Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Well I guess I have indeed been a horribly LAZY PERSON in the fact that I haven't written alot...or have the abilty to spell, but here is a rough recollection of events that have occured!!

There was a fire randomly about 400m from my apartment building the other day. My housemate-Nathalie- thought I was weird when I started to pack things in a bag and put it by the front door. But hey better to be prepared then not be prepared!!!

A love fight happened in the street the other, other day. Man did bad things. Lady ran away....then walked back crying...silly lady should have kept running!

I have actually to the large surprise of many done some work for UNI! All due kidna soon for review thingies...bleh.

I am going to Turkey and Greece for Anzac day. NOT AT THE SAME TIME. I am assuming some smart person will comment on that. Going to Turkey for a week. Then Greece for a week. Sun FISH AND All things Turkish and GREEK!!! YAY I am very excited!

MY mum recently came over for a bit which was a BIG surprise. We went to Venice which was good. Went to a cool island where they blow glass and the weather was AWSOMELY FANTASTIC!! YAY She traveled around a bit in a sexy rental car. She brought with her the BEST BISUITS IN THE UNIVERSE!!! Boudouir biscuits from South Africa, which are all sadly eaten!

I have been a couple of places since I last wrote. I have been to Rome-FANTASTIC and I saw the Pope! He blessed us all! LOL you can't imagine how enthusiastic people are to see the POPE...and I am sorry again for not knocking his purple hat thingy off...to all those people out there who want to do so. My Dad and little brother were over for Christmas. We went to Rome...I met them there and we went touring around it all over again! We then went South to Napoli and Vesuvisusssss. How ever you spell the name of the Volcano that attacked Pompeii. However we didn't get to Pompeii. We went to a little place called Sorento which is AMAZING. It's like a whole new world. Also drove along the Amalfi coast which was fantastic. Not a great place if you don't like BENDY ROADS.

Christmas was good. Dad, Jared-little Bro, Femke-Belguim friend who is back in Belguim- and myself. Nice quite relaxing dinner. Nothing to fancy. Next day I was spent admiring the toilet...ate something funkY. Dad and Jared went to the Ferarri factory. The next we went to Lamborgini which was kinda cool. As well as the Ducati factory which again was kinda cool!

A cople of days later we went to Florence and Pisa. Of course did the Leaning Tower pictures! I think however everything leans in Pisa. The table did at the restaraunt lol. But Florence...AMAZING!!!! LOVE IT!!! Am going back very soon!

Dad went back to Australia and then it was just Jared and I to fight the Uber warm Winters of Germany and Switzerland. We had about 2weeks traveling from Frankfurt back to Italy. It was Awsome. We went to some really cool places. Went back down memory lane in Switzerland. I am still THE CHAMPION OF SLEDDING!!! OH YEAH. Despite feble attempts to saboutage my sleigh and try and KILL ME! I still won! We made a half Snowman half Penguin thing out of Snow, which was later sacrifised.

Jared left and headed back for Australia. I went back home to Cesena. Then a couple of months or so later GUS-Angus/Crispy-was in Milan so I went and said HElloO. Great old catch up! Found a FANTASTIC CD shop which I think is kinda cool...however if you don't have money its BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD...but nice to just WOnDER Through!

I had NEW YEARS IN BOLOGNA with Rita, Femke and Myself...and a whole lot of VERY FRIENDLY PEOPLE...many who din't know where Guam or Hawaii was. But none the less it was awsome. As a tradition they have a statue which is then set on fire at Midnight and then stupid people set off non-flying fireworks into the crowd thus pushing already friendly people jsut that bit closer!! For some strange reason they have a tradition to throw bottles into the street...so not a good time to wear open toe shoes. Thick soles are the way to go. But the best bit of the night/morning was the bit when we arrived at the train station. Got our tickets and as previously all trains are ALWAYS LATE... we missed our train at 5am. Th next one wasn't for another...2 hours....EXCELLENT!! WE got home at around 8am...yeah i slept till about 5pm...then it was about 6 or somehting until i got out...and did soemthing...like eat. HAPPY NEW YEARS!!

Went to a nice place called Genova and Portofino. Both apparently famous places which I could see why with all the famous people photos everywhere. None the less the weather was good and we had some fun! Again in a bus for an extended time is just not COOL people...especially if the person you are next to SCARES YOU ALOT...but is nice and polite!

Went to a Massive Carnivale Party for Carnivale. I dressed up as a Clown. I must admit I looked kinda cool. Though the paint hurt as it dried. Had fun though dancing with Dominos and The FONZ!!! LOL I have come to the conclusion that Carnivale is really just Italian Halloween! it was great though I had a lot of fun...despite waiting about 30mins to get a coke...stupid world!

I went Salsa dancing which was kinda an experience. Didn't exacly know what to do when you dance in a group somehting similar to the nutbush and the instructions on how to dance are said in ITALIAN and you continue to bump into people...and vise versa! None the less It was really fun!

A friend of mine was nominated for the "sales person of the year" kinda thing. She's a sweety but unfortuanlty she didn't get anything except a "borrowed" flower taken form the stage...and a boquet from the people on stage.

My housemate-Nathalie and I broke 2 tennis rackets. They were from the Chinese shop and we decided to play tennis and they broke...but what do you expect. I manged to break the ball as well throwing it against the wall. Which after incurred an extremmly sore shoulder.

Had to say good bye to Femke and Rita- Portugese- who went back to Portugal recently. After Femke. She left....in January sometime... both sadly missed!

Made Pavlova for Australia day. No forgeiners like Vegimite. Pav was a hit though! So were the Lamingtons which I made a long time ago.

Italian is still kinda bad. But none the less I can make myself understood. Kinda cool being able to talk in another language and understand it. I can read it tops and tomorrow I am going to get an Italian book and try and read it. Probley never going to happen but hey I can try!

Hy house mate - Chiara-broke her wrist and sprained her ankle. My other housemate-Elena-had to get moles removed. Nothing much with my other housemate-Nathalie-she just stresses to much and has alot of work to stress about! Our apartment is cursed.

Been watching the Diving in Melbourne. I now know alot about diving and so does Chiara. She sits on the couch and we comment on the crapness and brilliance of the divers. Then when it goes to Water Polo and we comment on the muscle structure of guys...and if they are hot or not.

Not much else is happening really. Getting excited to go to Turkey and Greece. But unfortuantly the EVILNESS OF SCHOOL is evil! So until the 27th of March and the 12th of April I HAVE NO LIFE BUT UNI LIFE!!! Then it's SUN FISH AND ALL THINGS TURKISH AND GREEK!!!

So again I apolagise for not writting. I have nothing to say other then the fact I am lazy. For those who are wondering and read this, I come home on the 8th of JUNE 2007. Its about...80ish days away and I am not counting! LOL But yeah just to answer peoples questions. Also if anyone has the new Juston TImberlake ALBUM...please let me know so I don't have to buy it and can just play it constantly on my computer...for no cost what so ever! Thanks. Enjoy!
