Thursday, May 17, 2007

Come Andata?

Well...I dunno how to explain the relief and well frustration of today. Today I had my frist exam. It was an oral exam which I had never done before....other then in Japanese...and well I think I did better in another language then i did in my mother tongue.

So my exam was changed form 11.00am to 3.30pm which stuffed up my day...but none the less. I was there at 3.30pm waiting..but as usual he was indeed late...i think he is one of those definate people who will be late to his own funeral!!! So we began. I also have by some strange reason a reputation as being the famous Australian. Which well is kinda cool...but none the less...bad at the smae time.

Anyway we started and talked about various things...I tried to show that I knew things...didn't really work when he asked me about Mies van der Rohe...who as I said "wasn't very important to me"...which was exactly the moment when he decided to take a call...from someone...and then I was like yip I am now about to be destroyed by a number. You don't tell a history Professor that a strangley-non influencial to you...-influencial Architect isn't important. It was dead from there...I managed to pass though I know deep down he didn't want to pass me cause well I said that he wasn't important. Though I got an 18/30...60% which is a credit. Not bad I think for dissing a magor architect.

So I wanted to buy tickets to the football match this Saturday, so I started my journey and got a bike on the way...the cool commity ones that have a sexy basket on the front of them. So i headed for the stadium and tried to find the place where I was goign to buy the tickets. So I fond it and asked the person can I buy the tickets to the game on saturday please? He started to talk about things...and i was like eh....yeah I had to wait or something for something or rather around 6 it finishes...though upon my return at hadn't even started. The man said form 4-6pm I could buy tickets....nope....

So during the 4pm-5pm i went to a supermarket i had gone to one of the first weeks I was here. As a way of remanising kinda thing. remembering when I had to walk all that way...but now with a bike took 10 mins...YAY. So that was kinda cool! I also went to Macdonalds and got a happy meal that made me kidna angry but on the end I was happy-ish. I got this strange toy thing that is liek a pen...paper comination just scares me. The instructions on how it works aren't even clear...or it was all a moment of frustration! But when I got it to work I was happy!

So After that I went back to the place to buy the tickets adn well nope had to wait even more and what was I going to do while I wait...? so I decided to go back home and thus here I am ...still....

I apolagise if it is all kinda jumbled but thi week has been kinda weird.
I had a really sore eye for about 2weeks from the time I was in greece to well Monday when I went to the hospital to have it checked out. So I was taken there by one of my housemates in another persons car...all Italians are crazy drivers...I think they teach you how to drive crazy at school! So we rocked up there and had to tell them the deal with my eye and then went and waited and stuff for the person to call me and yeah. I arrived and ther was a man sleeping and snoring in the room on one of those wheely bed things. Everyone was kinda commenting on him. Was kinda strange. But anyway waited and then another man came in on a wheely bed thingy this time he had a bung arm and a wound on his back. He didn't look to crash hot. His sailine solution emptied out quickly. They use bottles like in the olden days not the squishy packets now days it's quite weird. So yeah he came and went and then another man old-ish came in on a bed and it was a bit cosy in there. For the next 2 1/2hours waiting alot of people came and went. My housemate got aggitaed and went to find out why I hadn't been taken care of kinda thing. I was down the bottom as in UN-IMPORTANT so that was that. Abotu 10 mins after she had explaied hta ti am an Australian Erasmus student blah balh blah I was called and then I went into this room from outta space kinda...was really weird...all this stuff everywhere.

The doctor dude came in and talked and then Chiara-housemate who came and translated for me-told him about the issues with my eye and stuff like that. I then laid down on the not very comfy bed thing and then he squirted things in my eye and shone a light in there as well...and then squrited more things in there. All with out warning of what he was about to do...he might have said things but I didn't understand. So afterwards it was concluded that I had an allegic reaction to pollen or the crap flying around and that i needed to get eye drops. Then i had to get one last thing done to my eye and that was have it covered in the cream stuff that well probley made me look like a monster with and infected eye. I had to let that seep into my eye and then afterwards do the drops thing. So fo rhte next how ever idea...I have to put drops in my eye 3 times a day. It's not easy cause it's a stupid glass jar that you can't squeeze so you have to wait ages till the drop falls and by that time your eye hurts and you need to blink and then the drop hits your eye and it stings and everything just hurts. Stupid people and their stupid inventions!!!

So that was that really. not much else has happened...other then i have had to do uni work...umm plan my sightseeing in USA and that about all...very exciting!!!
Not much else!! Hope all is well!!! Only a mear 13days till I leave this strange and much loved-kinda- country!!!



Blogger Patricia said...

Glad you at least past your history orals.

How many more exams to go????

Mmmm....well I guess you were always known to speak your I guess you must have also mentioned your reasons for not liking one of the greatest architects of Italy, and if it sounded logically...I guess he was open minded to accept your explanation...

He was also jolly nice about passing you too....or was it perhaps entirely your efforts???

Bit worried about how many times you have mentioned being angry....hope you also appreciate the positive side of studying in Italy...You will probably miss it terribly one day....

Chin up for the rest of the exams...

2:25 AM  

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