Centro di Bologna
Saturday 14th- It was the semi guided tour of BOLOGNA. LOL a friend of ours went on a Guided tour of Bologna paid by the Uni which sounded awsome unfortunalty I had to go to UNI all day so that kinda sucked, by Saturday was cool! I will show you all the great photo's and then I will tell you stories about them!!

Fountain near a set of big stairs...they lead to a park which is awsome. Left to right-Henrique, Michel, Edwardo, Myself, Femka-She was our Semi Tour guide it was awsome!!) and Patricia. Nathalie took the photo.

A pretty picture of the fountain. I am not sure if it has a name or anything but still it's pretty cool!

The view over part of the city from the stairs. On your right you can see a set of ruins, which i presume used to be a wall or something from around the city!

These are some Turtles they are in the center of the Park where there is a fountain! and yeah there are a series of awsome sculptures!

An awsome sculpture!

Another Sculpture. I have no idea what it's for but I presume it has something to do with War and as a Memorial thing?? I didn't go and read the plaque.

And this close up kinda suggests it is in deed of war!

Middle of a road in Bologna.
We went walking around. We found a cool Pizzeria thing which was cheap and nice. LOL i used my crappy Italian here as well LOL LOVE IT. We had pizza for lunch which was good stuff and kinda cheap. 5.50 Euros for a WHOLE pizza, Drink and coffee. I was like hey YUMM. Considering most Pizza's well whole ones cost around 5.50 so I was like wow.

This is a random statue in the middle of well a carpark for a church...I was like ooo cool. It's again a monument to something or rather!

THis is the church it has a beautiful stained glass window which is so beautiful and colourful. We never went inside but it was still beautiful!

Nathalie, Femka, Myself and Michel infront of one of the Towers in Bologna. OK the short run down on the tower story, Towers were built as a sign -of the Ruling family at the time- of wealth and power. There are two towers. THe shorter of the two is leanding/pending cause of the soil underneath. The reason as to why it is short is becasue the Church came into rule becamse the family ruling at that time lost all their money and thus were never able to finish it. Thus the construction was stopped and it has reamined short. Kinda cool really! Sad though!

LOL can you see me looking up at the towers LOL.

The Church behind/infront of the Towers-Depends on where you are standing.

View of Via Rizzoli.

This I reacon would be the Palace where the Rich family would have Lived. Or after them it owuld have been the Priest Dude or something so yeah. Now I think it is one of those Community center buildings and stuff so I was like ok cool!

Again the Church.

Entrance into the Church.

Beautiful Archade. Oh it was so cool!!

Just a cool house and a cool SMART car. The Smart cars are for the city cause they are small and well i gues easy to park!

This is Abbazia di San Stefano.It is 4 churches inside one roof. It was 7 but I think the other three were destroyed. In the courtyard there is a famous fountina called Fontana di Pilato. It was just like the picture in my guide book. It was really cool inside. THere is a replica tomb The Holy Sepulchre in Jersulem. The one in Jerusalem was destroyed and this is the only place where you can see it apparently. It i think is the replica tomb thing of Jesus Christ. Not his actualy tomb but a monument to him.

The archade surrounding the Piazza by the Abbazia di Santo Stefano.

Henrique and the Archade and Piazza.

This is the coolest Lamp ever it was like HUGE. close to 2.5m and just BIG and over size. I wanted it but I only had like 30Euros on me...I could have gotten the lighbulb for the lamp...maybe!!

This was a nother awsome church. We could have gone inside but here was a marriage going on so I guess...well we could have been inside but you know... maybe not a good idea. Steal their food and leave LOL.

A pretty building which I think is like a City council or something.

Another great statue or Monument to something or rather...I dunno they are everywhere!

Ok this is the Cool San Petronio. The story of this is awsome but so sad! The Church was commisioned by a family. Who were eventually over run by the Catholic Church, pretty much like the entirity of Italy. The picture above shows how the construction was stopped due to the Rule of the Catholic Church. Originally it was ment to be bigger and better then St, Peters in Rome...but we can't have that now can we?! So it was stopped. It was never finished because it would in deed be bigger and better then that of St Peters.

There are no statues in the Niches of the Facade. The marble facade wasn't finished thus the half and half. Really sad actually!. Inside was...jaw dropping Mulllet eyed!! It was like wow I am in Italy. LOL I was always haveing to remind myself that I was in Italy...kinda seems to be a reacurring thing. LOL But inside is amazing. There are the most beautiful fresco's-those are those paintings on the walls. there were like about 10 Niches-holes in the sides of walls to put stuff in- that were over 4 meters high by 3 meters wide and just covered in gilding-gold detailing on walls etc-paintings and statues. There is a painting done by Dante which represents Mohummad, the Islamic God in Hell. The islamic faith believes that if you are personifing Mohumad you are essentially worshiping and idol. Also Mohummad being portrayed in Hell I guess adds to the evilness of ait all.So that has caused the Terroists" to threaten the church! Every big security thing around the World is watching it and there are Carabinieri everywhere. Plain clothes police in the Piazza and there are security guards everywhere! They ask to check your bags inside. You just open it and thats it.

Inside there is a small hole which allows the sunlight through. At the entrance line there is an oval at the end of this massive line. The line is like a form of telling the time. At one time in the year the sun porduces a full oval shape and is like wow. At the other end of the Line there is a perfect circle... and the same thing happens there, at a certain time in the Year a perfect cirlcle is created through this hole in the wall. it's kinda cool casue there are subtle signs of Freemasons throughout the paintings and stuff...such as stars and stuff. It's really cool!! the Inside is all of Gothis era which was like WOW Gothic Architecture is AMAZING!!! The Notre Damn for example is Gothis and the Duomo in Milan is again a beautiful thing as well!!

The Fountain of Neptune. I learnt that his Hand which he extends is both to symbolise Power over the City and Protection. I was like wow.

This other side of the Piazza.

This Dude was a Pope who realised that Julius Cesar or some dude who first created the Claender had made a booboo. He introduced the Leap year to make up for the time stuff up in out calenders...no idea what his name is but that is kinda cool!

This is a Statue of Mary and Child. It was done by some fansy dude. But yeah Kinda cool. The entire Facades of this building is amazing. this is on your right hand side if you face the front of the San Petronio. It was create din 3 stages and it has 3 different styles of Architecture. You can really tell the difference.

This is behind San Petronio which kinda shows how it jsut stopped.

Random Art exhibition. It was a hanging rock...the building infront of it was one of the First University Buildings in Bologna...and the First i think to do Anatomy...they would cut open bodies and research them like that. A leader of the Church was apotined to over look the way in which it was taught. They would tell the Professor not to talk about that or cut open that bit and yeah. But the cool thing was it was the first University that allowed Women to study there...wow in that day you would never have had that happen.

This dude wa great for science. I have no idea what he did...but if anyone knows anything about a famous Italian scientist that had somethign to do with frogs please let me know! I over heard a lady talking about it so I was like hey cool...but then I got distracted and she was gone...

We came across a random church San Francesco Above 3 photo's) and it was beautiful! Really an architectural WOW!!! LOL Femka and I decided to go in and the others didn't really notice and we just kinda went inside and left the rest...not smart...but anyway...we went inside and there was a mass going on. We sat down and were like WOW cool...but nothing can compare to the San Petronio!! That is Beautiful!!!

Yeah TIRED and Nathalie so AWAKE...it got cold...latter on...but we ate Ice-cream...alot of Ice-cream!

These Photo's above are just ones form the night time. There was a perferomer by the fountain...and every performers in Italy as fire...if you dont' have fire it's just not Italian!! LOL He was ok! I was jsut cold! But yeah it was an awsome day I was pooped after it all. I tried my first roasted chestnut here...not my thing bleh kinda icky!! and weird...I dont' think nuts are ment to be warm...
For now

Fountain near a set of big stairs...they lead to a park which is awsome. Left to right-Henrique, Michel, Edwardo, Myself, Femka-She was our Semi Tour guide it was awsome!!) and Patricia. Nathalie took the photo.

A pretty picture of the fountain. I am not sure if it has a name or anything but still it's pretty cool!

The view over part of the city from the stairs. On your right you can see a set of ruins, which i presume used to be a wall or something from around the city!

These are some Turtles they are in the center of the Park where there is a fountain! and yeah there are a series of awsome sculptures!

An awsome sculpture!

Another Sculpture. I have no idea what it's for but I presume it has something to do with War and as a Memorial thing?? I didn't go and read the plaque.

And this close up kinda suggests it is in deed of war!

Middle of a road in Bologna.
We went walking around. We found a cool Pizzeria thing which was cheap and nice. LOL i used my crappy Italian here as well LOL LOVE IT. We had pizza for lunch which was good stuff and kinda cheap. 5.50 Euros for a WHOLE pizza, Drink and coffee. I was like hey YUMM. Considering most Pizza's well whole ones cost around 5.50 so I was like wow.

This is a random statue in the middle of well a carpark for a church...I was like ooo cool. It's again a monument to something or rather!

THis is the church it has a beautiful stained glass window which is so beautiful and colourful. We never went inside but it was still beautiful!

Nathalie, Femka, Myself and Michel infront of one of the Towers in Bologna. OK the short run down on the tower story, Towers were built as a sign -of the Ruling family at the time- of wealth and power. There are two towers. THe shorter of the two is leanding/pending cause of the soil underneath. The reason as to why it is short is becasue the Church came into rule becamse the family ruling at that time lost all their money and thus were never able to finish it. Thus the construction was stopped and it has reamined short. Kinda cool really! Sad though!

LOL can you see me looking up at the towers LOL.

The Church behind/infront of the Towers-Depends on where you are standing.

View of Via Rizzoli.

This I reacon would be the Palace where the Rich family would have Lived. Or after them it owuld have been the Priest Dude or something so yeah. Now I think it is one of those Community center buildings and stuff so I was like ok cool!

Again the Church.

Entrance into the Church.

Beautiful Archade. Oh it was so cool!!

Just a cool house and a cool SMART car. The Smart cars are for the city cause they are small and well i gues easy to park!

This is Abbazia di San Stefano.It is 4 churches inside one roof. It was 7 but I think the other three were destroyed. In the courtyard there is a famous fountina called Fontana di Pilato. It was just like the picture in my guide book. It was really cool inside. THere is a replica tomb The Holy Sepulchre in Jersulem. The one in Jerusalem was destroyed and this is the only place where you can see it apparently. It i think is the replica tomb thing of Jesus Christ. Not his actualy tomb but a monument to him.

The archade surrounding the Piazza by the Abbazia di Santo Stefano.

Henrique and the Archade and Piazza.

This is the coolest Lamp ever it was like HUGE. close to 2.5m and just BIG and over size. I wanted it but I only had like 30Euros on me...I could have gotten the lighbulb for the lamp...maybe!!

This was a nother awsome church. We could have gone inside but here was a marriage going on so I guess...well we could have been inside but you know... maybe not a good idea. Steal their food and leave LOL.

A pretty building which I think is like a City council or something.

Another great statue or Monument to something or rather...I dunno they are everywhere!

Ok this is the Cool San Petronio. The story of this is awsome but so sad! The Church was commisioned by a family. Who were eventually over run by the Catholic Church, pretty much like the entirity of Italy. The picture above shows how the construction was stopped due to the Rule of the Catholic Church. Originally it was ment to be bigger and better then St, Peters in Rome...but we can't have that now can we?! So it was stopped. It was never finished because it would in deed be bigger and better then that of St Peters.

There are no statues in the Niches of the Facade. The marble facade wasn't finished thus the half and half. Really sad actually!. Inside was...jaw dropping Mulllet eyed!! It was like wow I am in Italy. LOL I was always haveing to remind myself that I was in Italy...kinda seems to be a reacurring thing. LOL But inside is amazing. There are the most beautiful fresco's-those are those paintings on the walls. there were like about 10 Niches-holes in the sides of walls to put stuff in- that were over 4 meters high by 3 meters wide and just covered in gilding-gold detailing on walls etc-paintings and statues. There is a painting done by Dante which represents Mohummad, the Islamic God in Hell. The islamic faith believes that if you are personifing Mohumad you are essentially worshiping and idol. Also Mohummad being portrayed in Hell I guess adds to the evilness of ait all.So that has caused the Terroists" to threaten the church! Every big security thing around the World is watching it and there are Carabinieri everywhere. Plain clothes police in the Piazza and there are security guards everywhere! They ask to check your bags inside. You just open it and thats it.

Inside there is a small hole which allows the sunlight through. At the entrance line there is an oval at the end of this massive line. The line is like a form of telling the time. At one time in the year the sun porduces a full oval shape and is like wow. At the other end of the Line there is a perfect circle... and the same thing happens there, at a certain time in the Year a perfect cirlcle is created through this hole in the wall. it's kinda cool casue there are subtle signs of Freemasons throughout the paintings and stuff...such as stars and stuff. It's really cool!! the Inside is all of Gothis era which was like WOW Gothic Architecture is AMAZING!!! The Notre Damn for example is Gothis and the Duomo in Milan is again a beautiful thing as well!!

The Fountain of Neptune. I learnt that his Hand which he extends is both to symbolise Power over the City and Protection. I was like wow.

This other side of the Piazza.

This Dude was a Pope who realised that Julius Cesar or some dude who first created the Claender had made a booboo. He introduced the Leap year to make up for the time stuff up in out calenders...no idea what his name is but that is kinda cool!

This is a Statue of Mary and Child. It was done by some fansy dude. But yeah Kinda cool. The entire Facades of this building is amazing. this is on your right hand side if you face the front of the San Petronio. It was create din 3 stages and it has 3 different styles of Architecture. You can really tell the difference.

This is behind San Petronio which kinda shows how it jsut stopped.

Random Art exhibition. It was a hanging rock...the building infront of it was one of the First University Buildings in Bologna...and the First i think to do Anatomy...they would cut open bodies and research them like that. A leader of the Church was apotined to over look the way in which it was taught. They would tell the Professor not to talk about that or cut open that bit and yeah. But the cool thing was it was the first University that allowed Women to study there...wow in that day you would never have had that happen.

This dude wa great for science. I have no idea what he did...but if anyone knows anything about a famous Italian scientist that had somethign to do with frogs please let me know! I over heard a lady talking about it so I was like hey cool...but then I got distracted and she was gone...

We came across a random church San Francesco Above 3 photo's) and it was beautiful! Really an architectural WOW!!! LOL Femka and I decided to go in and the others didn't really notice and we just kinda went inside and left the rest...not smart...but anyway...we went inside and there was a mass going on. We sat down and were like WOW cool...but nothing can compare to the San Petronio!! That is Beautiful!!!

Yeah TIRED and Nathalie so AWAKE...it got cold...latter on...but we ate Ice-cream...alot of Ice-cream!

These Photo's above are just ones form the night time. There was a perferomer by the fountain...and every performers in Italy as fire...if you dont' have fire it's just not Italian!! LOL He was ok! I was jsut cold! But yeah it was an awsome day I was pooped after it all. I tried my first roasted chestnut here...not my thing bleh kinda icky!! and weird...I dont' think nuts are ment to be warm...
For now