Italia...un nuovo mondo!

We were in this little town for a couple of hours or somehting so yeah I was like thats enough. by that time I was getting really hungry and just wanted to eat! We got on the train to Parma so yeah I was like excellent the home of Paramasen Cheese! LOL so yeah we got there and walked to this awsome PARK in the middle of this random city!
Magda-at the cool park in the Middle of Parma.
Meet Annmarie. She was born in Melbourne but now Lives in Malta.If you don't know where that's a weeeee little little island south south of Sicily. Or just google it!
Yeah we jsut walked around alot. There was another exhibition on and this was a bit more exciting but for some reason the itlaians LOVE!!! Alodo Rossi! I have nothing against hte guy but his buildings well they aren't like my sorta thing. I am more into the modern stuff. But i do how ever love the classics. I htink you can never change or recreate the past. So i think that people should just stop trying. No offense to all those Architects out there who do that. But anyway it was awsoem to see that they loved him enough to put even the sketches he did on napkins etc in frames. I htink thats when you know as an've made it! LOL I want to have my sketches framed LOL. We were in a really old building which was really cool. It was in a library and yeah full of old stuff. Architectureall old stuff so yeah. Was weird though. liked it none the less.

After that we had to buy a ticket for 5Euros whihc would allow us to see someother exhibitions around the city of Parma. It was kinda cool the other exhibitions. They showed some really awsome Architects and wow...the! I realised how important the can be to well tlling your design! How ever I ahve never been a great model maker...but thats ok i will jut pay someone else to make it or me! HEy hey!

As we were walking back to the Train Station I saw this Shop which was dedicated to Paramsen Cheese and well Ham...things I was like I should take a photo for my I did. How ever...
...There was this man...from Russia and he said I should take a photo of I did...yeah the random of hte day!
That was our trip to Parma. We got home lateish and yeah I htink i jsut slept. I had to finih off a project for was a slide show and yeah i was kinda tired and i got a message taht the thing hadn't sent and yeah i was like ahhhhhh grr....but none the less i had fun in parma!
Friday 27th of October was the day of my FIRST and probley not the last Italian Presentation. I had to evaluate my building and stuff and yeah i was like kinda really really really really tired...and i fell asleep "listening" to the other presentations! So yeha I was like wow...when it was my turn I spoke in Itlaian and then I also had a girl translate what I said inEnglish to the rest of the class. I was like hey wow. NAd then it was time to sleep! LOL I had to get up the next day for my first trip with Zola Youth Group! They rock!! and yeah was like eh... that night i didn't get to sleep till something like...2am/ yeah had 2 hours of sleep by the time i got up for the train!
Sturday 28th of October yeah... was really tired by the time I got the train station that was at like 6am...yeah tired. This trip was the first we had gone on. We were going to Lago di Bolsena! It was really cool Femke, Henrique, Patricia, Michel and myself went on this marvellous adventure. Lago di Bolsena is in the South of Tuscany and above Rome. It was like a9 hour bus ride with a 1 hour train ride fomr Cesena to Bologna...oh yeah it was great one! SO here are some photo's! Some of the sexy veiws fomr the bus! It was cool we had a free brekfast at this random place...well it was a petrol stationa nd I was like hey wow this is nice! We got a pasta-or a pastry in english and either a coffee or a Juice. I had a Juice of a Red orange-or well a grape fruit...damn it was sweet i was like eh...sweet and that along with the sweet thing really really woke me up!
This is a picture of the Lago di Bolsena where we were staying. We had an awsome hotel whish was righ on the water front! I was like NO WAY thats tops! We paid 60Euros for the whole trip and usally one twin room would cost like well 90Euros I was like wow...over the moon at this point...I was more then tired...I was turing hyperactive...then when I got on the bus to go to our First city-Vetribo I was like eh...sleep!
This is at the City of Viterbo! The tower probley had some significance but it jsut lokked really cool! It has banding at the top and I was like hey wow. We had an hour or two to look around the city and have some food! It was cool we got some tacky sandwhiches...and walked aorund the city! It was a beautifuls city.
After the 2 hours or so we had a guided tour of the city. It was cool but how ever i didn't understnd much and was concentrating more on the fact she had lipstick on her teeth and really wasn't listneing to anything she was saying. But none the less we went to the other side of the city and saw all cool old stuff! LOL

This is the main church of Bolsena. It's kinda cool inside. This is where a miricale happened where a priest was sceptical of the power of the Lord and decided to hold a mass. As he was breaking the bread blood began to drip and there are the stones...well floor of where the blood had dropped. I was like wow cool!
This was hte city of Oriveto...or somehting like that. It's set on hill as seen above and yeah it's got alot OF AWSOME stuff!! I was liek wow...especially the food! The edge...
How can this...
Turn into this....
This is the begingin of our great Lunch! OH YEAH!! of the 3 i had whilst on this trip, a pizza, and a BRILLIANT Panini-Sandwhich! AHHHHH Bliss!!!
I really had an awsome time on this trip wish i had slept more but yeah. For i think a total of 80-100 Euro's i had a trip which would have cost me well over 200Euro's!! It's amazing!! was awsome!!!
HAve a good one