Venice-one word says it all.
As you might know I went to Venice...a long time ago-4th of NOVEMBER 2006! I have indeed decided to share with you some of the 400 photo's I took when I was there! LOL I hope you enjoy it cause well I think 400 photo's is a hint to how beutiful and amazing Venice is!

My First glimpse of Venice as I emerged form the Train Station! AHHHH

My first sighting of the 400 odd bridges in Venice! LOL



The Trains Station. LOL yeah I think they made it look ugly so the other buildings would look ever better! LOL

This is a Church that is absolutley beutiful! It looks amazing on the inside! LOL they all do!

A church that was being renovated.

The Grand Canal! It really is Grand!

The other side of the Grand Canal.

My First Bridge! LOL It was an exhilarating experience!

But my first Godala, Orgasmic LOL. Nah I was like "LOOK A GONDALA" LOL

You give them money and you can have a pic with them. I am stingy...and didn't pay...I jsut said thank you and kept walking!

Market in Venice. Has everything from recently dead fishies, to dead vegtables, to clothes, earings, masks and of course TACKY TOURIST STUFF!!!

MAsk shops are EVERYWHERE!!!! They are used for Carnivale adn you just have an Awsome time in a mask and fancy clothes!

He does tricks too!

See! Again only for money...I took the oopertunity while it presented its self!

And this is what sleep walkers could potentially be scared of! But none the less awsome!

The behinds of some buildings. They look kinda cute don't they!

Another bridge.

If you didn't build your house wiht a fire place...jsut attach it to the side of your house.

WATER. didn't have to use the bathroom alot!

But this is the Best Darned ADVICE EVER!


This is what you see when you go through this really small alley way! it's about as wide enough to fit one person in and then it starts to taper in cause the buildings are leaning towards each other!

SEEE Tiny!!!

This lady was jsut dressed all fancy and had a cute poodle dazzled up as well!

I had to chase her to get a bum picture of her poodle. it was fluffy!

More water.

never seen a Chupa Chup Vending machine before. I bet now everyone wants a Chupa Chup. I din't buy one though...should have!

Just a cool pic! Thats Femke walking and Annmarie standing!

This is a HOSPITAL. Now i would hurt my self just to go inside it! Probley looks like any hospital inside but the outside is just...WOW

The first BIG SPACE, not exactly crowded with people! Oh we are on the search for the amazing Piazza San Marco! My history teacher told me about it at Uni and Yeah i was just like so seriously have to see this! So I did pay attention...not all the time! But this isn't it. No WHERE NEAR it!

Well as my History teacher said..."you jsut pop out into it" You do Just POP OUT INTO IT!

Welcome to Piazza San Marco! Infront of you now is the most beautiful Piazza I have ever seen. Also that great big massive building infront of you is the Basilica di San Marco. This building is done in zillions of wee little Mosaic tiles. it's Gold it's shinny and OH MY it's amazing inside!! This is a building fromthe 1200's Now that is just COOL!

This is the Procuratie Vecchie. it's just filled with restaraunts and pigieons and people. There are musicians who are decked out in full Orchestral stuff like TAILS lol and play amzing music that well attract the People and the Pigeons. I thought it would be a hott to run through the Piazza screaming and scaring all the pigeons...I didn't make friends. LOL i wonder how many get pooped on each year? LOL

Lamp post.

OH YEAH WE MADE IT! Left to right Annmarie, Me, Femke.

this is essentially the other part of Venice. It is the Santa Maria Della Salute. it translates to mean something about Health. It was built as a thanksgiving for the cities deliverance form the plague. Thus the Salute-Health. It's amazing even from afar!

Gonadala's outside the traditional Venitian Architecture.

A carbord Cube. it's is made solely from Cardboard. Pretty nifty Hey! I presume it Had somehting to do with the Biannial arty crafty festival held in Venice.

And this showed where us Architecture not me...needed to go to see the Architectural display! It took myself and Annmarie...2-3hrs to get through it all. it was based on the development of the Major Cities around hte world, and what obligations they have to help keep the city functional and I guess appiciable and useful for those who live there. Kinda interesting...but after kinda get the jist of it all.

This was jsut an arty display. Turn conrete stairs upsidedown!

A whole lot of cardbord.

Venice at night! Really amazing place to be at night. Despite the small streets and well water!

You can't go to Venice and not see the Ponte di Rialto! Or the Rialto Bridge. It' Just cool! And obviously has alot of shops and stuff!

The grande Canale!

The Bridge of Sighs. It was a passage way for Prisoners to be taken between the Palazzo Ducale and the Prison. They sighed alot...thus the name. I guess it's cause they knew they were going to be hung.

Glass blowers. There is a massive Egale in there about the high of me. Thats 170cm TALL!! Not a shop you would enter with kiddies!

Piazza San Marco at Night...the pigeons are gone. The people are gone. but it was 9pm...or later! Still amazing!
So that about concludes my trip to Venice. It was literaly 24hrs in Venice. I left at 6am. Got home at 6am! LOL we had a 1 and half hour delay for our Train. Venice really needs to update their Train Station its' cold! And not very nice!
But none the less it was amazing! My camera died after 400 photo's LOL not surprised! I had the time of my life! Saw the MOST amazing Architecture. Kinda inspires anyone to well read up about the History of Architecture. I saw the places where they filmed the Italian Job. It was cool none the less! LOL didn't go on a gondala. that will be for me and my Husband LOL on our honeymoon! LOL
My First glimpse of Venice as I emerged form the Train Station! AHHHH
My first sighting of the 400 odd bridges in Venice! LOL
The Trains Station. LOL yeah I think they made it look ugly so the other buildings would look ever better! LOL
This is a Church that is absolutley beutiful! It looks amazing on the inside! LOL they all do!
A church that was being renovated.
The Grand Canal! It really is Grand!
The other side of the Grand Canal.
My First Bridge! LOL It was an exhilarating experience!
But my first Godala, Orgasmic LOL. Nah I was like "LOOK A GONDALA" LOL
You give them money and you can have a pic with them. I am stingy...and didn't pay...I jsut said thank you and kept walking!
Market in Venice. Has everything from recently dead fishies, to dead vegtables, to clothes, earings, masks and of course TACKY TOURIST STUFF!!!
MAsk shops are EVERYWHERE!!!! They are used for Carnivale adn you just have an Awsome time in a mask and fancy clothes!
He does tricks too!
See! Again only for money...I took the oopertunity while it presented its self!
And this is what sleep walkers could potentially be scared of! But none the less awsome!
The behinds of some buildings. They look kinda cute don't they!
Another bridge.
If you didn't build your house wiht a fire place...jsut attach it to the side of your house.
WATER. didn't have to use the bathroom alot!
But this is the Best Darned ADVICE EVER!
This is what you see when you go through this really small alley way! it's about as wide enough to fit one person in and then it starts to taper in cause the buildings are leaning towards each other!
SEEE Tiny!!!
This lady was jsut dressed all fancy and had a cute poodle dazzled up as well!
I had to chase her to get a bum picture of her poodle. it was fluffy!
More water.
never seen a Chupa Chup Vending machine before. I bet now everyone wants a Chupa Chup. I din't buy one though...should have!
Just a cool pic! Thats Femke walking and Annmarie standing!
This is a HOSPITAL. Now i would hurt my self just to go inside it! Probley looks like any hospital inside but the outside is just...WOW
The first BIG SPACE, not exactly crowded with people! Oh we are on the search for the amazing Piazza San Marco! My history teacher told me about it at Uni and Yeah i was just like so seriously have to see this! So I did pay attention...not all the time! But this isn't it. No WHERE NEAR it!
Well as my History teacher said..."you jsut pop out into it" You do Just POP OUT INTO IT!
Welcome to Piazza San Marco! Infront of you now is the most beautiful Piazza I have ever seen. Also that great big massive building infront of you is the Basilica di San Marco. This building is done in zillions of wee little Mosaic tiles. it's Gold it's shinny and OH MY it's amazing inside!! This is a building fromthe 1200's Now that is just COOL!
This is the Procuratie Vecchie. it's just filled with restaraunts and pigieons and people. There are musicians who are decked out in full Orchestral stuff like TAILS lol and play amzing music that well attract the People and the Pigeons. I thought it would be a hott to run through the Piazza screaming and scaring all the pigeons...I didn't make friends. LOL i wonder how many get pooped on each year? LOL
Lamp post.
OH YEAH WE MADE IT! Left to right Annmarie, Me, Femke.
this is essentially the other part of Venice. It is the Santa Maria Della Salute. it translates to mean something about Health. It was built as a thanksgiving for the cities deliverance form the plague. Thus the Salute-Health. It's amazing even from afar!
Gonadala's outside the traditional Venitian Architecture.
A carbord Cube. it's is made solely from Cardboard. Pretty nifty Hey! I presume it Had somehting to do with the Biannial arty crafty festival held in Venice.
And this showed where us Architecture not me...needed to go to see the Architectural display! It took myself and Annmarie...2-3hrs to get through it all. it was based on the development of the Major Cities around hte world, and what obligations they have to help keep the city functional and I guess appiciable and useful for those who live there. Kinda interesting...but after kinda get the jist of it all.
This was jsut an arty display. Turn conrete stairs upsidedown!
A whole lot of cardbord.
Venice at night! Really amazing place to be at night. Despite the small streets and well water!
You can't go to Venice and not see the Ponte di Rialto! Or the Rialto Bridge. It' Just cool! And obviously has alot of shops and stuff!
The grande Canale!
The Bridge of Sighs. It was a passage way for Prisoners to be taken between the Palazzo Ducale and the Prison. They sighed alot...thus the name. I guess it's cause they knew they were going to be hung.
Glass blowers. There is a massive Egale in there about the high of me. Thats 170cm TALL!! Not a shop you would enter with kiddies!
Piazza San Marco at Night...the pigeons are gone. The people are gone. but it was 9pm...or later! Still amazing!
So that about concludes my trip to Venice. It was literaly 24hrs in Venice. I left at 6am. Got home at 6am! LOL we had a 1 and half hour delay for our Train. Venice really needs to update their Train Station its' cold! And not very nice!
But none the less it was amazing! My camera died after 400 photo's LOL not surprised! I had the time of my life! Saw the MOST amazing Architecture. Kinda inspires anyone to well read up about the History of Architecture. I saw the places where they filmed the Italian Job. It was cool none the less! LOL didn't go on a gondala. that will be for me and my Husband LOL on our honeymoon! LOL
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