Thursday, September 14, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Mia Imbarazzo
I was given advice from someone-they know who they are- that you have to make a fool of yourself.Thats exaclty what I have done more so today then any other day.
OK first...I hit my head on the cupboard when putting my rubbish away lol and Delleti was talking to me and I hit my head.
Second...The spoon I used I crapley washed then put in the rack thing...and Delleti was like nah I will wash it..I didn't understand LOL.
Third...I had a stupid moment when buying my cool later...ummm not to bad was just like ahhh yeah cool.
Fourth...I went into the post office and got freaked I just kinda walked in...walked around...then walked out.
Fifth...I asked Delleti how the post office here works/operates. She was like...what?? I said...."how do you send a postcard?" she laughed at me..."you buy it then you write it then you put it in the *hand motions* post box"...I was like yeah..."what about the stamps?" "Oh you buy at the Tacchionists...the place they sell cigarettes etc." "cool excellent" now to make myself even more like a complete FOOL..."Do the Tabbacionists know how much it costs to send a postcard to Australia?" this had to be explained a couple of times...LOL...probley cause it was so stupid LOL..."They sell the stamps and they must know how much it costs". I then was like OH MY...YOU ARE A FOOL...and walked back to my room...and had to tell everyone of my great foolishness LOL.
Soo there you go. Today was FOOLS:101 for Kat lol I am how ever glad I have made a complete fool of myself cause I can now safely go buy stamps and send my great postcards...I know...PEACHES!
OK first...I hit my head on the cupboard when putting my rubbish away lol and Delleti was talking to me and I hit my head.
Second...The spoon I used I crapley washed then put in the rack thing...and Delleti was like nah I will wash it..I didn't understand LOL.
Third...I had a stupid moment when buying my cool later...ummm not to bad was just like ahhh yeah cool.
Fourth...I went into the post office and got freaked I just kinda walked in...walked around...then walked out.
Fifth...I asked Delleti how the post office here works/operates. She was like...what?? I said...."how do you send a postcard?" she laughed at me..."you buy it then you write it then you put it in the *hand motions* post box"...I was like yeah..."what about the stamps?" "Oh you buy at the Tacchionists...the place they sell cigarettes etc." "cool excellent" now to make myself even more like a complete FOOL..."Do the Tabbacionists know how much it costs to send a postcard to Australia?" this had to be explained a couple of times...LOL...probley cause it was so stupid LOL..."They sell the stamps and they must know how much it costs". I then was like OH MY...YOU ARE A FOOL...and walked back to my room...and had to tell everyone of my great foolishness LOL.
Soo there you go. Today was FOOLS:101 for Kat lol I am how ever glad I have made a complete fool of myself cause I can now safely go buy stamps and send my great postcards...I know...PEACHES!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Mia Avventura
Well I thought I would give you some great photo's of the adventure I went on LOL I walked around Cesena going places I had never before been and I took some photo's LOL. I found a swing as well and for those of you who know my love for swings...I was a happy chappy LOL!! Godere-Enjoy in Italian?!

This is a random church in the center of Cesena. I don't know what it's called but it looks cool. And a car...

These are the backs of some of the houses in Cesena. Kinda very Italian..obviously...

For all the Men that read this!!

Oh these are the coolest car doobey things!! They have 3 wheels which is cool by its self but they are like utes lol and old men kinda drive them. LOL I saw this kinda large lady and small man squished into one of these lol. I think they are only ment for one person LOL they are great!!

I thought the sign said Psychopath...but no...its for a Psychologist thing. It looked cool so why not take a photo?

This is is me being ArTisTIc LOL. There were these massive explosions etc going off and these pigeons-evil things of doom-were flying everywhere so I was like OOooooo Artistic here I come LOL.

Tulips that decorate the apartment...they are pretty...

LOL my first attempt at cooking frozen pizza LOL I loked at it like 2 mins before and then the bell went off and then I opened the oven door and smoke was coming out of it LOL I was like AHH CRAP LOL but hey it was good none the less LOL!!

Hey these are my housemates. Silvia on the Left and Diletta (HA finally found out how to spell her name LOL) on the Right. It's a random photo on the mirror by the door!

And finally the watermelon...I ate the wtermelon...I bought it with the label on priced already so yeah lol...
Anyway just some great photo's from my adventures around the place! LOL a girl named Natalie from Germany has moved in across the hall. LOL she rang the doorbell asking if I spoke English I was like yes! LOL and then she wanted to know if I had the password for the Internet..I didn't so yeah. It was cool met a random WOoooWOOooo lol!!
Allora-means nothing when you say it apparently and it can emphasise a sentence when you are writing. So yeah bit of Italian KNOWLEDGE coming your way.

This is a random church in the center of Cesena. I don't know what it's called but it looks cool. And a car...

These are the backs of some of the houses in Cesena. Kinda very Italian..obviously...

For all the Men that read this!!

Oh these are the coolest car doobey things!! They have 3 wheels which is cool by its self but they are like utes lol and old men kinda drive them. LOL I saw this kinda large lady and small man squished into one of these lol. I think they are only ment for one person LOL they are great!!

I thought the sign said Psychopath...but no...its for a Psychologist thing. It looked cool so why not take a photo?

This is is me being ArTisTIc LOL. There were these massive explosions etc going off and these pigeons-evil things of doom-were flying everywhere so I was like OOooooo Artistic here I come LOL.

Tulips that decorate the apartment...they are pretty...

LOL my first attempt at cooking frozen pizza LOL I loked at it like 2 mins before and then the bell went off and then I opened the oven door and smoke was coming out of it LOL I was like AHH CRAP LOL but hey it was good none the less LOL!!

Hey these are my housemates. Silvia on the Left and Diletta (HA finally found out how to spell her name LOL) on the Right. It's a random photo on the mirror by the door!

And finally the watermelon...I ate the wtermelon...I bought it with the label on priced already so yeah lol...
Anyway just some great photo's from my adventures around the place! LOL a girl named Natalie from Germany has moved in across the hall. LOL she rang the doorbell asking if I spoke English I was like yes! LOL and then she wanted to know if I had the password for the Internet..I didn't so yeah. It was cool met a random WOoooWOOooo lol!!
Allora-means nothing when you say it apparently and it can emphasise a sentence when you are writing. So yeah bit of Italian KNOWLEDGE coming your way.
Friday, September 08, 2006

LOL I thought I would tell everyone...who reads this...that
I BOUGHT APPLES USING THE WEIGHING THING!!! OH YEAH...they taste kinda weird but I was just like OH yeah!!!
But on all great get more!!
I BOUGHT A MOBILE PHONE...OH YEAH!! LOL just a cheap Nokia one which I am yet to give a fantastic Italian name I am having a grand day!! LOL
Va Bene
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Giocatore Del Violino
There is a person...I think man...who plays the violin. I like it, he's pretty good so thats always a bonus you don't want some shammy guy plucking strings...and sounding like a strangled Iguana. Which on all acounts would be bad.
Anyway, SO up to 1st of September- Primo giorno di settembre- and I went to Bologna...ha told you I would go back...LOL anyway, this time was just to see what the deal was with the language course thing...I kinda probley didn't have to be there but I was all up for the meeting of new people. So this time I had to get up early...really early cause I was ment to be there by 9...I was a bit dunno how long by but ahh it didn't matter in the end!
I got lost...cause I don't eactly have a DETAILED map of the city...more like... not your handy dandy road map LOL. It works...most of the time unless you can't read your wrting just dont go the way it says on the paper...or you loose it-yet to do! LOL So I trundled around looking for this place, and kinda got a bit lost. Which was a bummer...but I managed to follow a person with a map. Ha if you see someone about your age with a map...follow them, they might be lost too...but hey YOU CAN BE LOST TOGETHER LOL.
Eventualy found the place. Went inside saw the people I had met the other day and then spoke to to the random man at the counter...then went OK...he wasn't exactly helpful or useful..I was just there to fill in time...kinda...and then I went outside. Where I met some more PEOPLE. I met the people who do the Erasmus thing, and a random French dude-David. I was like hey wow go the randomness LOL it was pretty cool, They gave me an piece of paper telling you what the deal is with the activities and any important things you need to know...that thing...starting with...I... yeah that thing...and was like cool cool.I was kinda over the big city scene, feet hurt and it was hot so wondered back to the train station and went back to Cesena.
Rest of the day was lazy as my feet were killing me from the day before. Did washing...with the fantastic 1 washing machine...hate...and then hung clothes out to dry around my room! LOL I didn't want to pay for the dryer and plus it might I was NO.
The squeeky dog is back...I dunno...and the violin man stopped...bummer...

2nd-A recovery day and clean room day, I got food too so I was like EXCELLENT...and a bonus Pasta was on SPECIAL...oh my...WOW LOL.
I think the tv gets weirder everytime I watch it...more the fact I can understand a little bit more each time I watch it so I guess thats the difference...LOL...thus it's weird!
3rd-Cruisy day wondered a bit. There is a random "managery" I am not sure if thats how you spell it but it's a random collection of animals and other stuff...just kinda plonked in the middle of like...concrete...kinda weird really. I was just like hey wow look at that...smelt weird so I walked fast...
Here in Italy Twisties-cheese flaveored twisted puffy chip things-are called FONZIES...hmm yeah I dunno...random fact for you...
4th- I went back to Bologna to OFFICIALY register with the ERASMUS thing...even though I am not an Erasmus Student...cause Australia isn't a European yeah. Oh but at Cesena train station there was an old man who was TAKING FOREVER on the Ticket machine things...and I needed a ticket quick! So I had to do the...talking to the person one...I was like HI CAN I HAVE ONE TICKET TO BOLOGNA copito...UNO TICKET BOLOGNA...ahh si si one way or return...ONE WAY...quatro Euro Novtanta cento...4.90E...GRAZIE...prego! And you get a wee little ticket and you gotta validate it using the yellow box thing. Brilliant.
I met a girl from Latvia, guy from Bulgaria-he didn't know alot of English so short as convo, guy from Germany, girl from Germany, guy from Scotland-Great to talk normal English again and another girl from Germany. I waited close to an register...but I got a cool badge and sexy Card...with my name half choped my name is HRYN YOST...ExcELLenT LOL but it's a way meeting all new people but a bit of a bummer cause they are all in Bologna and none of which are in Cesena. So hopefully I get to meet some new people when I do the random language course thing soon. MARVELLOUS!!

I was walking back to the Stazione and then one of the German girls I met was on her way to this UBER...LOL UBER in the presence of a German ahahahahah...CHEAP ( DON"T MOCK IT CAUSE IT"S CHEAP-Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells-) doobey called LIDL...yeah...similar to LIDEL but you kinda don't pronounce the E and it jsut kinda all comes together...or jsut ask someone who is German to pronounce it for you.

So I went with her to this shop thing and we did the small chit chat thing, she is doing Agriculture so I was like hey wow...I live on a farm LOL...everytime I tell someone I live on a farm and have cows...1 they ask what a cow is...and 2 they ask if we eat the we don't...they just mung out on grass...and look pretty. I am sure dad has a better reason as to why we have cows.
We were met by a random Italian OLD man...who was saying something about something and waving his hands around and what not. I didn't UNDERSTAND A WORD!!! I was like yeah he's confused...and we moved...on. He said in German that his "heart is Crying" it's the only thing he knew in German I wa slike oh poor man. LIDL is like chickenfeed. You get random stuff that has "FALLEN" off the back of a truck and thus UBER cheap. I got like 200g of salt for like...less then 50c LOL I was just like hey wow. That was the cool thing about it. It wasn't big kinda like the size of...a not very big Grove Shops or the eating bit of MacDonalds. General not big...but enough to hold a fair bit of stuff!
So yeah. I went to the train station and she went to the bus station. I am yet to get on a bus! I swear when I figure out how they work I am never walking again!! LOL maybe to the bus stop! LOL
The random thing about the train station is that you have to pay...70c to use the toilet...I dunno if guys do...But I was like eh...what...kinda make sense you know...u pay for the toilet paper and the person to clean so yeah...but i wonder how many poeple would have stood htere trying to get 70c out of their bags and's too late. HA who pays for that?? But there is a change machine and vending machine next to I guess you can get change from either of them...I was just a bit like OK!

Got home and was like ok...sleep!!
5th-Went to the Architecture faculty cause I was going to meet the guy who welcomes the international people to Architecture. I found out that I am the FRIST International Student...they get Europeans...but not like other students. So I was like EXCELLENT...I am doomed!! LOL met the guy and he was nice. I can apparently do any course I want to..and i think they have the same core subjects like in Tassie. But a guy will send me the English version of it all so I can choose! EXCELLENT.
The man I spoke to was really nice. He had GUCCI glasses so I was like yeah. He said a couple of things that kinda hit home to what Architecture is all about. Firstly "we speak the language of drawing"-very true, and secondly "I think it is important to meet people and experience different things"-I guess thats what my exchange is all about, and you have to learn from the past and other people in order to understand what Architecture is all about. So by that encounter I was bit more freaked out but at ease about alot of things. So it was good. Kinda looking forward to picking subjects. I may or may not pass...but hey by the end of it I get a pretty certificate saying I was at the University of Bologna! MARVELLOUS!!
So that was the end of my adventures! It was seriously rank and hot and horrible I just sat...and didn't move move for the rest of the day!
5th-I went to a place called Rimini. I was looking for a church and I knew it would be ages away. I didn't find it cause well I had to cross two MAJOR FREEWAY things...and I aint playing chicken with Italian drivers...they ARE NUTS!!! So i kinda just walked around nad just kinda saw the sights.
I got lost and then found where I was. Saw a monk I was like ahahah, lol. Met another random person and got freaked out by a bus. LOL Bought some food. And since when do Smarties packets come in hexagonal shape??

I was walking back to the station and was walking close to a fence. Just kinda plodding along...and the loudest deepest BARK!! you could ever imagine EMMINATED from the fence LOL. All I saw were the big black paws and the tip of a black head. LOL I was like ahahhah...I didn't scream but I did indeed laugh my way along. LOL there was a man watching me lol and i think it was planned! LOL It was funny. Kiinda woke me up!! Made my heart pum thats for sure!
Rimini is kinda small and very similar to all the other towns I have visited...thus having the Italian tradition. Alot more Germans though...and water. There is a beach near by but didn't go that far but saw boats and green water! LOL

There are some photo's pf Rimini! Cool hey lol
At the moment there is a FOOTBALL game on that the entire apartment complex is watching LOL and something bad happened cause Marco-Deleti's boyfriend just got angry and hit something along with the entirity of the males in the apartment complex LOL its great!!!
va bene-all good
Anyway, SO up to 1st of September- Primo giorno di settembre- and I went to Bologna...ha told you I would go back...LOL anyway, this time was just to see what the deal was with the language course thing...I kinda probley didn't have to be there but I was all up for the meeting of new people. So this time I had to get up early...really early cause I was ment to be there by 9...I was a bit dunno how long by but ahh it didn't matter in the end!
I got lost...cause I don't eactly have a DETAILED map of the city...more like... not your handy dandy road map LOL. It works...most of the time unless you can't read your wrting just dont go the way it says on the paper...or you loose it-yet to do! LOL So I trundled around looking for this place, and kinda got a bit lost. Which was a bummer...but I managed to follow a person with a map. Ha if you see someone about your age with a map...follow them, they might be lost too...but hey YOU CAN BE LOST TOGETHER LOL.
Eventualy found the place. Went inside saw the people I had met the other day and then spoke to to the random man at the counter...then went OK...he wasn't exactly helpful or useful..I was just there to fill in time...kinda...and then I went outside. Where I met some more PEOPLE. I met the people who do the Erasmus thing, and a random French dude-David. I was like hey wow go the randomness LOL it was pretty cool, They gave me an piece of paper telling you what the deal is with the activities and any important things you need to know...that thing...starting with...I... yeah that thing...and was like cool cool.I was kinda over the big city scene, feet hurt and it was hot so wondered back to the train station and went back to Cesena.
Rest of the day was lazy as my feet were killing me from the day before. Did washing...with the fantastic 1 washing machine...hate...and then hung clothes out to dry around my room! LOL I didn't want to pay for the dryer and plus it might I was NO.
The squeeky dog is back...I dunno...and the violin man stopped...bummer...

2nd-A recovery day and clean room day, I got food too so I was like EXCELLENT...and a bonus Pasta was on SPECIAL...oh my...WOW LOL.
I think the tv gets weirder everytime I watch it...more the fact I can understand a little bit more each time I watch it so I guess thats the difference...LOL...thus it's weird!
3rd-Cruisy day wondered a bit. There is a random "managery" I am not sure if thats how you spell it but it's a random collection of animals and other stuff...just kinda plonked in the middle of like...concrete...kinda weird really. I was just like hey wow look at that...smelt weird so I walked fast...
Here in Italy Twisties-cheese flaveored twisted puffy chip things-are called FONZIES...hmm yeah I dunno...random fact for you...
4th- I went back to Bologna to OFFICIALY register with the ERASMUS thing...even though I am not an Erasmus Student...cause Australia isn't a European yeah. Oh but at Cesena train station there was an old man who was TAKING FOREVER on the Ticket machine things...and I needed a ticket quick! So I had to do the...talking to the person one...I was like HI CAN I HAVE ONE TICKET TO BOLOGNA copito...UNO TICKET BOLOGNA...ahh si si one way or return...ONE WAY...quatro Euro Novtanta cento...4.90E...GRAZIE...prego! And you get a wee little ticket and you gotta validate it using the yellow box thing. Brilliant.
I met a girl from Latvia, guy from Bulgaria-he didn't know alot of English so short as convo, guy from Germany, girl from Germany, guy from Scotland-Great to talk normal English again and another girl from Germany. I waited close to an register...but I got a cool badge and sexy Card...with my name half choped my name is HRYN YOST...ExcELLenT LOL but it's a way meeting all new people but a bit of a bummer cause they are all in Bologna and none of which are in Cesena. So hopefully I get to meet some new people when I do the random language course thing soon. MARVELLOUS!!

I was walking back to the Stazione and then one of the German girls I met was on her way to this UBER...LOL UBER in the presence of a German ahahahahah...CHEAP ( DON"T MOCK IT CAUSE IT"S CHEAP-Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells-) doobey called LIDL...yeah...similar to LIDEL but you kinda don't pronounce the E and it jsut kinda all comes together...or jsut ask someone who is German to pronounce it for you.

So I went with her to this shop thing and we did the small chit chat thing, she is doing Agriculture so I was like hey wow...I live on a farm LOL...everytime I tell someone I live on a farm and have cows...1 they ask what a cow is...and 2 they ask if we eat the we don't...they just mung out on grass...and look pretty. I am sure dad has a better reason as to why we have cows.
We were met by a random Italian OLD man...who was saying something about something and waving his hands around and what not. I didn't UNDERSTAND A WORD!!! I was like yeah he's confused...and we moved...on. He said in German that his "heart is Crying" it's the only thing he knew in German I wa slike oh poor man. LIDL is like chickenfeed. You get random stuff that has "FALLEN" off the back of a truck and thus UBER cheap. I got like 200g of salt for like...less then 50c LOL I was just like hey wow. That was the cool thing about it. It wasn't big kinda like the size of...a not very big Grove Shops or the eating bit of MacDonalds. General not big...but enough to hold a fair bit of stuff!
So yeah. I went to the train station and she went to the bus station. I am yet to get on a bus! I swear when I figure out how they work I am never walking again!! LOL maybe to the bus stop! LOL
The random thing about the train station is that you have to pay...70c to use the toilet...I dunno if guys do...But I was like eh...what...kinda make sense you know...u pay for the toilet paper and the person to clean so yeah...but i wonder how many poeple would have stood htere trying to get 70c out of their bags and's too late. HA who pays for that?? But there is a change machine and vending machine next to I guess you can get change from either of them...I was just a bit like OK!

Got home and was like ok...sleep!!
5th-Went to the Architecture faculty cause I was going to meet the guy who welcomes the international people to Architecture. I found out that I am the FRIST International Student...they get Europeans...but not like other students. So I was like EXCELLENT...I am doomed!! LOL met the guy and he was nice. I can apparently do any course I want to..and i think they have the same core subjects like in Tassie. But a guy will send me the English version of it all so I can choose! EXCELLENT.
The man I spoke to was really nice. He had GUCCI glasses so I was like yeah. He said a couple of things that kinda hit home to what Architecture is all about. Firstly "we speak the language of drawing"-very true, and secondly "I think it is important to meet people and experience different things"-I guess thats what my exchange is all about, and you have to learn from the past and other people in order to understand what Architecture is all about. So by that encounter I was bit more freaked out but at ease about alot of things. So it was good. Kinda looking forward to picking subjects. I may or may not pass...but hey by the end of it I get a pretty certificate saying I was at the University of Bologna! MARVELLOUS!!
So that was the end of my adventures! It was seriously rank and hot and horrible I just sat...and didn't move move for the rest of the day!
5th-I went to a place called Rimini. I was looking for a church and I knew it would be ages away. I didn't find it cause well I had to cross two MAJOR FREEWAY things...and I aint playing chicken with Italian drivers...they ARE NUTS!!! So i kinda just walked around nad just kinda saw the sights.
I got lost and then found where I was. Saw a monk I was like ahahah, lol. Met another random person and got freaked out by a bus. LOL Bought some food. And since when do Smarties packets come in hexagonal shape??

I was walking back to the station and was walking close to a fence. Just kinda plodding along...and the loudest deepest BARK!! you could ever imagine EMMINATED from the fence LOL. All I saw were the big black paws and the tip of a black head. LOL I was like ahahhah...I didn't scream but I did indeed laugh my way along. LOL there was a man watching me lol and i think it was planned! LOL It was funny. Kiinda woke me up!! Made my heart pum thats for sure!
Rimini is kinda small and very similar to all the other towns I have visited...thus having the Italian tradition. Alot more Germans though...and water. There is a beach near by but didn't go that far but saw boats and green water! LOL

There are some photo's pf Rimini! Cool hey lol
At the moment there is a FOOTBALL game on that the entire apartment complex is watching LOL and something bad happened cause Marco-Deleti's boyfriend just got angry and hit something along with the entirity of the males in the apartment complex LOL its great!!!
va bene-all good
Sunday, September 03, 2006
So I am up to the 30th-Wednesday. A lazy day in Cesena. I recieved an email frpm the Erasmus Student people and was like OOooo meet new people YAY!! LOL so the begingins of my adventure!
31st-Thursday the big day! Bolonga is a city about an hour train ride from Cesena, surrounded my modernity and then centered in amazing antiquties. LOL, it's awsome It's HUGE, Busy and full of random things!
I caught the train and was amazed to hear English at the Cesena train station.I still haevn't go t the hang of trains...The last time I was there...I was hauling a 30kg bag off a train and then up what seemed to be a mountain! I got my ticket and then the train arrived. I sat down on a fairly empty train and began the ride to Bologna.
The way to Bologna from Cesena and well vise versa is through alot of Corn fields and just plain old farmland. It's like a farming part of Italy, and they pretty much farm CORN. There are alot of Corn fields...hmm I wonder if they get Crop Circles...though strangely enough Italy has indeed been known for a fair few UFO sightings...ha there you go!
Anyway so I got to the station and I was like AHHHhhhhh what do I do. I just kinda followed all the other people..and eventually got outside where I was amazed by what I had Landed in. I was suprised at the amount of people one and then the strange thing of an old fountain in the middle of a modern city setting. There aren't any posh looking buldings everything is still very antique and Italian but whats inside is the modern bits.
I just wondered though the streets and over bridges through colonades-Colonades are undercover walkways which are like veranda's for buildings, though they more fancy and well more durable-with marbled paths and saw strange shops and people.
There was a random MERCATO-Market-seeling books, vynils,old stuff and these random plastc Aqua Coloured sunnies that when I touched I thought I was going to break I left em RIGHT ALONE...
Imagine those Getaway shows where the show the vegtable stalls and the markets in these wee little alley ways in a major city somewhere. Well I found one. LOL I was like hey wow. It was awsome looked like I was in a movie. There was a butcher on one side, Vegtable stansd and of course cheese! It was kinda weird I was just like..dumbfounded! Oh but I found a shop dedicated to Nutella...NUTELLA...How cool is that! Kinder, the brand name of Nutella Spports alot of Italian sport...Basketball for one.
Bologna is kinda famous for it's beauty, luscious lifestyle ad antiquities. I found all of that. Armani, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuttion, Gucci and so many other Boutiques. LOL style wasn't just in the clothes. How do you drive an Audi station wagon in a street fit for a mini?????? Thats where the Ertatic driving of the Italians come in! I couldn't get over the boutiques and posh lifestyle of Bologna. Suited waiters, old ladies and poodles, Men and poodles. It was weird. Walking aorund in thongs, t-shirt and shorts...yip so Australian!!
I had ages till the Eramus office thing opened so I just kinda explored. I got lost and met a random person who I think said I was beautiful...I said hello, and was polite then said I had to go...and left...and got an ice-cream. LOL it was weird! I found the Torri Degli Asinelli Garisenda-two big Towers lol not the translation but they are huge and old. The first one is the bigger of the two. The second one leans-similar to the Leaning tower of Pisa- and is kinda smaller then the first...and well fatter.

I wondered some more and found the MASSIVE Piazza Maggoire which is home to the Fontana Di Nettuno -Fountain of Neptune-and the San Petronio, which is a massive Church.

You are surrounded by old buildings, cafe's, Tourist stand-selling great postcards and tacky things-people, tourists-they can stand out alot-and little puppies chsing the pigeons LOL. It was kinda random having this MASSIVE open area in such a city. The old part of Bologna is here along the Via Dell'Independenza-Street of Independence- and you are just kinda shocked at how old this city is and how much the modern influence is so seperate from it. Really weird...
I just kinda took in the scenes and walked around. I was kinda like ahh I have ages to do what I need to do so might as well just keep on walking around. Just imagine alot of colonades and old streets flowing with people and old buildings. Amazing.
I found where I needed to be and there I met some new people. 3 German girls who thankfully spoke English. Anna, Julia and Stephanie. All of who are studying various things at the University of Bologna and will live in Bolongna. The Eramus thing was closed but i didn't want leave knowing it might open and then I would have wasted my I just waited a bit longer.
I got a crossiant and Fanta-Chinnotto flavour...which was interesting...
I managed to meet another person Christoph from Austria who again was looking for the Eramus thing. He asked someone and they said it was closed so I was like yip Mission over! Chirstoph was really nice and we went to the station. I was on my way home and he wanted to check out his train times to Austria. I was kinda at that point like ahh ENGLISH!! LOL so I just kinda talked alot. I think I freaked him out...but hey...I tend to do that...
I found this weird looking car. it's Citron how ever you spell it. It looked futureistic and cool so I took a photot of it!

That was pretty much my adventure of Bologna. It was pretty cool and I will let you iinto a secret...I went back...LOL!!! I met new people, saw some pretty cool things...why wouldnt' you! LOL
Anyway I have to catch a so have a good one poeple!
31st-Thursday the big day! Bolonga is a city about an hour train ride from Cesena, surrounded my modernity and then centered in amazing antiquties. LOL, it's awsome It's HUGE, Busy and full of random things!
I caught the train and was amazed to hear English at the Cesena train station.I still haevn't go t the hang of trains...The last time I was there...I was hauling a 30kg bag off a train and then up what seemed to be a mountain! I got my ticket and then the train arrived. I sat down on a fairly empty train and began the ride to Bologna.

Anyway so I got to the station and I was like AHHHhhhhh what do I do. I just kinda followed all the other people..and eventually got outside where I was amazed by what I had Landed in. I was suprised at the amount of people one and then the strange thing of an old fountain in the middle of a modern city setting. There aren't any posh looking buldings everything is still very antique and Italian but whats inside is the modern bits.
I just wondered though the streets and over bridges through colonades-Colonades are undercover walkways which are like veranda's for buildings, though they more fancy and well more durable-with marbled paths and saw strange shops and people.
There was a random MERCATO-Market-seeling books, vynils,old stuff and these random plastc Aqua Coloured sunnies that when I touched I thought I was going to break I left em RIGHT ALONE...
Imagine those Getaway shows where the show the vegtable stalls and the markets in these wee little alley ways in a major city somewhere. Well I found one. LOL I was like hey wow. It was awsome looked like I was in a movie. There was a butcher on one side, Vegtable stansd and of course cheese! It was kinda weird I was just like..dumbfounded! Oh but I found a shop dedicated to Nutella...NUTELLA...How cool is that! Kinder, the brand name of Nutella Spports alot of Italian sport...Basketball for one.
Bologna is kinda famous for it's beauty, luscious lifestyle ad antiquities. I found all of that. Armani, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuttion, Gucci and so many other Boutiques. LOL style wasn't just in the clothes. How do you drive an Audi station wagon in a street fit for a mini?????? Thats where the Ertatic driving of the Italians come in! I couldn't get over the boutiques and posh lifestyle of Bologna. Suited waiters, old ladies and poodles, Men and poodles. It was weird. Walking aorund in thongs, t-shirt and shorts...yip so Australian!!
I had ages till the Eramus office thing opened so I just kinda explored. I got lost and met a random person who I think said I was beautiful...I said hello, and was polite then said I had to go...and left...and got an ice-cream. LOL it was weird! I found the Torri Degli Asinelli Garisenda-two big Towers lol not the translation but they are huge and old. The first one is the bigger of the two. The second one leans-similar to the Leaning tower of Pisa- and is kinda smaller then the first...and well fatter.

I wondered some more and found the MASSIVE Piazza Maggoire which is home to the Fontana Di Nettuno -Fountain of Neptune-and the San Petronio, which is a massive Church.

You are surrounded by old buildings, cafe's, Tourist stand-selling great postcards and tacky things-people, tourists-they can stand out alot-and little puppies chsing the pigeons LOL. It was kinda random having this MASSIVE open area in such a city. The old part of Bologna is here along the Via Dell'Independenza-Street of Independence- and you are just kinda shocked at how old this city is and how much the modern influence is so seperate from it. Really weird...
I just kinda took in the scenes and walked around. I was kinda like ahh I have ages to do what I need to do so might as well just keep on walking around. Just imagine alot of colonades and old streets flowing with people and old buildings. Amazing.
I found where I needed to be and there I met some new people. 3 German girls who thankfully spoke English. Anna, Julia and Stephanie. All of who are studying various things at the University of Bologna and will live in Bolongna. The Eramus thing was closed but i didn't want leave knowing it might open and then I would have wasted my I just waited a bit longer.
I got a crossiant and Fanta-Chinnotto flavour...which was interesting...

I managed to meet another person Christoph from Austria who again was looking for the Eramus thing. He asked someone and they said it was closed so I was like yip Mission over! Chirstoph was really nice and we went to the station. I was on my way home and he wanted to check out his train times to Austria. I was kinda at that point like ahh ENGLISH!! LOL so I just kinda talked alot. I think I freaked him out...but hey...I tend to do that...
I found this weird looking car. it's Citron how ever you spell it. It looked futureistic and cool so I took a photot of it!

That was pretty much my adventure of Bologna. It was pretty cool and I will let you iinto a secret...I went back...LOL!!! I met new people, saw some pretty cool things...why wouldnt' you! LOL
Anyway I have to catch a so have a good one poeple!