 8/9pm it was cool...scary adn random though!!!
We found the street and stuff whcih was cool and I met one of my friends-Antony form England-and said CIAO and did the *kiss kiss* hting lol it's strange I feel like a complete idiot when I do it!! BUt yeah talked to him and asked him where the party was and stuff...was helpful and then left! Was random cause he is working in a Bar...but he lives in Bologna which is awsome but yeah be pretty awsome!!
We walked down the Via Zambioni or what ever and was a MASS of people with cups. It's kinda amazing that Italy doens't have a law against having alcohol outside...cause if they did...they would have made a FORTUNE in was a Piazza covered wiht people and bottles. It's cheaper to buy wine and beer at the supermarket and then take it out. I paid 3Euro's for a medium coke...I was like WHAT...and that was even with the discount...I was like...ok...never again! We then found the Party and it was in a fansy kinda bar thing almost like...umm the Metz in Hobart but more fansy..I don't know a fansy Hobart but yeah think of a fansy bar and you have it...LOL the music how ever was FANTASTIC!! I loved it!! but you know how parties aare ment to be like dancing and stuff...not jsut sit and it was fun though. LOL i went to scare Nathalie who went to the bathhroom and I was hiding behind the wall and a guy walked past and entered the Disabled bathroomon the right. About mins later another guy entered the bathroom but was surprised to find another man on the toilet! I said in English"you shouldnt' go in there" but I dont' think he understood me...and got a surprise!! LOL it was funny and i started laughing...the man got really uncomfortable...and I was trying to make it look like I wasn't laughing at him...but I that wasn't the nicest thing to do!!
We stayed there for a while had a dirnk OH i had a Diet Coke and the can looks awsome...hang on I will show you!!

I took the can home on the train LOL we had to run to the train cuase we left to late LOL it was funny. We got to the traffic lights and we ran acroos them and then we lost someone and Nathalie had fallen over somehting. It wasn't that great! I was scary!!! She had a MASSIVE BRUISE afterwards!!!
The train was long and expensive cause we took the intercity...which is about 3Euro's more!! But hey at least we didn't have to wait until 4am which would have sucked ALOT!!! LOL yeah that was about all...we got home about...12ish..1am so yeah great night!! LOL
Friday-22nd Was a lazy day...I don't know what I did that day...recoverd I reacon...slept LOL
Sunday-24th...I know It would have been a lazy day. I never do Much on Sundays...except sleep eat and try and update bolg!!! OH wait there was a concert in the center and there was a cool italian singer that i like who wears a hat and sings a song called Nuovo Mondo-New World- and i like it...oh and also there was the Absolute Zero people as well they sing a song thats cool but the film clip makes no it has no realtion to the song...even though I can't inderstand the song so it's all just bleh!! LOL But it was cool it was huge and there were alot of people crammed into a very small space...but it was still cool!! LOL
I was just dancing and being well me...and I scared some guys off...cause i sniffed in the general direction of a guy as he walked past me...I can't rememeber what I was actually doing but yeah that I think scared him. But to compinsate there was a guy who scared by talking to me in Italian...and then talking to me in English...and then showing me his massive scar on his stomach...and then telling me he had cancer and then wanting money...I was jsut scared and all I wanted was a Piadinna-I think thats how you spell it...but it's nice mountain bread...not like my previous experience with mountain bread-and then he went...but i never got my Piadinna...then the cool hat singer guy and then I was HAPPY...but freaked out...but all good!
The trolley is universal. Use it to shop, move people, move stuff. You need to move alot...find a trolley!!
Monday- 25th OK first day of Uni sucked!! I didn't know waht i was ment to be doing and i had no idea where i was ment to be and to top it off the professors all but one were BUTT heads. OK i woke up at like and was like ahhh so shouldnt' have gone out last night LOL but then i was like ahh but it was fun! LOL made a new friend lol and scared a guy cause i sniffed him...well i sniffed in his generale direction LOL anywya back to UNI...ok so on my way to the Archittectura Facoltà! Oh yeah a whole...well...5 min walk. I was panicing casue I had no idea what it was going to be like and how many people there would be. I was jsut like go find the lady you found the other day and all will be peaches!
I found the lady and was like HEAVEN!!LOL more the fact cause she can speak English and is really nice but insists on standing really close to me for some particular reason...i guess i should eat onions or garlic b4 i see her...PERSONAL SPACE...but I don't minda cause she told me all the information I needed to know! What class it was and where it was!! I wanted to hug her...but mihgt not be i just said thank you and went to find ALULA B-ROOM B.
I walked up two flights of stairs and nothing showed me the way to Aula B...the lady wasn't very clear on the directions...but I was at the right building at least. I walked up another two flights of stairs and saw a bunch of old men...presummed to be I asked if they could speak English...they could...badly...but it was good English. I said "Hello, my name is Kathryn Yost and I am from Australia" the man said "Welcome pleased to meet you", I said "Thank you, do you know where Alula B is?" The man said, "Yes, Through that door and on your right." I said, "Thank you." I then proceeded into the room full of Italian people...where I started to panic...I walked in going "ahhhh" not so quietly and then had to find a seat...found one and didn't move. Now I had to remind myself to breathe...and not stare...LOL (O.O) I was really packing it! Seriously scared out of my brains. I must have looked like such a weirdo! But I was petrified...not knowing anyone...not knowing the language and what they were talking about!! I was just so scared!
The lesson began...and I was packing it still!! I was like ahhh crap crap crap I even wrote it own a couple of times...and also BREATHE!! LOL yeah i really was petrified!!!
There was a PAUSE...and this is where I was so ready to just pack it all in!! I went up to the guy...I presummed the Professor/Lecturer cause he was talking and stuff... and I tried to introduce myself in my horrible Italian...he didn't I jsut spoke to him in English. He was such an unfriednly person who was such a butt!! I was so about to cry because he didn't even help or anything. He just said how can you understand? I said I can understand a little...which was true...and he was like Italian is the first language here...yeah I got that...and then I was like...thanks MR HELPFUL...and then I asked what was happening today and he said that there will be two groups...and I was like yeah...more information please...nothing. Then the pause was over...and all I wanted to do was go home and never go back...I haven't actually been that class...but then I just sat down and paniced. Then a few mins later there was the seperation of the groups...and I had no idea what was going on. But randomly and I will thank her forever!! A girl came to my rescue. She said for me to stay here cause she had friends here or something...I was like...oh I love you!!! she was an angel!! I sat down and I was expecting some people to introduce themselves to me cause she said she had friends here...but nope I was just like my mouth...Sucsi...come ti chiama?(Excuse me, what is your name?)They replied and I felt happy...but then my conversation then they moved away. I did how ever meet a guy who could speak English and he was from florence...I was like hey cool! He was nice and his mate intorduced me to the people I now follow around like a lost puppy...LOL I love them!! They deserve to be awarded with an award!!! They can speak Enlgish enough to explain the basic ideas of the classes and assignements...they are awsome...but sometimes...most of the time...they don't really understand what I am saying...but after about 5mins or so they get it.
So I was now in a group doing a building...for something I had no idea what...and then I had lunch. I was so hungry!!!Annd honestly wanted to get out of there...mainly cause the guy was a butt!! And not very nice!!!
I came back after lunch and really didn't know what was happening...I jsut kidna followed the people and was like mullet eyed the whole time...I really must have looked weird! Some guy did a thing about something...I dunno I zoned out! Then he finished and I left! I siad goodbye first to the nice people and then left!
I just sat at home and was like ahhhhh...what am I doing...really freaked out. The reality that I had to learn Italian hit me like a tonne of bricks and it was then that well I learnt to come out of my shell and just open my mouth! Ask for help!!
Henrique's cousin Marco came with his mate Klemints- He is German- and Marco is Portugese and yeah both of them came fomr the BIG ARCHITECTURAL thing in Venice and I was like AHHHHHHHHHAHHHHH I want to go and yeah it was awsome hearing about it!! So yeah they are really nice. Klemints went home on Tuesday back to Germany. Oh so cool!!
Tuesday-26th Second day was alot better but unfortuanatly it was a kinda boring subject...CONSTRUCTION those who have done BTD would know exaclty what it's like...for those who haven' leanr abou the construction of a building which is kinda cool...but at the smae time it's being taught in the most obscure and bizzar manner. BUt the man-ie the Professor...they aren't called Lectureres here they are Professors!!!- cracked funnies-jokes- LOL but most of them were in Italian and I was like ahhh what the?? LOL and kinda went back to drawing circles on my page...which i really want it to be full so I have well the week to kinda well do it...yeah i totaly understand what the people say oh yeah!
But today was a lot better. The guy was really nice and helpful and kinda like "we are happy to have an Australian here" I was like ahh YOU ROCK lol he spoke in English..bad and well I spoke SHOCKING i guess it was all good! We have like one project for the entire ear and we do it in steps so I guess you kinda get to rock at it in the end so I am like YAY!!!! But the people I have kinda attached myself to are really nice, how ever I feel like a tool-and i think they laughed at me-for following them around like a lost puppy ( lol i was talking to the cousin of Henrique-Portugese guy- and telling him about the fact I follow them around and he was laughing at me...and he was kinda up lifting me which was nice saying that in Architecture you draw and thats what the Language of Architecture is. So I feel better now but I still feel like an idiot for following people around...)but I don't know anyone...and I guess i am scared to talk to people...but I have intorduced myself to people and one guy has intorduced himself to me...and he was tall dark and handsom and named Jacob...but you say it fancy...and he was wearing pink undies...his pants were hanging off his bottom...if YOU WERE WONDERING HOW I KNEW HE HAD PINK UNDIES ON!! loL
Then the class started agian and again I still had no idea what was happenign...then people had their photo's taken...I guess for a databae thing! The professor guy was like Australians dont' speack English...I was like what?? He said that his collegue had been to Australia and he couldn't understnd their English. He said that Britsh say "MISTAKE" and then Australians would say it like "MISTEAK" really emphasising the "A" making it sound like "MISTEAK". Then it was LUNCH so guess what I HAD...PASTA...i reacon...LOL
After lunch there was a class dedicated to something or rather...I had no Idea what...but it wasn't all that exciting!! Then it finished!!
Wednesday 27th- was free cause I was looking at the courses etc and I didn't have to do the History thing cause I have already done that era of History..and I can't repeat thign I have already done...even though technically I am!! But yeah so i jsut was like ahh cool...and slept probley did some Italian.
LOL How could I forgot that Nathalie moved...LOL Deltta and Silvia swapped apartments with Nathalie-who lived across the hall...and yeah now lives here! LOL. We went out the the PUMPKIN SEED BAR lol they give you Pmpkin Seeds to eat cause it's salty and then you need more alcohol but alcohol is a Diaretic...makes you thirsty...LOL so really they are EVIL...or if your like me and drink water and then take the pumkin seeds and stick them to random cars then it works out jsut great LOL
I have been out every single night this week!! AHHHHHHhhhhhHHHHhhhhh kinda like AHHhhh what am I doing?? LOL rock up to Uni...not like i never did this in Tassie...but asleep and just not in the greatest state of mind! LOL partying all nihgt with sugar isn't good!! It's fun at the time LOL but yeah you wake up kinda sore...from jumping off walls and doing stupid last night.
Thursday- 28th I went to History Third year. I had missed the first class which was on Wednesday but it didn't really matter all that much anyway...couldn't understnd what the gy was saying anyways!! LOL BUt yeah My friend Magda was there so thatw as cool. She was giving me the low down on what happened on Wednesday...nothign much. Yeah the guy was talking about the Assignment or something we had to do for the research a building and etc. Get in contact with the Architects if possiblie and stuff. I was liek cool cool. My building is in here I go for a trip to Rimini!!
Today-Thursday- Henrique and Patricia moved into their cool Apartment on the Third floor on the otherside!! It's cool cause you see everything LOL and yeah nice!!! very nice!
Marco left that night so yeah. He was cool! Strange cookie but hey all Architecture Students are a bit WEiRD!!!
Friday-29th It was the UBER long day cause I had a whole day of Design. It was really awsome cause the guy is kinda famous though I have never heard of him LOL but yeha anyway but He was really nice and helpful. Also the tutor Lady who I have met before...yeah and yeah. We have to analyse a Building and then compose a big sort of Presentation about it all whcih is going to be cool!! LOL but yeah it was long!! very long. But they were so helpful!!
We had to go to the Library after Lunch and research abit. The library is very's scary...i dont' like it down there!! But I found the books I was looking for and then well here we go...LOL...ok I stood there looking like a stuned MULLET lol and ok I gave them my card and then they didn't understand my card...cause they had to put all my information in the database...for some strange reason I didn't exist...?? and yeah so I was like ok gave them all my need like an ID card for EVERythING!! I WAS LIEK's a UNIVERSITY LIBRARY...I have the UNI card...?? strange people??? So yes eventually I got that bit sorted out and then they printed out a thing saying when I had to return the books...and they made me sign it too...these guys aren't at all Environmetnally friendly at all!! But then I beeped cause they didn't unsensor the books...and
Rita a new Portugese girl who is kinda scary came here. She talks alot but is nice none the less...anywya hse arrived today and was bunked in with Patricia and Henrique...thme being Portugese...LOL nah it was cool having someone who can speak really good English..I think my English is dying...and I am understnding Portugese and Itlaian more LOL nah it's awsome!!
LOL That night we went to an Eramus Welcome party or something it was pretty cool we went to this place called The Gallery whcih was liek a basement pub...LOL and it has XXXX and like a big thing dedicated to Australia!! LOL it's awosme I like it though cause it's a basement...not alot of fresh air!! So it's good idea to make sure you smell nice!! LOL Nah it was cool we were there for a while!! Till like 4...or something!!
There were some guys that were EXTREMLY DRUNK like massively WASTED!!! and were being really random and stupid...and were really scary. Patricia, Nathalie and myself were like being attacked lol nah they were just trying to talk to us...but they couldn't exactly do it very well with their state of mind LOL!!
I ordered a medium coke LOL it was like a large coke!! and I put down on the table and Nathalie nocked it over LOL it was great made me laugh!! LOL she baught me a new one! Nice Girl!
Patricia took a cool beer glass that was in the shape a large test tube with a buldging base it was pretty cool and came with a stand!! LOL she has it in her kitchen!!
Great night!!! Way too long though 4am just isn't a great hour to be alive!!
Saturday 30th- A friend of Patricia's and Henriques arrived with his Parents form Switzerland. He's half Swiss and half Portugese its cool! So he came along with us to this festival thing. His name is Michelle. He's awsome though LOL
We went to this Festival before which was somehting to do with the Cultures in Cesena. It was pretty cool but small!! We met some other people there and we were like hey cool awsome wicked! and then went to the cool Festival thing. They had mainly African things cause there are alot of Northern African people here I guess cause it's close...
There were a few people there but it wasn't in a Piazza-open public space in a middle of somewhere- but in a courtyard of a building. It was a bit weird LOL but it was cool. Little kiddies had balloons and I wanted one!! This is specific for later on!
So we watched a skit by these circus clowns it was pretty cool. They were good!! Clowns With music is always a good thing. LOL towards the end they chose children form the stage and they would use them as performers LOL It was great. I could see their mothers panicing!! LOL and i could invision the children falling and the clowns being sued LOL. The first little kid was going to wet her self from being so scared!! She was a great performer lol it was great!!! LOL Then they took another two little kids and did similar things with them...ahhh MOTHERS were Panicing EVERYWHERE!! LOL but yeah I could Imagine the little kids falling over and lol it wouldn't be good!!
We also watched Capoeira-The Braislian dancing martial arts thing. That was NUTS! It was really cool cause they are so talented!! They dance and do not touch each other it's weird couse they look like contorsionists the people that bend...they bend lots though...but yeah is't like!
LOL as we were leaving I well took a ballon form the tree and kinda walked fast out of the ourtyard. It was BIG AND YELLOW LOL it was great!
LOL we walked to Magda's, Maria-Polish and studying Architecture- and Aitseber-Basque...North of Spain if you didn't know...-house and there were some people their already dirnking and stuff...Euwin from New Zealand and Magda and Maria! Then us. It was Marta-Spanish, Hosje-Mexican, Miter-Spanish,, Henrique, Patricia, Michelle, Nathalie and myself. LOL when we got there...Henrique lost my Ballon on the Terrace of the neighbours house!! I was soo sad I was like you have to go get!! I was not a happy chappy!! But Michelle was nice and got it for me!! LOL he had to climb over a wire fence to get it...I was liek ahh awsome LOL!! NO ONE COULD TOUCH MY BALLOON AFTER THAT INCIDENT!!!
Pretty much all of them are doing the Italian Language course...i don't know if Hosje...the Mexican is doing it? But everyone else is!
The Mexican is always like you have to look into their eyes when you "SALUTE" or "CHEERS" or "CHING CHING" with some one LOL it was great! It was pretty cool but the music...not dancey and when they want you to dance to a sad song It just isn't Kosher!! LOL we ate chips and stuff...many people got really kinda tipsy...LOL and then more people came! An Argentinian dude...more Spanish people and yeah they were like wooooo PARTY!! LOL so it lasted about a while.
The party was on a roof terrace over lookiing the DOMO-church of Cesena. It's really nice awsome place...but you have to walk up a billion stairs lol. But is't nice none the less.
We went to Ipercop and got some chips and coke etc and we were on our way back and we went up this road that didn't lead to where we wanted to go...I couldn't be bothered walking down the road and then I jumped of the wall. The wall was about and yeah. There were these girls sitting on the bench in front of the wall. When I was a quick landing lol the girls stood up and were absolutly PETRIFIED of ME!! LOL i htink it was the massive THUMP I must have made when landing LOL it was great LOL I was surprised I just jumped off the wall LOL. Yeah...I got a bruise on my arm where it hit my knee but other then that it was a perfect landing...and i didn't squish my Kinder Surprise or the chips LOL Talent!!
We went back and hung out at Magda's for a while and that was about it. Left about 3 or something...oh the night was a long day!! and We were all pooped!!!
LOL we walked home and i was mucking around with my balloon, all of a sudden the balloon poped! LOL I was about to cry. I felt so sorry fo r Michelle who had to go and get it of the terrace of another house and then I go and pop the thing!! LOL i kept the remains...and oh i felt bad!!!
Sunday 1st of October-We wnet to the park which is over the bridge and then behind the stables and infront of the Athletics track, and plyed some UNO. UNO is the game we play the most!! LOL yeah alot of UNO GAMES HAVE BEEN PLAYED!!!
A new guy Stefano...Italaian and form the Heal of Italy arrived and was living with Patricia and Henrique. He is kinda weird he is kinda like those fashionable scary guys that I avoid...LOL but he is nice...scary though! but yeah I think he felt out of place!
That night our new ITALIAN flatemates arrived as well!! Chiara and Elena!! They are awsome! Chiara is doing Psychology like Nathalie and Elena is doing Architecture so it was like wow AWSOME!! LOL they can speak a bit of English which is helpfula nd they help us with out Italian!!!

We all had like a massive dinner!! there was like 8 of us...we had like pasta with two sauces whcih was good they were really nice. The Itlaians were like "You cook weird" lol we were like...yeah..!! LOL
Monday 2nd- I didn't go to class cause I didn't need to do that scary subject I will indeed avoid the really scary guy!!!! So I think I slept...i don't know probley didn't do alot!!!
Tuesday 3rd-Friday 6th I was at UNI. Nothing exciting happend really. There was jsut the explinations of the assignments and more stuff that I didn't really understand but I am slowly getting better.
I think a couple of times we ate at Herique's and Patricia's and they are AWSOME COOKS!! I am so goign to Portugal to eat LOL nah they are awsoem cooks!!! Alot of UNO would have been played as well!!! LOL
This is what has been happening over the past well 2 weeks...3 weeks...I have more!! Dont' you worry!! LOL
For now
Hi Missy Mouse,
So happy that you enjoyed being the Mermaid of Cesenatico. Good to hear that the Porkacheese have become your best friends. They sound awesome.
Yeah, I understand how Tweety Bird must have felt going to Uni for the first time. Like the Black Kat and Tweety Bird fighting for air while drowning in a cup of water.
Sounds like the candle is burning at both ends at the moment. It goes like that in the beginning.
But remember to avoid panic hell and start assignments well in advance, cause you have to ask your friends for help and they need their time also.
Happy you have some pleasant professors. Don't worry too much about the stuck up unfriendly ones. They probably can't speak English and don't want to embarrass themselves so they have chosen to ignore you. Glad you have found some awesome Achi-friends!! They Rock!!
Well my little Mermaid, so glad you are studying your Italian and that you are able to understand more than you did before you left OZ!!! HOORAY!!
wow, you are insane! you never used to go out partying every night....what the fuck is wrong with you? I don't know thi 'new' kat!
Although you have had alot of new adventures, we want more stories and pics and other random stuff....
From All here at Kerslake (mainly me, Buzz), Peace out, party hard rock on (to the max)
Hey, I have to do alot of work so I will indeed have the NO PARTY POLICY soon...
Yeha they are awsoem they rock!!! LOL and they cook great so thats even better!!-The Portugese...I can say that now!
Cool cool
Have a good one!
BUzz I am still me!! LOL you can soon tell from the Next blog LOL Yeah I am still me!!
OK i have indeed got some ew stuff COMMING!! LOL and then I will jsut tell you all about my Newwest Collection of Stuff....LOL that everyone here is like...WHY??? LOL
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