Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Goobble gobble. Does anyone ever rememebr those jelly drink called soemthign like wooble gobble? And it had a turkey on the fronT?
Well anyway as some of you might know, I am off to Turkey for ANZAC DAY! It's goign to be cool!! Going to Istanbul, Gallipoli, Creme and then off to GREECE!!! TO work on my tan! or well LAck of TAN! LOL I am very excited!!

Well at the moment the only exciting news is that Bec and her friend Miake are over from Spain and London! It's cool to talk to some Aussies again! Been rimanising and stuff which kinda makes me feel really old...19 and so old!!! But it's good. Soon this Saturday i will be catching up wot Squishy aka Tessa. YAY A highschool Reunion thing! LOL NIce!

So yeah thats about all. Not much happing. I have alot of crappy Uni work to do whcih sucks...but none the less it's I guess the reason as to why i came to STUDY...though my study has only been...the past....2/3 months?! Yeah...I am a bad example to the exchange people!! DON"T BE ME!!!!

Anyway I hope all is well with the world and all your wee little worlds!
Have a great one!


Saturday, April 07, 2007



Hope everyone has a great easter and enjoys the greatness of Chocolate and being together! don't forget the "reason for the season" -A quote from Erica.

But none the less have a great break all you study people! Enjoy the chocolate!...ANd Pancakes...though i think your ment to eat them befor Easter Easter! None the less Enjoy!

Arrivederci from me and the easter Bunny

Monday, April 02, 2007

Il primo giorno di Aprile

Well it all started out when I looked at the message my dad sent me saying "I WON THE LOTTERY! LOL(lots of love) DAD" at that point I was like sweet he can potentially pay for a buisness class trip Home! OH YEAH!!! Then I looked at my other message and it read "Happy April Fools day LOL DAD". From that moment onwards it was planning and thinking!

I finally came up with a potential-heart-attack-plan and waited until the time was right...or until it was a kinda decent Australia time to exicute my plan.

The time came and so i put the motions into place. I sent my dad a message saying " I have been taken to the police station because they wouldn't accept my drivers license as ID. I need you to call me so that you can verify who I am and what I am doing here ASAP". With in seconds my phone rang. I answered.
"Hey Dad"
"Whats happened?"
"We were out and we got stopped by the police and all I had on me was my drivers license and they wouldn't let me come home to get my passport."
"Who do I need to speak to then?"
"MR. April Fools"
The both of us started laughing and the plan worked. I had offically fooled my dad into believing I was in prison!

So if you are ever away from home during April Fools, theres a good one for you!

Have a great Easter!1!! Rememebr it's EASTER DINOSAURE!!!!!!! No more Bunnies this year!
